Midterm Flashcards
A person who deal with the education of the people
Educationalist :meaning
A person who deal with the psychological problems of the people.
Psychologist: meaning
: To deal with the educational problems.
Purpose Educationalist
: To deal with the educational problems
as well as psychological problems.
Purpose Psychologist
: Focused all the major areas related to the education achievement.
Focus: Educationalist
: Focused all the areas whether it is
related in the education or personal problems
Focus: Psychologist
➢ Knowing the subject matter.
➢ Mastering teaching skills.
*Good teaching can be taught.
➢ Intentionality.
➢ Ability to use 21st century skills.
➢ Knowledge of the Common Core State
What makes a good Teacher?
- Doing things for a purpose.
➢ Teachers plan their actions based on the
outcomes they want to achieve.
- The degree to which teachers feel that their own efforts determine the success of their students.
Teacher efficacy
● Language arts, mathematics, science, global awareness and financial literacy.
Core subjects and themes.
● Creativity, critical thinking, problem solving.
➢ Learning and innovation skills.
● Initiative, self-direction
➢ Life and career skills.
What are the 21st Century Skills.
➢ Core subjects and themes.
➢ Learning and innovation skills.
➢ Information, media, technology skills.
➢ Life and career skills
➢ A set of academic performance standards being adopted by most U.S. states.
Common Core State Standards
● Flexible, creative problem-solving.
● Ability to use technology.
● Ability to participate in active discussions in one-to-one, small group and whole class setting.
Common Core State Standards emphasize:
❖ The goal is to carefully examine obvious and less than obvious questions, using objective methods to test ideas about the factors that contribute to learning
The Role of Research in EP
- explain the relationship between factors.
- principles that have been thoroughly
tested and found to apply in a wide variety of
❏ - a set of related principles and laws
that explains a broad aspect of learning, behavior or another area of interest.
❏ Each decision a teacher makes has a theory behind it.
❏ The quality, accuracy and usefulness of those theories are what ultimately determine your success.
❖ The value
❏ Educational policies.
❏ Professional development programs.
❏ Teaching materials.
The impact
● Be a consumer of relevant research.
● Teach intentionally:
- Formulate a working hypothesis based
on observations and background
- Collect data to test the hypothesis.
- Organize and analyze the data.
- Draw sound.
- Conclusions based on the data.
- Take a course of action based on the
- Share your experiences.
How to be an Educated Consumer of Research
Researchers create special treatments and
analyze their effects.
conditions are highly controlled.
Laboratory experiments
- conducted under realistic conditions
- Individuals assigned by chance to receive different practical treatments or programs.
Randomized field experiments
Study of treatment effect bycontrasting behavior before, during and after application of the treatment.
Single case experiment
the researcher studies variables as they are to see whether they are related.
They may tell us that two variables are related and do not tell us what causes are.
Correlational studies -
Variables can be:
Positively correlated
Negatively correlated
- when one variable is high, the other tends also to be high.
Positively correlated
- when one variable is high, the other tends to be low.
Negatively correlated
- no correspondence between variables.
Two examples of descriptive research
Survey or interview
form of descriptive research carried out by educators in their own classrooms or schools.
Action research
● Start with a good question, one that you care about and that addresses an important problem of educational practice.
● Find out what’s already known on the topic.
● Plan how you’ll collect data.
● Carry out your study.
● Interpret your findings.
Carrying out an Action Research Project
● Before you can become an _____________, you have to become a certified teacher.
● Each state, province and country has its own requirements, but in most places you atleast have to graduate from a 4-year college with a specified distribution of courses.
● You also will need to have a satisfactory student teaching experience.
● In most states, you have to pass a teacher certification test or licensure
How can I become an Intentional Teacher
● Childhood development describes the changes that occur in children as they grow older.
● The changes can occur in a variety of areas including how they think, speak, move, and interact with others.
● As children grow older, their parents or caregivers can take steps to help support their healthy development.
An Overview of Child Development
involves the maturation of a child’s height, weight, strength, and motor skills.
Physical development
can vary depending on the child.
Patterns and speed of physical growth
Through_________, physical growth and maturation often increase considerably.
❖ ________ can be separated into large ___________ such as sitting, standing, and walking, and fine _________ such as using hand muscles to grasp, eat, and draw.
Motor skills
❖ Other examples of motor skills include __________________other parts of the body such as feet, fingers, and toes.
crawling, running, swimming, and moving
capabilities involves memory, learning, understanding, and problem-solving abilities.
❖ Like other forms of, _______________ skills often grow gradually.
❖ In many cases, the ability to distinguish live objects from inanimate ones begins during infancy.
❖ As infants grow into young children, their ______________ allowing for more extensive memories and increased speed of internalizing information and learning.
❖ Many factors can play a role in the maturation of ____________.
❖ Parental interactions, food, exercise, everyday experiences, and amounts of received love and care can all
greatly affect these aspects of growth.
Intellectual And Cognitive Development
growth pertains to the development of various feelings, emotions, and relationships.
❖ This area of growth involves how children process their own emotions and learn to connect and cooperate with other
Environment, experience, and parenting styles can impact the emotional and social development of children.
❖ For instance,
Social And Emotional Development
______________ entails the ability to communicate with other people through writing, sounds, and signs.
❖ These language development skills can involve pronunciation, speech comprehension, word formation, and the ability to communicate with others through speech, sign language, and/or body language.
❖ Parents and caregivers can contribute to the language development of their children in many ways, including by reading to them.
Language development
❖ Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.
❖ Both of these philosophers are based what students can learn and when they are ready to learn.
Cognitive Developmental Theorists
- states that children have to pass through four stages of development to learn in life.
Jean Piaget
- feels that socialization is a direct influence of learning.
