MIDTERM 3 Flashcards
Definition of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
1. In contact with an animal who died of anthrax, diseased with anthrax or suspected to have anthrax within 20 days prior to confirmation
2. Consumed feedstuff or water of the same origin as feddstuff or water of animal who died of anthrax, diseases with anthrax or suspected to have anthrax
3. Grazed on a pasture infected with anthrax without vaccination 2 weeks to 6 months before grazing
4. We can see non-typical signs and the suspected infected animal has fever
Topic 1
Definition of animals diseased with anthrax
1. Diseased animal show typical clinical signs
2. Show characteristic lesions in the organs
3. Confirm diseased animal by laboraty findings
Topic 2
Official measures in case of animals diseased with anthrax
Official surveillance of animals is separated into 3 groups:
1.diseased and suspected of being diseased
2.suspected of being infected
3.other susceptible animals
Animals diseases or suspected of being diseased receive immediate obligatory treatment with change of feedstuff and drinking water and no grazing
Topic 3
Official measures in case of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
Must be vaccinated, followed by 14 days observation.
1. In cattle+horse = take temperature every day
2. In sheep, goats, pigs = daily observation
3. In case of fever or clinical signs = The animal is considered as suspected of being diseases and immediate treatment is required
Topic 4
Rules of taking samples in case of FMD suspicion
1. 1g of tissue from the epithelium of an unruptured or freshly vesicle
2. Epithelium samples must be placed in a transport medium maintained at 7.2-7.4 pH and 4 degrees celsius during transport
3.Where vesicle sampling is not possible, blood, saliva and/or esophageal pharyngeal fluid samples may be taken by a probang cup in Ru and a throat swab in Su
4.Myocardial tissue or blood can also be submitted from fatal cases but vesicles are preferred if present
5. Samples from suspected cases must be transported to authorised laboratories according to international regulations
Topic 5
Use of vaccination in case of confirmation of FMD
1.Trade in vaccinated animals is prohibited BUT vaccinated animals from tested herds may be moved within a Member State; a system of traceability ensures they are excluded from Community Trade
2. Emergency vaccination requires the classification of herds, with animals clearly
identified and registered
3.Animals must not be moved and specific measures must be taken in the vaccination zone to control the movement of fresh meat, milk, and other milk/animal products
4. A clinical and serological survey must be undertaken and 2 forms of vaccination protocol may be followed:
1. Suppressive vaccination = as part of an immediate stamping out strategy, all animals on clearly identified holdings, exclusively within the protection zone, are vaccinated to ensure minimum spread of the virus during the disposal of infected animals
2. Protective vaccination = vaccination zone is regionalised and all animals in the zone are vaccinated, with a second surveillance zone of at least 10 km radius then established
Topic 6
Rules of recovery of foot-and mouth disease free status if no vaccination has been used
1.The control and eradication measures laid down for the protection and surveillance zones have been effective and may be lifted
2. There has been at least 3 months since the last recorded outbreak
Topic 7
Definition of brucellosis infection free bovine herd
1.No clinical signs for at least 12 months
2. No vaccination for at least 3 years
3.All animals introduced to the herd are from officially free herds OR have tested
negative within 30 days prior to introduction
4. All animals over 12 months must test negative in 2 serological tests performed 6-12 months apart
Topic 8
Definition of positive single intradermal tuberculin test
1.Clinical signs are observed
2.Increase in 4 mm or more in thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site
Topic 9
Definition of negative single intradermal tuberculin test
1.No clinical signs such as diffuse or extensive oedema, exudation, necrosis, pain, or inflammation of the lymphatic ducts or lymph nodes
2. Only limited swelling is observed with an increase of no more than 2 mm in thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site
Topic 10
Definition of positive comparative intradermal tuberculin test
1. Clinical signs are observed
2. Positive bovine tuberculosis reaction is observed which is more than 4 mm greater than the avian tuberculosis reaction
Topic 11
Definition of negative comparative intradermal tuberculin test
1. Clinical signs absent in both cases AND
2. Negative bovine tuberculosis reaction
3. Positive/inconclusive bovine tuberculosis reaction that is less than or equal to a positive/inconclusive avian tuberculosis reaction
Topic 12
Definition of officially tuberculosis free bovine herd
1. No clinical signs for 12 months
2.All animals over 6 weeks have to undergo 2 official intradermal tuberculin tests, where the first test is administered 6 months after the removal of the last infected animals, and the second test is administered 6-12 months later
3.All animals introduced to the herd are from officially free herds or have tested negative within 30 days prior to introduction
4. All animals over the age of 12 months must be yearly or two-yearly tuberculin tested
5.Compulsory investigation of meat and lesions
Topic 13
Definition of animals diseased of equine infectious anaemia
1.Typical clinical signs
2.Displaying non-typical clinical signs but demonstrate carrying the virus and/or tested positive serologically to 2 tests 21 days apart
3.Demonstrated diseased by histopathology or pathology
Topic 25
Definition of animals suspected of being contaminated with equine infectious anaemia
1. Animals kept with diseased/suspected of being diseased animals within a 90 day
period prior to confirmation of the disease
2. No clinical signs but tested positive serologically on 1 occasion
3.Tested inconclusive serologically on 2 occasions 21 days apart
Topic 26
Evaluation of ophthalmic test in case of glanders
1. Less reliable than intradermo-palpebral tests
2. Instillation of 0.2 ml of mallein into the conjunctiva at the canthus of the eye after 24 hours rest
3. In an infected/positive animal the eyelids and sometimes the side of the face become swollen and there may be purulent discharge from the eye
4.If only a mucoid discharge is seen without any swelling the test is deemed
5. The reaction may also occur at a lesser extent to the opposite eye
Topic 27
Official control measures in case of confirmation of African horse sickness outbreak
1.All infected animals are to be killed and their carcasses exposed of, along with any other animal waste
2. The public is to be informed of all official restrictions and an epizootiological enquiry is to be launched taking into account relevant geographical and climatic conditions
3. Holding strictly cleaned and disinfected
4. Official surveillance and obligatory vaccination along with laboratory examination of all dogs and killing of any diseased dogs is to be undertaken in a 20 km radius around the holding
Topic 28
Rules of lifting the restrictions ordered in case of scabies
Observation periods
⭢ Wool less than 2cm = 42 days after dipping
⭢ Wool more than 2cm = 70 days after 2x dippings
⭢ If other means of treatment = 42 days
Other species:
42 days after 2x treatments
Topic 39
Official control measures with rabbit flocks diseased of viral haemorrhagic disease
Movement restriction, killing of all rabbits with correct disposal of carcasses, slaughter is prohibited
1. If valuable flock:
- only killing of the diseased animals, vaccination of the healthy animals, movement restriction and vaccination for the next 6 months
- Movement restriction of rabbits/products/anything likely to be contaminated
2. Within protection zone: authorization for transport of healthy animals to slaughterhouse may be given by the veterinary authority
3. Within surveillance zone: movement restriction and vaccination
Topic 40