MIDTERM 2 Flashcards
What is the rate of population increase formula
r=(birth rate-death rate) + (immigration-emigration)
What is globally the most important change in terms of rate
infant mortality rate
what is infant mortality rate
of death before the age of 1 or less per 1000
What is total fertility rate
number of children expected per mother
What is life expectancy and what happens with it from country to country, what is the current average
number of years someone is expected to live, it varies wildly from country to country, the current average is 70
What is RNI and where is it higher
Rate of Natural Increase (that is the birth rate-death rate), it is higher for “developing” countries
What is doubling time ? how is it calculated
the time for the population to double, the formulas is 70/growth rate
What are reasons for population increase
larger supply of food (for RNI) , transportation (for migrants)
What lays the foundation for population growth
economic growth
What usually causes death rate to decrease
health improvement
Why does the population increases (fundamentally)
because the death rate decreases
What is the FIRST stage of demographic transition, describe it
- high birth rate
- high death rate
- long doubling time
- no society today (or at least that we know of)
What is the SECOND of demographic transition, describe it, what is its doubling time, give example
- high birth rate (because no confidence children will survive)
- declining death rate
- doubling 20-30 years
- Kenya 2018
- Europe 1950s
What is the THIRD of demographic transition, describe it, what is its doubling time, give example
- Declining birth rate
- Declining death rate
- Doubling time = 40-70 years
- Turkey 2018
- Brazil 2018
- Shri-Lanka
What is the FOURTH of demographic transition, describe it, what is its doubling time, give example
- death rate below birth rate
- deficit
- will not double without immigration (infinite DT time)
- Germany 2018
What can we notice in the pyramid in the American population composition in terms of the civil war impact
There is a chunk of young males missing
Populations have ________, describe it
Momentum - tendency for growing populations to continue growing after a fertility decline because of their young age distribution
How does a country manage population growth ?
-Fertility rate is the main point, blocking migration doesn’t influence that much
Define Prenatal, its motivation and methods
-Desire to increase fertility rate
- children = assets for work on farm (for eg)
-social norms
-Methods ? … government policy (for political, cultural reasons) eg: Quebec prenatal policy, day-care, free mini-van
Define Antinatal , What is its Moto, What are the two different approaches
-Desire to decrease fertility rate
- Later (delay), Longer (space), Fewer (less)
- Coercive ( state says “no more than 1”, normative)
-Voluntary (example: education)
Development process is endogenous to _______
birth rate
Which Antinatal method is the most effective
Rate of increase is decreased to reach ________
world population stationary
% of population in Asia and Africa
78 or 71 ???
Where will most of the new world population be located
developing countries
____/100 children added are in _______
90, developing countries
People move ____ freely than _____, why ?
move less , than capital
because policies, politics …
Immigration is growing by _____, why ?
-more refugees, economical migrants (wanting a better life)
What are the two types of migration + describe them
Voluntary (war, moved without choice) and Involuntary (seeking new opportunities, higher income etc)
What are the two type of migration factors (+description), who coined them
- PUSH (political crisis, environmental, etc) and PULL ( better jobs, opportunities, condition)
- Ravenstein
In terms of economic opportunity, _____ differ _____
wages, widely
If the labor supply in Mexico decreases, the wages will ______
If the labor supply in the USA increases, the wages will ______
In theory, wages should ______ between countries
In practice, wages_______ but ______ and due to _______ in _______. This reality also comprises ____________
converge but not as much as in theory and due to progress in sending country.
Immigration Policies
What are the 4 migration pathways
- South to South (low income to low income)
- South to North (low income to high income)
- North to South ( high income to low income)
- North to North (high income to high income)
Who is migrating in South to North migration ? Why ?
-Youngs males, labor opportunities
Who is migration is South to South ? Why ?
-Very old, very young (?)
