Midterm 1 Chapter 2 Flashcards
Inprtant skills of cultural influence
Communicate with an understanding that culture influence communication in all its forms
Important skills Individualist and collectivist cultures
Adjust your message and your listening with an awareness of differences in individualist and collectivist cultures
Important skills or high and low context cultures
Adjust your messages and your listening in light of the dofferences between high and low context cultures
Masculine and fem cultures
Adjust your messages and your listenjng to differences in achievement and nurturing orientations
High and low tolerance for amiguty
Adjust your messages on the basis of the defreenof the ambiguity tolerance of other people
Ethnocentric thinking
Recognize your own ethnocentric thinking and how it influences your berbal and nonverbal messages
Intercultural communications become mindful of
Differences of yourself and others , diff within this cultural group, diff meaning and diff in cultural customs
Appreciating cultural differences
Look at cultural diff notnas deviations or defienfeies but as the differenfe they are recognize diff howver doesntnnecessarily mean yoy have to accept them
Definitions or high context culture
The information in communication is in the context or in the person for example information shared through previous communications through assumptions about each other and through shared experiences
Defs acculturation
Culture is modified through culture direct contact with or exposed to another
Low context culture
Most information is explocitly stated in verbal messages or in formal transactions in written
Culture is
Specialized life style group passed from ine gen to the next
Enculturation is
Produced ways of thinking art religion thriugh generations
Individualistic cultures
Responsible for self and close family
Collectiviest culture
Reaponsible for the entire group