❖ He felt that community and parental influence greatly impacts the way and when children learn.
Lev Vygotsky
Begins to make use of imitation, memory, and thought.
, Gradually develops use of language and ability to think in symbolic form.
7-11 years old, Able to solve concrete (hands-on) problems in logical fashion.
Concrete operational
11-adult, Able to solve abstract problems in logical fashion.
Formal operational
________ should act, manipulate, observe and then talk or write about what they have experienced.
provide the raw materials for thinking.
Concrete experiences
________ with others makes students use, test and sometimes change their thinking abilities.
● Students should act, manipulate, observe and then talk or write about what they have experienced.
● Concrete experiences provide the raw materials for thinking.
● Communicating with others makes students use, test and sometimes change their thinking abilities.
● Assisted learning or guided participation in the classroom, requires support.
● Teachers can assist learning by adapting materials or problems to students’ current levels.
● Demonstrating skills or thought the steps of a complicated problem.
● Giving detailed feedback and allowing revisions or asking questions to refocus students’ attention.
Implications of Piaget Theories for Teachers
What are the use of language
• Heritage Language
• Syntax
• Pragmatics
• Metalinguistic Awareness
is the language spoken in the student’s home or by members of their family.
Heritage Language
is the order of words in phrases and sentences.
are the rules of when and how to use language to be an effective communicator in a particular culture.
is the understanding of ones on use of language.
Metalinguistic Awareness
Before children come to school, children know _______\\
heritage language and syntax.
It is the school’s responsibility to teach ___________________.
pragmatics and metalinguistic awareness
Says one to two words; recognizes name and imitates simple sounds, understands simple instructions
By age 1
Uses 5-20 words: two word sentences: vocabulary is growing
Between 1 and 2
Identify body parts; calls self me instead of by name; 450 word vocabulary; uses short sentences
Between 2 and 3
Tells a story; 4-5 word sentences: vocabulary about 1000 words
Between 3 and 4
4-5 words sentences, uses past tense, vocabulary of 1500 words: ask why and who questions
Between 4 and 5
5-6 word sentences, vocabulary of 10,000 words, knows spatial relations and opposites
Between 5 and 6
: Make enable the individual to distinguish between true and false, good and bad, right and wrong.
Educationalist: Definition
Do the systematic study of the educational growth and development of the child.
Psychologist: Definition
: The total subject matter of educational psychology in the teaching of disability is primarily revolves around this factor (learner). So if we want to teach the hearing impaired children so we have to know about the learner to teach them successfully.
enables effective use of the critical periods of language development and facilitating quick learning of language and verbal communication skills.
2. can facilitate better social, emotional, educational and personality development by helping in early communication development.
3. We can use educational psychology in ________ of the hearing impaired children.
Early identification and intervention
By knowing the educational psychology we can give __________________ for the educational success of the child.
Educational psychology helps the teacher to ____________. Educational Psychology helps us to create a curriculum and co-curricular activities in special education.
There are so many children which have:
❖ Lack of confidence
❖ Not able to take decision
❖ Excessive teasing in the environment
There are so many children which have:
❖ Lack of confidence
❖ Not able to take decision
❖ Excessive teasing in the environment
We can develop the social skill through educational psychology among the children:
❖ Arrange buddy system
❖ Turn taking behaviour
❖ Teach other how to deal the child
❖ Play in all levels
❖ While teaching body language play a very important role to teach the children. e.g., Storytelling, Direct activity.
is the behavioural approach educational psychology helps the teacher to teach when she gives ________ and when gives _____________ to the child for positive behavior attitude.
❖ Educational Psychology helps us to create the learning environment to teach the hearing impaired children.
❖ Classroom climate and groups dynamics, techniques and aids which facilitate learning.
❖ Because of these____________________ the children learn very easily.
❖ Educational Psychology helps us to prepare the children’s for__________
❖ For improving communication skill we have to apply the educational psychology.
❖ Some suggestions are given below:
1. Speak naturally at normal volume.
2. Get the attention of student before addressing child’s name or tap his/her shoulder.
3. Check for understanding.
4. During video tap presentation, try to use a captioned version.
❖ Use of these strategies to help hearing impaired children increase their reading comprehension and stay on par with their hearing peers:
- Explain the meaning of new words introduced in class.
- Role play and act out the story
- Conduct hands-on activities involving objects depicted in the story.
- Teach them cognitive or language strategies that will help them the text (prediction, compare and contrast, recall, sequencing, differencing).
Concerned with the human being until death and the means of promoting and developing them.
❖ Concern➔ Educationalist:
Concerned with understanding the underlying cause of behavior assessment, knowledge of human experiences and actions.
Concern➔ Psychologist:
level that falls at the bottom.
❖ It is the most thoughtless behaviour.
Memory level
❖ level that is at the top.
❖ It is the most thoughtful behaviour and needs the involvement of higher cognitive abilities.
Reflective level
Level that falls in between memory level and reflective level.
❖ It requires the involvement of thoughtful behaviour in a moderate reasonable amount.
The understanding level
Teacher should shake the 4 ___________.
personality variable,
behavioural characteristics,
verbal and non-verbal characteristics.
have the knowledge of teaching in different subject effectively.
Knowledge of subject
, good knowledge of educational psychology and effective knowledgeable.
Individual quality of learner
Quality to make flexible according to the child’s needs.
Child centered education
✓ To know the learner
✓ Early identification and intervention
✓ Guidance and counseling to the students as well as parents
✓ When to teach, how to teach and what to teach the child
✓ Good observation of the children
✓ Develop social skills
✓ The effect of body language on the children
✔ Reward and punishment
✔ Learning environment
✓ Peer tutoring
✓ Improve communication skill
✓ Vocabulary and word comprehension