The flow of refugee is very _____ and happens mostly in the ________ pathway
small (5% of total migration), south to south
Drivers of North to South
- Economic opportunities
- Global companies
- Return Migration
- Student Migration
- Retirement Migration
Consequences of migration
- Employment in key sectors (some countries need migration + the productivity of an individual increase in a fluid economy )
- Taxes and Revenue (net gain of migrants by contribution to economy )
- Brain drain (best and brightest leave)
- Brain gain (by capital returns to family and inspiration)
Well-Being in South to North migration ________ but _______
-improves but loss in social status and emotional security
Well-Being in South to South migration _____
-does not improve, its a matter of survival
Well-Being in North to North migration _____
Money from migrant to home country = _______ and is ______
Remittance, is very important in size and effect, swamps foreign aid in family condition
What is Internal Migration ?
Flow within countries, example = rural to urban
What are drivers of internal migration ?
- PULL : high wages, better life
- PUSH : violence in country side
Which country has experience the greater human migration ? Which direction
China- interior to coast
Urbanization leads to …
- Dynamization, Creates cities
- Increase in income, wages and cost of living
- Return inland where prices are lower
______ also has a lot of internal migrants
________ is getting greater and more impactful than ________ (in terms of migration)
internal migration than international
Define “natural ressource”
useful resource coming from the environment (it is a economic, social and cultural construct)
What is the resource scarcity/substitution cycle
when resource is scarce (high price), R&D will try to find substitutes
what are the two types of resources
non-renewable- renewable
Define non-renewable ressources
Fixed stock, Measured by reserve, Private property , can be renewed by in more than a life time
Define the 3 types of reserves
- Estimated reserve (whole estimate)
- Proven reserve (profitable to extract at given price)
- Potential (would be available if price higher)
Define renewable ressources
Grow or Flow, cycle, state or common property, measure with replacement rate, aimed to extract below that rate
Issues with renewable resources
- ecosystems are not well-behaved
- not aware of long-term consequences of extraction
- Different/varying growth rate (ex: between different trees)
Define the “population bomb” view
growth will strip all resources from earth
Year of the oil crisis
What is the club of Rome
scientist, industrials getting together to discuss the state of the world, first global conversation.
Ran simulations in terms of running out of resources
Origin of debate from concerns of resources
Coincides with oil crisis
Explain Malthusian view
From Thomas Malthus
“Population will increase exponentially while food supply will increase only arithmetically”
“Power of population is greater than the earth’s”
Very influential
Neo-Malthusian focuses on carrying capacity
Explain the Marxian view
Malthus is wrong- enough resources to go around- distribution is the issue
Technology transcends limits through innovation
We can change the carrying capacity (ex:trade)
solution = revolution
Explain the Ultimate Resource View”
Human ingenuity is the ultimate natural resource
Emphasis on technology and institutions (markets) to overcome problems
Population is the solution
solution = promoting markets
What are the 3 main cereals
we eat only ________% of what we could eat
Depict importance of agriculture (5 factors)
- international trade
- income (very important in dev. countries)
- employment (direct = farming , indirect = irrigation)
- Livelihood
- Environment (water, green house gas, land use)
Trillions of dollars of international trade are invested in
Agriculture employs _____ of the world population
______ of population depend of agriculture for their lively hoos
What are the 3 types of agriculture
- Substance (very rare nowadays)
- Cash Cropping (foot in both substance and selling), from peasant to specialized producers, able to bounce back)
- Industrial/commercial (large scale, intensive, very detrimental, capitalism)
What is the goal of agricultural innovations
Get as much out of land as possible, yields vary greatly
Geography of agriculture is guided by __________
the availability of relative factor endowment ( LLK)
What are the 2 strategies of agricultural innovation
Agricultural Intensification
Biological Innovation
What is agricultural intensification
increase in outputs by increase in input
Boserupian intensification = as population grows, farmers intensify cultivation
Turning Malthus around - POP creates FOOD
Green revolution
1930-1970 Mechanization Synthetic fertilizer Genetically modified dwarf varieties food manufacturing processing, canning, packaging)
The price of food is _______
declining because of increased productivity
Fossil fuels are the ______ of the economy
Energy and economic growth are _______
tightly linked