Midterm Flashcards
- end/goa/meta/telos
- study of the end
Who gave us the 4 principles of double effect?
St. Thomas Aquinas
1st catechism of the U.S.
Baltimore Catechism
Purpose of life quote
“to know, to love, and to serve God in this life so as to be happy with Him forever in the next.”
What is Morality?
What type of term is it?
- doing what is right from the perspective of divinity
- theological term
What is Ethics?
What type of term is it?
- doing what is right from the perspective of humanity
- philosophical term
The first three commandments are about __(1)__, the rest eight are about __(2)__.
- God’s relationship with us/Vertical
- Our relationship with people/Horizontal
three components that make up the Moral Act
What is Objective Morality?
concept that truth exists regardless of intention or circumstance.
What is Subjective Morality?
concept that truth is contingent upon intention and circumstance
what is Relativism/Moral Relativism ?
what is another word for it?
all truth is subjectively discovered and not objectively revealed
- another word is subjective morality
What is Moralistic?
- group of people associated with it
being moralistic is being a hypocrite
- Pharisees is the group associated with it
What are the 4 Cardinal Virtues?
Explain them.
- prudence/justice/ temperance/fortitude
- PRUDENCE: to put on God
- JUSTICE: scale
- TEMPERANCE: what we need, not want
- FORTITUDE: another word is brave
what are the three theological virtues?
Principle of Ends and Means
the ends does not justify the means —> consequentialism
What are the 4 principles of Double Effect?
- the action taken must be good or indifferent in terms of O.I.C.
- the bad effects must not be willed but tolerated
- The good effect must come as directly as the bad
- the good effect must be proportionate to compensate for the bad.
what is the opposite of Teleology(study of the end)
Etiology (study of the origin)
What is eschatology
study of the last 4 things
- death/judgement/heaven/hell
what are the two effects of original sin?
who said this?
- darkens our mind and weakens our will
- St. Augustine
what is concupiscence?
tendency/inclination to sin
what is natural law?
the law of God written in our hearts
What does Veritatis Splendor mean?
- who wrote it?
splendor of truth
- Pope Saint John Paul II (JP2)
What is actual grace?
you receive actual grace through sacramentals
- ex: cross, rosary, oil, bible
what is sanctifying grace?
you receive sanctifying grace through sacraments
- example: eucharist, baptism, confirmation
Mother Teresa Quote
for every quote that starts “Guard your..” acknowledge that its from Mother Teresa
Agere Sequitor Esse
something is what something does
What is Moral Theology True/False
-Based in Divine Revelation
-Beyond human reason but not contrary to it
-compatible with science
-holds human body and soul as sacred
the habitual way we judge on moral matters
what is the image of conscience
angel and devil on our shoulders
what are the two types of conscience
well-informed and miss-informed
what is vincible ignorance?
is it always or often sinful?
making the wrong choice out of laziness
- ALWAYS sinful
what is invincible ignorance?
is it always or often sinful?
making the wrong choice while have all the knowledge needed
- OFTEN sinful
what are the 4 components of law?
ordinance of reason/ that exists for the common good/ and is affirmed by legitimate authority/ through an official process
what are the 5 types of law?
Eternal Law/ Natural Law/ Revealed Law/ Ecclesiastical Law/ Civil Law
explain the 5 types of law?
eternal law: god governs the universe
natural law: God’s law written in our hearts
revealed law: All the laws that come to us from the Bible
ecclesiastical law: governs the church/canon law/applies to clergy and laity
civil law: law that governs the government
What are the heresies against the Principles of Moral Theology?
Consequentialism/Proportionalism/ Situational ethics