MIDTERM 3 Flashcards
An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
Mainstream view of development:
- All economies can develop (become like the west) if they choose to adopt appropriate policies and strategies
- Uneven development is a temporary condition
- Modernization theory
- Underdevelopment can be fixed by the capitalist system and free enterprise
Modernization theory of development
1950’s and 60’s:
idea that all societies can/should/will develop along the same path as that taken by Europe/NA and end up in the same place.
Truth is:
- Formerly colonized countries cannot take the same path because their land and resources have been taken away/exploited
- Colonizing countries had access to all land and resources they wanted
Alternative View of development (held by most economic geographers):
Capitalism creates uneven development over space and time
Unevenness is an inevitable outcome of capitalism
Impossible that capitalism would lead to greater equalities
Capitalism creates inequalities
How is value created?
Labor adds value
Socially produced
Demand & Supply
Transport costs
Symptoms of uneven growth and development
uneven production of goods and services
uneven wealth distribution
urban, regional, national, global inequalities
Half of world’s wealth now in hands of ___ of population
1% of the population
U.S. has ___ of the world’s billionaires
46% of the world’s billionaires
___ million people control ____% of the world’s wealth
32 million people control 41% of the world’s wealth
Economic Structures or systems:
- Peasant economies (subsistence)
- Feudalism / Tribute
- Cooperative or Collectivized
- Capitalism
Use Value
The benefit humans get from having or consuming something
Exchange Value
The monetary worth of a good or a service traded in the market economy
Types of Value
Use Value
Exchange Value
Characteristics of capitalism
- A small group of people own the assets necessary for value creation.
- Value created through labour (human & other-than-human)
- Class system: Human workers sell their labour for wages
- Profit imperative
- Continual growth
- Dynamism, creativity, crisis: Creative destruction
- Uneven development
3 contradictions of capitalism
Growth increases the price of labour, BUT
profit requires labour costs to be minimized
- they try to find technological ways to reduce labour and costs. - reduce wages - lead to crisis of accumulation
Low wages produce low demand for goods,
BUT growth depends on increasing demand.
If wages are low, demand slows down BUT growth depends on increasing demand.
Crisis of over-accumulation
Capitalists have more products than they can sell, or idle machinery that cannot be used to full capacity. An oversupply of goods/id machinery and insufficient demand.
Crisis of over accumulation lead to:
An accumulation of wealth, but on the basis of a work force that cannot afford to buy the products that they create.
Temporary solutions to crises of over accumulation:
sell to new markets (dumping)
reduce wages
more labour saving machinery