midterm 3 Flashcards
Homo habilis
Early human species, known as ‘Handy-man’
Homo rudolfensis
Another species within early genus Homo
Cranial Capacity
Benchmark of 600 cc for early Homo members
Olduvai Gorge
Key archaeological site in Tanzania, East Africa
Famous family of paleoanthropologists in Africa
Homo Naledi
Species discovered in Rising Star Cave, South Africa
Olduwan Industry
Earliest known stone tool culture
Core tools
Basic stone tools used by early humans
study of processes affecting fossilization
Microwear patterns
scratches on bones indicating tool use
C3 plants
Plants that utilize the C3 carbon fixation pathway
C4 grasses
Plants like rice, adapted to hot environment
Study of rock layers and their historical significance
Older layers are found beneath younger layers
Absolute dating
Determines exact age in years of fossils
Relative Dating
estimates age based on surrounding materials
Potassium-argon dating
Measures radioactive decay of potassium isotopes
Carbon 14 dating
Dating method for organic materials, unstable with half life of 5730 years
Relative dating based on fossil species distribution
Piltdown Man
Famous archaeological hoax involving human skull fragments
Java Man
Early human fossil discovered in Indonesia
Pithecanthropus erectus
Former name for Java Man, meaning ‘ape man’
Homo erectus
First hominin to migrate out of Africa
Nariokotome Boy
Complete skeleton of a young Homo erectus
Acheulean tool industry
Stone tool culture known for hand axes
Homo antecessor
Early European Homo species found in Spain
Site in Georgia with early Homo ergaster fossils
Cave site in China with Homo erectus remains
F. Clark Howell
Paleoanthropologist known for taphonomic studies
Broca’s area
Language production center in the human brain
Wernicke’s area
Language comprehension center in the human brain
inability to name objects or concepts
cheese effect
brain floating in fluid, Prakinson’s symptoms
Triune Brain
Brain structure model: neocortex, limbic, reptilian
Brain region for higher cognitive functions
limbic system
brain region involved in emotion and memory
Reptilian complex
Brain part responsible for survival instincts
Mold of the brain’s interior from cranium
FOXP2 gene
gene critical for vocalization in mammals
brain size relative to body size measure
technological intelligence school
focus on tool use and technological skills
Ecological intelligence school
emphasis on environmental navigation and memory
social/machiavellian intelligence school
understanding social dynamics and group interactions
fission fusion societies
dynamic social structures in dolphin groups
Neandertal genome
genetic analysis revealing Neandertal diversity
Occipital bun
protrusion on Neandertal skull for muscle attachment
Mousterian tool industry
Neandertal tool-making technique using Levallois method
Out of Africa theory
Modern humans evolved in Africa, migrated globally
Multiregional theory
Humans evolved separately in Africa, Asia and Europe
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
Maternal inheritance used for genetic tracing
Ancient human species closely related to Neandertals
Homo Floresiensis
Dward human species from Flores, Indonesia
Upper Palaeolithic tools
advanced stone tools used by early humans
Venus figuriness
female statuettes possibly related to fertility