Midterm 1 Flashcards
Severe chills, mild fever, no seating, or w/ mild sweating, headache, general aching or soreness of limbs, nasal obstruction, sneezing, clear nasal discharge, itchy throat, coughing up thin white sputum, no thirst, or slight thirst. Tongue is normal, with thin white coating. Pulse is superficial, tense and soft.
Relieve Exterior with acrid warm herbs.Ma Huang Tang, Gui Zhi Tang. GV16, BL12, GB20, LU7, LI4
Wind-Cold of COMMON COLD
Severe fever, mild chills, sweating, distending or pounding headache, nasal obstruction, white or yellow sticky nasal discharge, congested and sore throat, coughing up white or yellow sticky sputum, thirst or mild thirst. Red tongue tip with thin, white, dry or thing and yellow coating. Superficial and rapid pulse. Relieve the Exterior with acrid-cool herbs. Yin Qiao San, Sang Ju Yin, GV14, LI11, SJ5, LI4, LU10, LU11.
Wind-Heat of COMMON COLD
Mild chills, fever, mild sweating, heavy sensation in head or whole body, cough with sticky sputum, dizziness, irritability, stuffiness in chest, poor appetite, no thirst, abdominal distension and pain, nausea, diarrhea with foul smelling stool. Red tip of tongue with thin or thick, yellow sticky coating. Superficial, rapid, slippery or soft pulse. Clear summer heat and remove damp to relieve the exterior. Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin. GV14, LI4, SJ5, ST36, SP9, CV12.
Summer-Heat with Damp of COMMON COLD
Spasmodic cough, itchy throat, production of small quantity dilute white sputum, easy expectoration, exterior wind-cold symptom. Course wind, dissipate cold, diffuse lung. Zhi Sou San, San Ao Tang. GB20, LI4, LU7, 5, 1, BL12, SJ5.
Wind-Cold Syndrome of COUGH (EXOGENOUS)
Paroxysmal cough with hoarseness of voice, yellow sticky sputum, exterior wind-heat symptoms. Course wind, clear heat, depurate lung. Sang Ju Yin, Ma Xin Shi Gan Tang. GB20, LI4, 11, LU1,5, 7, BL12, GV14
Wind-Heat Syndrome of COUGH (EXOGENOUS)
Severe dry cough, a little or little sputum, difficult to expectorate, dryness of nose and lips, dry throat with pain, exterior wind-heat symptoms. Course wind, clear lung, moisten dryness. Sang Xing Tang. GB20, LI4, LU1, 5, 7, BL12, KD6.
Wind Warm Dryness Syndrome of COUGH (EXOGENOUS)
Severe dry cough, a little or little sputum, difficult to expectorate, dryness of nose and lips, dry throat with pain, exterior wind-cold symptoms. Course wind, warm lung, moisten dryness. Xing Su San. GB20, LI4, LU1, 5, 7, BL12, KD6.
Wind Cold Dryness of Cough (EXOGENOUS)
Heavy could with heavy rattling sound, copious sticky greasy or very thick white and slightly grey sputum, fullness sensation in chest and epigastrium, nausea, poor appetite, general lassitude. Normal, or pale puffy tongue with white greasy coating. Slippery or soft pulse. Er Chen Tang, Ping Wei San, San Zi Yang, Qin Tang. LU5, 1, 7, ST40, Bl13, 20.
Retention of phlegm damp in lung of COUGH (ENDOGENOUS)
Heavy cough with heavy rattling sound, yellow (thin or thing and sticky) sputum, feverish sensation and/or red face. Red tongue with yellow sticky coating. Slippery and fast pulse. Qin Qi Hua, Tan Wan. LU1, 5, 7, ST40, BL13, 20, LI11.
Retention of Phlegm Heat in lung of COUGH (ENDOGENOUS)
Cough, copious clear or white frothy dilute sputum, cold limbs, aversion to cold, often seen in winter. Pale, puffy and slightly purple tongue with white, slippery and sticky coating. Soft pulse. Xiao Qing Long Tang. LU1, 5, 7, ST40, 36, BL13, 20, SP9.
Retention of Cold Fluid/Phlegm in Lung of COUGH (ENDOGENOUS)
Irritating cough, small amount of sticky sputum difficult to expectorate, hypochondria pain, red eyes and face, dry mouth and throat, change of condition in light of emotions. Red tongue with thin dry yellow coat. Wiry and rapid pulse.
Liver Fire Burning Lung of COUGH (ENDOGENOUS)
Cough and weak voice, SOB, copious clear dilute sputum difficult to expectorate because of weak energy. Pallor complexion, aversion to wind, sweating, vulnerable to colds, general lassitude, dislike speech, shortness of breath, fatigue. Pale tongue with scallops, thin white and moist coating. Weak pulse. Wen Fei Tang, Xiang Sha Liu, Jun Zi Tang. Bl13, LU9, 7, 1, BL20.
Unproductive cough, small amount and sticky sputum (may have blood), yin xu symptoms. Red tongue with little coating. Thready and rapid pulse. Bai He, Jin Tang. BL13,43, LU1, 7, 9, KD6.
Asthmatic breathing, short and rapid breathing, especially difficult to exhale, rattling sound in throat, mild cough with white dilute or frothy sputum, no thirst or thirst with preference for hot drinks, chills or with fever, anhidrosis, headache, general achine, bluish pale complexion. White slippery tongue coating. Wiry, tense or superficial tense pulse. Warm lung, dissipate cold, transform phlegm to relieve asthma. Xiao Qing Long Tang. BL13, LU1, CV17, 22, LU5, 7, ST40.
Cold Type Phlegm in ASTHMA (DURING)
Asthmatic breathing, short and rapid breathing, especially difficult to exhale, rattling sound in throat, paroxysmal cough with thick yellow sputum, thirst with preference for drinks, irritability, sweats, no chills (internal heat), ext. wind cold symptoms. Red complexion. Red tongue with thin yellow sticky coating. Rapid or rapid and superficial pulse. Clear heat and facilitate the lung, transform phlegm to relieve asthma. Ding Chuan Tang. LU10, 11.
Phlegm heat in the LU in ASTHMA (DURING)