Midterm 1 review Part3 Flashcards
Forebrain (What it includes and what it is known for)
- coretex
- basal ganlia
- olfactory
- Largest region of mamalian brain
regulates a host of mental activities ranging from perception to planning to emotions and memory. This includes the neocortex (layered, unique in mammals) and the limbic cortex (layered, not unique in mammals).
Limbic cortex (3):
made of 3 structures: Amygdala (fear/emotional regulation), Hippocampus (spatial navigation, episodic memory), cingulate cortex (emotion formation and processing, learning, and memory, and it is highly influential in linking behavioral outcomes to motivation)
The basal ganglia (what it does+ 3 structure)
control voluntary movement and also have a role in cognitive functioning. Consist of three principal structures: the caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the globus pallidus
Forebrain: Olfactory system
sends most of its inputs from olfactory bulb to a specialized region, the piriform cortex
What it controls+ anxiety+where r the neurons?
Controls digestion, bowel mobility, blood flow.
- send info to the brain and can influence mental state
- Anxiety can modifyt gut function elading to diarrhea
- ENS neurons are located in a sheet of tissue (plexus) lining the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon
Brodman area 17:
visual cortices of the occipital lobe, located in and on either side of the calcarine sulcus, on the medial surface of the occipital lobe. It functions primarily in discerning the intensity, shape, size, and location of objects in the visual field
bipolar neuron
Found in retima. conduct afferent info to the visual centers of the brain
Somatosensory neuron:
Afferent info into the spinal cord: bring info from body to spinal
Pyramidal cell
carry info from cortex to brain and SC
Purkinjie cell
infro from cerebrellum to rest of brain
Ependymal cell
Excretes CSF
provide structural support for neurons, seal off daage site, promote healing, dialte bloof vessel
Oligodendroglial cell
form myelin around axon in brain and SC