Midterm Flashcards
According to the LDS.org article, how is the doctrine of the Church established?
The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together to establish doctrine.
What did Elder Bednar say is the focal point in a covenant marriage relationship?
Jesus Christ
When did the earliest Christian father dispute the concept of deification
by the end of the first century
According to our readings, what is our highest aspiration?
To become like our heavenly parents
According to our readings, what doctrinal teaching “widened the perceived gulf” between man and God?
The doctrine of creation ex nihilo (out of nothing)
Joseph Smith taught: “If men do not comprehend the character of God they do not comprehend_______________”
Elder Oaks taught that our theology begins with____________
Heavenly Parents
President Harold B. Lee taught that Heavenly Mother is likely even more concerned for us than our earthly mother is ( T or F)
What analogy did Elder Callister use to explain why Adam and Eve had to fall?
A car stuck in neutral
According to our readings, the saving ordinances are much more than a check list of actions - they are ________________
The key that opens the doors of heavenly power
According to our readings, besides statements speaking of Heavenly Mother’s pro-creative role, what other roles have general leaders spoken about?
Co-Creator of worlds
Co-framer of the plan of salvation
Continued involvment in our mortal probation
Which was the first commandment given to Adam and Eve?
Multiply and Replenish the earth
According to our readings, Joseph F. Smith said being a great father or mother was more
than to be a successful general or a successful statesman.
Julie B. Beck taught that the theology of the family is based on __________
the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement.
According to Sister Beck, the Fall provided a way for __________________.
the family to grow.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks warned of which of the following efforts by Satan to destroy the plan?
To confuse gender, undermine marriage, & discourage childbearing. (All of the above.)
Which one of these three issues was not mentioned by Elder Bednar as Satan’s most direct and diabolical attack on the family?
- confuse understanding about gender
- to promote the premature and unrighteous use of procreative power
- to hinder righteous marriage precisely because marriage is ordained of God and the family is central to the plan of happiness. (So whichever answer is not included in here is the answer.)
Sister Beck taught: “Any doctrine or principle our youth hear from the world that is antifamily is also________________.”
What was Elder Bednar’s “Reason 1” for why eternal marriage is essential to our exaltation?
The natures of male and female spirits complete and perfect each other, and therefore men and women are intended to progress together toward exaltation.
In answering the question, “Why are men ordained to priesthood offices and not women?” President Gordon B. Hinckley explained __________
it was the Lord, not man, “who designated that men in His Church should hold the priesthood” and that it was also the Lord who endowed women with “capabilities to round out this great and marvelous organization, which is the Church and kingdom of God.”
Elder Oaks taught that there is one exception to the fact that sisters do not officiate in priesthood ordinances. What is the exception?
the sacred work that sisters do in the temple under the keys held by the … only one who holds a priesthood office can officiate in a priesthood ordinance.
Elder Oaks suggested that the words homosexual, lesbian, and gay are ________ and thus we should refrain from using them as nouns to identify particular conditions or specific persons.
According to Elder Oaks, What is the most important help the Church can offer to those who have surrendered to sin (including sexual behavior between people of the same gender)?
teach true doctrine and administer the divine ordinances of the restored gospel.
Rather than deny the reality of same gender attraction, how should we view the fact that some people are romantically attracted to people of the same gender?
As a temporary condition that will be resolved in the next life
When thinking about things we do not fully understand, Elder Ballard suggested that we follow the counsel of Elder Neal Maxwell who taught what?
What we already know about God teaches us to trust him for what we do not know fully
As quoted in Brother Goodman’s article, what did Sheri Dew teach would make us more immune to Satan and his counterfeits to Heavenly Father’s plan?
the more clearly we understand our divine destiny, the more immune we become to Satan.
According to the Church’s article on marriage, Why will the Church “continue to defend the sanctity of marriage between a man and a women” in the public square?
Because it is a compelling moral issue of profound importance
Elder Ballard taught that in God’s eyes, there really is such a thing as equal but not the same when it comes to His sons and daughters.
President Uchtdorf taught, “Even if we were to serve God with our whole souls, it is not enough, for we would still be _______________.
unprofitable servants
What was the second principle Linda Burton taught that would increase of faith in Jesus Christ?
Through the atonement, we can overcome the natural man or woman
What was the first principle Linda Burton taught that would increase of faith in Jesus Christ?
The Atonement can make all unfair things right
Elder Christofferson taught, “If justification removes the punishment for past sin, then sanctification ________________”
Removes the stain or effects of sin
We learned from Elder Christofferson that “None of us, of course, is perfectly obedient, and thus we rely on________…” what?
