Midterm 1 Flashcards
Most West Africans were ________
In Order to fund his voyage, Columbus tried to convince King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain that?
Spain could grow rich from Asian Trade, they could send missionaries to Asia, and Spain could enlist the help of the Great Khan of China as an ally against Islam.
Who wrote “In Defense of the Indians”?
Las Casas
What urban center dominated the Mississippi Valley?
When did Luther Start the Protestant Reformation?
AD 1517
According to Luther, Salvation in the result of ?
Which religion took root in West Africa in the eleventh century?
What period marks the European Renaissance?
AD 1400-1600
What was a part of “the Columbus exchange”?
The spread of European diseases to America
Hakluyt argued that the Indians, once civilized, would be?
purchasers of English goods
The economic base of France’s New World empire was?
Fishing and Furs
What did French authorities prohibit?
further westward expansion into North America
After Charles I was executed, this man ruled England until his death in 1658
Oliver Cromwell
An antinomian is someone who?
claims to be free from obedience to moral law
The first document to establish self-government - and the decisions of the majority- in North America was?
the Mayflower Compact
In early New England, women’s economic contributions were?
Central to a family’s success
The first New England settlement, founded in 1620 was the?
Plymouth colony
The dutch colony of New Netherlands split to become the two proprietary colonies of?
New Jersey and New York
The settlers in which area adopted the Fundamental orders?
What was the house of Burgesses
The first legislative body in English America
Which law passes in 1649, called for freedom of worship for all Christians?
The Act for Religious Toleration
Which French relies order sent missionaries to convert the Indians in Canada?
The Jesuits
What was the first settlement established by the Virginia company?
The switch to sugar as the primary crop in the West Indies let to?
more use of African Slaves
Tobacco production caused settlers in Virginia to?
disperse throughout the countryside
Who argued for a separation of church and state?
Roger Williams
The pequot war began primarily along the
Connecticut River Valley
Who envisioned his settlement as a “holy experiment”?
Which people assisted in establishing a French presence along the St. Lawrence?
Fur Traders
Who founded a permanent settlement in Quebec in 1608 along the St. Lawrence River?
Samuel de Champlain
Puritan Missionaries emphasized what concerning potential converts?
direct study of scripture
The first people forced into slavery in America by the Europeans were?
Emigrants flowed in places where?
land was cheap and labor most in demand
The Pueblo Revolt in 1680 caused the Spanish to treat the Indians with…
greater accommodations
When French traders approached the Hurons/Wyandots to establish trade, the Indians insisted what?
that the French help the, fight the Iroquois
After the Beaver Wars, the Iroquois
remained neutral with respect to European powers
By the fifteen century, slaves represented a ________ proportion of Northern European labor.
What was the rarest form of slave resistance?
organized rebellion
Franciscan missionaries insisted that Indian converts
abandon their former ways of life and adopt everything from Spanish culture and life
Property right among the Indians were held?
The English called which Indian leader King Phillip?
James Oglethorpe, who founded Georgia in 1732, originally thought of this group as a labor pool more desirable than slaves.
English debtors
By 1750, which group dominated most of North America?
Native Americans
Rebels led by Nathaniel Bacon burned what colonial city
William Penn Acquired land from the Indians by?
paying for it
Pope was a leader within which Indian Tribe?
What were two things slaves sought to do?
sought to forge community ties and preserve elements of their African heritage
King Philip’s War took place in
What was the largest slave uprising?
the Stono Rebellion
Which groups first brought African Slaves to America?
Spanish and Portuguese
Chesapeake planters used which unfree labor source?
English Convicts
Maine was originally part of which colony?
A 1691 royal charter granted “Liberty of Conscience” to?
all Protestants
By 1770, the largest British provincial town was
Those converted in religious revival were called
new lights
William Tennent, Sr. led a faction of what religious group?
King James created this out of eight previously separate colonies stretching from Maine to New Jersey.
