Midterm 1 - UNIT 03A Flashcards
What are ruminants?
Function of dig system…
? refers to hoofed animals (cattle, sheep, goats)
… harness energy from fibrous plants better than other herbivores— unique ability to ferment feedstuffs
- Refering to graph of % of stomach throughout growth
Cattle and Sheep showed:
increase in reticulorumen size
decrease in abomasum size
___ compartment stomach
order of events:
4 compartments 1 rumen 2 reticulum 3 omasum 4 abomasum
esophagus - rumen - recticu - omas - abomas - sm intestine - lg intestine
Tongue =
Teeth =
Saliva =
= wraps around plants for tearing and pulling
= grinding and crushing plants
= secretion of salivary amylase & lipase // buffers pH in reticulum and rumen
Bi-directional =
Cud =
- passed through
= allows for regurgitation of ‘cud’ for further chewing (for tough cell walls)
- further chewing and mixing with saliva - cud swallowed again
= partially digested food
- passed to reticulum then moved slowly to rumen for fermentation
- liquid portion of cud- moves QUICKly from reticulum to omas/abomasum
STOMACH 1 stomach / 4 compartments 1) 2) AKA: - contains: - purpose: 1 by product = 2 by product = - function: - hardware disease =
1) Rumen - largest
occupies ~75% of abdominal cavity space
2) Reticulum
- sm muscular fold that separates from rumen - operates as one organ AKA reticulorumen
C: micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi etc)
P: fermentation of plant cellulose
Produces chemically reactive (volatile) FA
= acetate - used for fat synthesis
= Propionate - used for glucose synthesis
F: collect sm digested particles - move to obomasum
: traps objects swallowed by animal
= objects penetrate reticulum wall & embeds in heart muscle
Back to 1)
Lined with:
location of _______ production…
: papillae - finger like projections, makes up interior lining of rumen - increases surface area
?: mildly acidic here
… gas - CO2, methane, hydrogen sulfide
connected to reticulum via:
called the ‘
what makes up inner lining :
3) Omasum
: via short tunnel
:absorbs water and nutrients
4) Abomasum
“true stomach”
?: Very acidic - produces HCl and pepsin
: inner lining = chief cells - secretes mucus - coats walls - prevents acidic breakdown of walls - protection
Small Intestine
- Receives :
- Contains :
: pancreatic and liver secretions - increases pH to more alkaline
- allows the digestive enzymes to function
: villi - to increase surface area AKA absorption
Large Intestine
: absorbs water & excretes rest as feces
Ruminant Feeding - 3 types important for developing grazing practices for different species 1 2 3
1 Concentrate selectors - sm reticulum relative to body size - browses trees and shrubs (deer and giraffes) - selects plant parts that are easily digestible & nutr dense
2 Grass/roughage eaters
(cattle and sheep)
- grasses, fibrous plant materials
- have lg intestines relative to body length
3 Intermediate
- prefer forbs (flowering non grassy), woody, shrubs
- fair ability to digest cellulose
Carb Digestion [Forages] - - [Grains] - - [Lactic Acid] -
- chewing cud - regurgitating - reducing size to improve digestibility
- less rumination on higher concentration feeds (grains) - less regurgitation
- grains have high conc of digestible carbs - increase production of volatile FA
-propionate produced the most
more volatile FA = more acidic environment, decreased digestibility of forages - by product of starch fermentation
- can lead to metabolic acidosis and ulcerations in rumen wall
Solution = supplement forages instead of grains
why is this important?
Digestive system: same basic functions as other animals (digestion and absorption)
Starts and ends:
- chicken is most consumed in CAN
: starts @ mouth/beak - ends @ cloaca
1) Beak/Mouth
- what does tongue and teeth do?
- no teeth, no chewing
- tongue forces food –> esophagus for swallowing
- salivary glands - secretes digestive enzymes
2) Esophagus
3) Crop = function: contains: evolutionary structure - problem:
: carries food from mouth to crop to proventriculus
= out pocketing of esophagus
: temporary stores of food and water
: sensory receptors - when empty triggers feeding
- allows lg consumption of food and water - allowing bird to move for more secure locations for food
: crop impaction
= occurs w long time between feeding — bird will consume large amts of food - food cannot move past crop and creates pendulous crop
4) Proventriculus
- continuation from -
- known as the ‘
- site where ______ begins
- esophagus
“true stomach” - where digestion begins (HCl, pepsin, secretion)
5) Gizzard/ Ventriculus
- structure unique to _____
- referred to as :
- has 2 strong sets of muscles acts as:
Free range chickens sometimes eat sm stones— grain fed chickens need stones added to require gizzard to play out natural role
6) Small Intestine
- receives digestive enzymes
(Meckel’s Diverticulum) marks end of jejunum and start of ileum
- birds
: mechanical stomach
: teeth
: consuming sharp objects can punch holes in the gizzard - bird will grow thin
7) Ceca
8) Large Intestine
- shorter than most animals
- last stage of water absorption
feed material reflects -
conditions: Enteritis:
= 2 pouches - join sm and lg intestine
- water absorption & fermentation of course feed
Ferm causes production of FA
- empties 2-3 x a day
= mixing of digestive end products (wastes ex.) with urates (from urinary system)
- reflects digestive health - color and texture ex. white and pasty coat = good = uric acid crystals
E : inflammation of intestines - upsets normal balance of microflora (bacterial colonies)