Midterm 1 cards Flashcards
Why limit individual autonomy? This city was built like a wall (houses with no streets). Example of a pristine state.
Built for military defense? Murals suggest also built for economic cooperation
Why limit individual autonomy? City built with no walls. Example of a pristine state.
Caral (2000bc)
pristine state!
Built for trade (reason for state formation)
* pyramids and no walls. 2000 bc. 10000-12000 people. oldest city in America
* good trade location (in peru between coast and highlands)
* produce textiles and fishing nets
year of the rise of FIRST CONTINUOUS STATES in near east?
3000 BC. Ur and Uruk
Minoan palace recunstructed retratedly by Sir Arthur Evans
- ) Name?
- ) Date?
- ) other important info: what is it made of? who runs it? What is its geopolitical context? why did it arise? etc.
- ) Knossos
- ) palace first constructed 1900 B.C.
- )
Knossos. Legendary house of the minotaur labyrinth
giant cretan palace. Built among olive trees/orchards
olives can only grow in very fertile/green areas (not Egypt or mesopotamia)
core massively power states need crete for olives
Cretan civilization begins to really flourish around the same time as middle kingdom egypt (a new flourishing period in Egypt)
palace built of cut fitted stone.
trading by 2100-2150 BCE. Administrative/trade practices possibly imported from Egypt
Knossos had massive storerooms collected from taxes and trade
cretan palaces have no identifiable thronerooms/kings
Minoan palaces are super powerful places. We have evidence for lots of trade and drinking and partying. Taxation, power. But not kings or violence necessarily
We also find evidence of social stratification in burials.
What we rarely find is anything martial or military oriented.
1450 Near Eastern World
- ) who makes up near eastern world?
- ) and who are they descended from?
- ) why are they important?
Akkadian Empire dissolves into four successor states
- ) (Hittites, Mittani, Assyria and Babylonia)
- ) Akkadian Empire & previous city-states (Ur, Uruk, etc)
- ) World Systems Theory/trade with egypt. These CORE STATES need trading partners. They need BRONZE they need WOOD and they need OLIVES. Peripheries like GREECE/crete develope to feed them and eventually compete when situations change.
Minoan Pottery
- ) name?
- ) Appearance?
- ) global significance?
- ) fun time functions?
- ) Kamares Pottery
- ) distinctive black & white colors
- ) found around near east. evidence of cretan trade
- ) evidence of palace feasts or diplomacy.
Middle Minoan
- ) time period?
- ) Writing system?
- ) 4 Main palaces?
- ) Why is LINEAR A difficult to translate?
- ) 2100-1500 BCE
- ) North: Cretan Hieroglyphics South: Linear A
- ) Knossos, Malia (north)
Phaistos, Zakros (south) see image
4.) because we only have scattered shipping tblets that don’t give much context as to what they mean
Egyptian Pharaoh of Egyptian middle kingdom (1929-1895 BCE) who recorded a diary of his daily actions
- ) Name?
- ) Why is he important?
- ) Amenemhat II
- ) •Mit Rahina Inscription shows that Egypt and core states traded on a massive scale. He also potentially records trade with Crete
•Lots of Military Activity
Minoan town next to a palace.
- ) what is the town’s name?
- ) what palace is it next to?
- ) languages of tablets?
- ) Why does prof think it exists?
- ) Hagia Triada (modern name)
- ) Phaistos
- ) Linear A&B
- ) prof thinks that people don’t like to live right on the coast, so phaistos established Hagia Triada as a sort of trading port depot. It used to be closer to the coast and they could deal with potential pirates etc there.
Collapse of Middle Minoan
- ) when did it occur?
- ) two reasons
- ) Cultural Changes?
Other info
- ) Middle minoan began 2150 ends 1550 (process of collapse completed 1450)
- ) santorini eruption 1600/ loss of trade routes. Also possible Mycenaean invasion/cultural exchanges lead to conflict
- ) Mycenaean influences increase. Possible invasion
Other info: fewer and poorer quality pottery pieces. Evidencce of increased violence (destruction layers)
Pilkington’s Domino Theory
A: what is it?
- ) example in near east
- ) Greek world example
A:You may originate a new model of state formation, but you may fall victim to your neighbors who learn from it.
- ) Ur and Uruk go to other cities farther up the tigris/uphrates. Then eventually an empire forms and etc. but ur/uruk no longer as important
- ) •That Mycenaean culture ultimately overwhelms Minoan culture is an example of the domino effect.
Grave Circles
- ) When/where are they located? Who’s burials are they?
- ) How are they different from later burials?
- ) Social and political things:
- how are men? how are women? - ) Grave Goods
- ) Mycenae: inside palaces (intramural) 17th-16th c bce
- ) Not beehive (tholoi)
3.) Evidence of Social and Political Stratification
•Males are warrior burials.
•Females are high status/ females buried with men
4.) LOTS of METAL. Martial imigagery. Evidence of military organization (hoplitesque). Gold, silver, chariots, bows/arows, SHIELDS, engravings, hunts, minoan art, etc etc.
Mycenaeans and Palaces
- ) when did early Mycenaean palaces begin?
- ) features? Economic style?
- ) tombs
- ) artistic style
5.) rulers & name of important political room
- ) Most important economic goods?
- ) Piracy
- ) religion
- ) 1600
- ) Mycenaea in mountains, protection from attackers
- thick walls and “lion’s gate,” good choke point
- More of a command economy than minoan style redistributive
although evidence of communal land for grazing
- ) early period were “grave circles” (intramural/ inside palaces). Later tholos/beehive tombs
- ) big noses, almost “exclusively violent” militaristic (emphasis on bronze
weaponry, hunting, chariots, influences from near east, influences from Minoans)
- ) Kings (wanax) rule from throne rooms MEGARON
- not absolute in power, but rather
power derived from control of resources
- ) likely flocks of sheep for making textiles as well as olives for foreign trade & domestic consumption. Textiles traded for ore from ore mountains. sheep in mountains olives in middle grain in lowlands. Also WINE. jugs had characteristic octopus style, “like a wine label” lol but true
- ) Mycenaeans were excellent pirates. Historical memory of piracy in the odyssey?
- O-ka tablets suggest coastl piracy/”taxation” fortress with official sanction and military structure - ) Approximately later Greek pantheon of gods. Cow sacrifice (only parts you don’t eat!)
Peer Polity Competition
- ) general definition
- ) Where was it first seen?
- Competition between states powerful enough to defend themselves but with no ability to mobilize enough people or innovate enough technology to unify the cultural sphere
- Always worried about and trying to 1 up neighbors
first present in Mycenae? later found in classical Greece
knossus after collapse
- ) Who’s there?
- ) What’s the economy like?
- ) Minoans Mycenaeans. Knossos is ONLY PALACE LEFT ON CRETE
- ) Extractive. Designated palace collectors use tablets like tax forms
- tablets say what needs/should be collected from individuals. Usually only last a few years though evidence of debts exists
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