Our baptismal covenant
The apostle John wrote speaking of Jesus, “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me____________”
ye can do nothing
President Uchtdorf stated: “Yes, we do have the fulness of the everlasting gospel, but that does not mean……..” what?
That we know everything.
Which scriptural account did Sister McConkie use to illustrate how we should follow the prophet?
The widow hearkening unto Elijah.
President Uchtdorf suggested that a great danger when determining truth is to decide an issue based on only partial information.
The Church exhorts all people to approach the gospel with the spirit and______________.
The intellect.
Elder Hafen counsels us to approach ambiguity with our eyes and our _____________ wide open.
According to President Uchtdorf, what is one of Satan’s “primary strategy” to attack those who already embrace truth?
To spread the seeds of doubt regarding the things we thought we knew.
President Uchtdorf counseled, “The invitation to trust the Lord ____________” (fill in the blank)
does not relieve us from the responsibilty to know for ourselves.
Carol F. McConkie mentions three primary roles of a prophet. 1, Messenger of Righteousness, 2, Witness of Christ, and 3. _________________
Holder of Priesthood Keys.
According to the article on LDS.org, before a man or a women could enter into a plural marriage, they had to ______________
Get permission from the Church Leaders
According to Elder Nelson what is the greatest compliment that can be earned in this life
That you were a covenant keeper
According to Elder Oaks, In real bad circumstances, Bishops may counsel a person to seek a divorce
According to Elder Kofford, If there is a difficulty in marriage that is serious enough to threaten their marriage relationship _________________
One or both are not living the gospel of Jesus Christ
What does the patriachal order refer to according to Elder Kofford?
Priesthood government by family organization
Elder Nelson stated: “When we realize that we are children of the covenant, _____________________.”
we know who we are and what God expects of us
According to Elder Oaks, what two qualities are indicative of “the kind of marriage required for exaltation”?
Eternal in duration and Godlike in quality
Rather than uniting two people, Elder Kofford believes sealing refers to ______________
Conferring the blessings of God upon both spouses
According to Elder Oaks, what is the best way to avoid divorce from an unfaithful, abusive, or unsupportive spouse?
Not marrying such a person
When Brother Holman looked back and realized how immature and inexperienced he was when he married he asked his wife how she had dared to marry him. What was her response?
She saw potential.
Elder Holland stated: “While you should be friendly with all people, ______________________”
select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you
Elder Robbins taught a man at a seminar that since love is a verb, the feeling of love _____________
is the fruit of love
President Hinckley as well as others taught that we should avoid steady dating a person until we are ready to marry.
What are the three P’s of dating Elder Oaks mentioned?
planned, paired off, and paid for
Sister Oaks counselled women to ___________ while still single.
be balanced
According to Elder Jeffrey Holland, “You separate dating from _______ at your peril.”
According to Thomas Holman, what does Prophetic counsel teach us about what it takes to find a marriage partner?
Spiritual sensitivity
>All of the above
President Monson quoted President Lee who said we are not doing our duty as priesthood holders if _____________
we go beyond marriageable age and withold ourselves…from marriage
According to Elder Bednar, grace is defined as _______________
A strengthening or enabling power from God
President Uchtdorf stated, “we seek to obey our Heavenly Father because _________________”
our spirits will become more attuned to spiritual things
According to Elder Christofferson, what is necessary to make us agents to act instead of objects to be acted on?
Elder Holland stated: “may I remind you, as Mormon explicitly taught, that this love, this ability, capacity, and reciprocation we all so want, is ______________.”
a gift
According to Elder Holland, what often precedes great spiritual moments?
Adversity, opposition, and darkness
What was the third lesson Elder Holland taught in his talk, Cast not away therefore your confidence that we can take from D&C section 8?
God will provide the means and power we need
What did Elder Holland suggest plays a destructive, sometimes paralyzing role in the process of revelation?
Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated: “Well, maybe it will be a little shock to you, but never in my life did I ever ask the Lord ____________.”
whom I ought to marry
Why did Elder Turley share the reality that many of our hopes and dreams will likely not come true?
To help us focus on true love
According to Elder Holland, what is “the first element of divine love”?
Elder Turley quoted President Hinckley’s statement when he said: “I am satisfied that a happy marriage ________________________.”
is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion
Whose experience did Elder McConkie use as his case study number one?
Oliver Cowdery