Midterm 1 Review Flashcards
Top down processing:
top-down processing uses the contextual information of things that we already know or have already experienced in combination with our senses to perceive new information.
- An explanation of behavior as a function of the nonmaterial mind
- This view was championed by Aristotle
- Believe the brain cooled the blood and had no role in producing behavior
- Whatever is the mind, there is a psyche not occupying physical space causing behavior
- Psyche: Synonym for mind, an entity once proposed to be the source of human behavior
- Immaterial mind causes phenomena to occur, according to mentalism, nothing we touch is concrete, see,smell and taste is nothing more than sensation.
Found in the space between the menings and 4 ventricles
produced by the cells in ventricals
drains in the venous and lympathic system
rmb it u dumbass
CSF functions (4)
- boyancy: help keep brain afloat and not damage the neurons on the ventral side
- protection: protect th brain erom injury, blunt force
- Chemical stability: removes waste products associated with metabolic activity
- Prevent ichemia: reduced blood flow and therefore oxygen- decrease in CSF include the skull decreases intracranial pressure, aiding blood perfusion
damage at the site of impact
Counter coup
Damage opposite the site of impact
Result of concusion on brain (3)
- Number of tears spread out across the brain
- loss of complex cognitive functions
- concentration deficits
Long term behavioural concequences of concussion (5)
- depression
- memory siturbances
- personality changes
- sleep changes
- icreased risk of suicide
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) (3)
- atrophy due to neuron death from shearing forces
- enlargement of the ventricles
- increased in brain porteins associated with alzheimers
Treatment for concussion(5):
Symptom management?
- Historically time and rest have been prescribed
- Avoid Physical exertion
- Avoid mental exertion
- Symptom management: Tylenol (headaches), avoid Aspirin, advil etc and they may increase the risk of bleeding or issue for cyst formation
- Low impact exercise actually helps you recover/ reduce recovery time
Why do woodpeckers not get concussion? (5)
- Reduce the space between your brain and skull (less subdural space)
- Have a brain that is longer from top to bottom (Provides larger SA and allow more absorption of shock)
- Beak absorbs the shock, reduce impact on brain
- Turn head when you peck, redistribute the shock
- Have a thicker spongier skull (Distribute the incoming shock, porous), thick spongy, mesh like skull bone
3 major arteries that provide the cerebrum with blood:
- Anterior cerebral artery
- middle cerebral artery
- Posterior cerebral artery
Anterior cerebral artery
Middle cerebral artery
Posterior cerebral artery