The Dominion of New England
England’s economic system between 1651 and 1733 could best be described as
An example of an Enlightenment thinker popular among the colonists is
What was the name of the body formed in 1675 to oversee colonial affairs?
The Lords of Trade
Which colonial region dominated transatlantic shipping?
New England
Who put forth the Albany Plan of Union?
Benjamin Franklin
The Navigation Act of 1651 required that?
All trade carried out in the English Empire must be conducted in English ships
The eighteenth-century Governor’s Palace of Virginia was located in
The Halfway Covenant allowed whom to be baptized?
The children of those who had been baptized but had not experienced conversion
The Majority of Colonists _____ the styles and cultures of the British elite.
had little interest in copying
Which product was the most important agricultural export from the colonies in mainland America and the Caribbean?
George Whitefield belonged to the clergy of which religion?
The Anglican religion
William of Orange took over the throne of England after the?
Glorious Revolution
The Bill fo Rights passed by the British parliament in 1689 did what three things?
1) advocated for freedom of religious conscience.
2) reinforced individual rights such as prohibition from cruel and unusual punishment.
3) laid down limits on the powers of the monarch and enumerated rights of Parliament.
What was one of the political legacies of the Great Awakening?
an emphasis on individual choice
Who wrote under the pen name “A Farmer in Pennsylvania”?
John Dickson
After the French and Indian War, colonists paid _____ taxes.
The British reacted to the Boston tea party by passing
The Coercive Acts
According to John Locke, rulers have the authority to enforce law for?
only for the public good
The First Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia in 1775 to protest the Intolerable acts, resulted in?
the endorsement of the Suffolk Resolves
The continental Congress created this to organize and enforce sanctions against the Bristish
The Continental Association
What act was passed by Parliament along with the real of the Stamp Act?
The Declaratory Act
The Proclamation of 1763 forbade white settlement where?
West of the Appalachians
The Stamp Act Congress adopted the?
Declaration fo Rights and Grievances
The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 was help in?
New York
he said, “When the people are oppressed, “ they are, “discontented” and are not to be blamed for resisting.
Samuel Adams
Under the Quebec Act the southern boundary of Quebec became?
The Ohio River
The Two Penny Act involved Anglican Ministers in which colony?
Included in the leadership of the Sons of Liberty was?
Samuel Adams
Whose ship was named the Liberty?
John Hancock
The Tea Act of 1773
exempted British tea from duties
Crispus Attucks died during?
The Boston Massacre
Which Act was the first to impose an internal tax on the colonies?
The Stamp Act
At the end of the French and Indian Was, which country gained possession of Louisiana?
Pontiac, who led the Indians against the colonists and British troop was an ______ Chief.
General Gage and his troops were given orders to arrest John Hancock and whom on April 18. 1775?
Samuel Adams
Which battle took place the day after Christmas 1776?
The Battle of Trenton
The Military key to the Lower south was?
In the Declaration of Independence phrase “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the third element was originally?
France’s main goal in aiding the Americans was to?
weaken the British
Most whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as
Who said “I have not yet begun to fight?”
During the late colonial period, the headquarters of the British Army in America was in ?
New York
After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the American leader Gates
The Battle of Saratoga
Which of the following was not a British settlement in the Mississippi Valley in 1778?
St. Louis
What was the last major military engagement in the North in the Revolutionary War?
The battle of Monmouth Court House
Benedict Arnold offered to surrender what to the British?
West Point
What document asserted American patriots would “die freemen, rather than live as slaves”?
The Declarations of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms?
Who composed the first draft go the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Fort Ticonderoga was located at the southern end of?
lake Champlain
General Cornwallis surrendered to American troops at?
America’s senior negotiator at the Paris peace talks ending the Revolutionary War war?
The American naval flag during the Revolution bore the motto
Don’t Tread on Me
The First American Casualties of the Revolutionary War were killed in?
Which Battle represented the worst American defeat of the Revolutionary War?
The Battle of Charleston