midterm Flashcards
Which of the following models of family interaction is based largely on the psychoanalytic model
psychodynamic theory
Which of the following does not characterize a double-bind situation?
-Parental yielding to infantile demands
The degree of affect expressed within a family, especially noteworthy in families with members suffering with schizophrenia, where intense, negative interactions are considered a factor in relapse describes the theory of:
Expressed emotion
Clients need to be told of the possible risks before commencing treatment. This is an example of
-informed consent
One goal in Family Systems therapy is for each family member to
-maximize self differentiation
A major characteristic of strategic therapists is:
-issuing directives
Many researchers specifically find fault with clinicians of their:
-willingness to adopt untested clinical procedures?
A general cultural sensitivity to families characterizes
-The multicultural approach
Symptoms are strategies for controlling a relationship when other strategies have failed, according to:
Three subsystems are important in Minuchin’s approach. Which of the following is NOT one of those?
Extended (most important are spousal, parental, sibling)
The family therapist most closely identified with solution-focused brief therapy is
de shazer
A primary therapeutic goal for structuralists is
-organizational change (from the powerpoints: Clear boundaries between all subsystems;
Effective parental hierarchy; Family structure that promotes development and growth of individual and family)
Family therapists have sought licensing because
-all the above
Cybernetics refers to a systems method of
feedback control
systems-oriented clinicians are most interested in
the process, what how, when, but not why
From a family life cycle perspective, psychiatric symptoms in a family member represent:
A signal family is having problems mastering the tasks at tstage in cylcle
Clinical theories that focus on the individual probably emphasize
Intrapsychic events
Research efforts in family therapy over the last two decades have been directed at:
Empirically-validated therapies
Sibling position, in Bowen’s theory, refers to the relationship between marital partners based on:
Their birth order