Internal 3 Flashcards
Early menstruation, profuse dark red, thick flow, heavy flow sometimes with clots, irritability, oppressed feeling in the chest, dark colored urine. Red tongue with yellow coating or no coating in Empty Heat cases. Slippery, rapid and excessive pulse (Thin in cases of empty heat). Clear Heat, Cool Blood, Nourish Yin, Regulate Chong and Mai. CV6, 3, LI11, SP6, 10, LV2, 3, KD2, 3, 5.
Blood Heat (Preceded Menstruation)
Early menstruation, profuse light red, thin menses for a rather short time, SOB, palpitations, empty, heavy sensation in the lower abdomen, dislike of talking, pale complexion. Pale tongue with a thin coating. Weak pulse. Tonify Qi (SP, HT, KD), Tonify MJ, Control Blood. CV4, 5, 12, SP6, ST29, 36, KD3.
Qi Xu (Preceded Menstruation)
Early menstruation, scanty dark red periods with clots, hesitant discharge, stabbing pain in lower abdomen. Purple tongue. Choppy or wiry and choppy pulse. Move blood to remove blood stasis, Consolidate Chong to regulate periods. CV4, 6, SP6, 10, BL32
Blood Stasis (Preceded Menstruation)
Delayed cycle, scanty dark red menstrual discharge, strong, intermittent colic pain in the lower abdomen and/or back which is slightly better with application of heat, aversion to cold, cold extremities. Pale tongue with a thin white coating. Deep, slow and tight pulse. Warm channels to tonify yang, ecpel cold, regulate menstruation. CV4, 6, SP6, ST29, 36, BL32
Cold accumulation in Uterus (Delayed Menstruation)
Delayed cycle, scanty, light red menses, empty and painful feeling in the lower abdomen, emanciation, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, insomnia, sallow complexion and lusterless skin, pale lips. Pale tongue with thin coating. Thin weak or choppy pulse. Nourish blood and tonify qi. CV6, SP6, ST36, BL20, 32
Blood Xu (Delayed Menstruation)
Delayed cycle, scanty, red and thick menses, hot flushes, night sweats, dry mouth and throat, irritability, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus, red tongue with little coating. Thin and rapid pulse. Nourish KD yin, consolidate Chong to regulate menstruation. CV4, KD3, BL23, SP6, LU7, KD6
Yin Xu (Delayed Menstruation)
Delayed cycle, scanty red or dark red menses, distending pain in the lower abdomen, fullness in the chest, alleviated with belching, depression, distending pain in breasts and hypochondria. Pale purple or dark red tongue with thin yellow or thin white coating. Wiry and soggy pulse. Promote qi circulation, relieve stasis, regulate Chong and Ren. CV4, 3, SP6, 8, ST25, KD13, LV3, 14, LI4, PC4.
Qi Stagnation (Delayed Menstruation)
Delayed cycle, pale scanty flow, chronic leucorrhea, chest oppression, epigastric distention, excessive phlegm, spiritless shen, puffy and sallow complexion, heavy extremities, dizziness, palpitations, SOB, pale red tongue with white and shiny coating. Slippery and wiry pulse. Dissolve Phlegm, Strengthen SP, Move Qi, Vitalize Blood. ST40, SP9, BL20, PC6, CV12, ST28
Phlegm Obstruction (Delayed Menstruation)
Anticipated or delayed cycle, irregular discharge, thick, sticky, purple colored menses, fullness in the chest, pain and distention in the breasts, soreness and tenderness in the hypochondria, dry throat, bitter taste, dizziness. Dark red tongue (or purplish) with white coating. Wiry pulse. Resolve stasis, vitalize blood, regulate menstruation. CV6, 17, SP6, KD14, PC5, LV3, 4, 14, LI4, BL18, HT7
LV Qi Stagnation (Erratic Menstruation)
Anticipated or delayed cycle, scanty, light red flow, dizziness and tinnitus, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, bearing down sensation in the lower abdomen, cold extremities, frequent night urination, loose stools Pale tongue with thin coating. Deep, thin and weak pulse. Tonify KD qi, regulaGV20, KD3, 8, 10.
KD Qi Xu (Erratic Menstruation)
Erratic menstruation, excessive flow or constant dribbling, pale red discharge, SOB, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, lack of appetite, loose stools. Pale red tongue with white slimy coating. Empty and weak pulse.
SP Qi Xu (Erratic Menstruation)
Preceded heavy menstruation (excessive volume), fresh red or purple menses, thirst, red complexion, insomnia, yellow urine, constipation. Red tongue with yellow coating. Slippery and rapid pulse. Clear heat, nourish yin, nourish blood, harmonize LV. LV1, 8, SP1, 6, 10, KD5, CV3
Blood Heat (Excessive menstruation)
Either excessive menstruation or prolonged duration, abdominal pain which is better with pressure, soreness of the extremities, dizziness, blurred vision, lack of appetit. Pale tongue with white coating. Wiry, thin and sometimes soft pulse. Regulate and rectify Rena dn Chong, Supplement Qi, Vitalize Blood. LU7, KD6, SP4, PC6, CV3, 4.
Chong and Ren Damage (Excessive Menstruation)
Either excessive menstruation or prolonged duration, feeling of emptiness and weakness, sallow complexion, lack of appetite. Pale tongue with white coating, wiry, fine and forceless pulse. Supplement SP Qi, Contain Blood. SP1, 6, CV4, BL17, 20, ST36.
SP Qi Xu (Excessive Menstruation)
Scanty menses, light colored menses, pain in the lower abdomen, better with pressure,dizziness, palpitations, sallow complexion. Pale tongue with a thin and white coating. Thin and weak pulse. Nourish blood, tonify qi, rectify Chong and Ren. ST36, SP6, BL20,32, CV6
Blood Xu (Scanty Menstruation)
Scanty menses, pale red or fresh red menstrual discharge, low back pain, soreness and weakness in the knees, pain in the heels, ankles or soles of the feet, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia. Pale and dry tongue. Deep and thin pulse. Tonify KD and LV, nourish blood, regulate menstruation. CV3,4,7, SP6, KD3, BL23
KD Qi Xu (Scanty Menstruation)
The menstrual discharge is concentrated and scanty, color is dark, purplish with clots, abdominal distention and pain that aggravates with pressure, qi stagnation signs with pain in the hypochondriac region. Purple tongue or red spots. Deep and choppy or wiry pulse. Vitalize Blood, open channels, move qi and blood. CV6, SP6, 10, LV3, BL17,20
Blood Stasis (Scanty Menstruation)
Scanty menstrual discharge, feeling of heaviness in the body, chest and epigastric fullness and oppression. White or yellow glossy tongue with thick or slimy coating. Slippery or wiry pulse that can occasionally be deep and thin. Despel phlegm, resolve damp, tonify SP. CV4, SP6, 9, BL20, ST40, 36
Phlegm Dampness (Scanty Menstruation)
Distending pain in the lower abdomen, usually starting 1-2 days before menstruation or during menstruation, retarded and scanty and dark purple menses with clots, the pain is alleviated by passing out the clots, and aggravated by pressure, distension in the chest and hypochondriac region, breast tenderness. Purple tongue or with purple spots. Wiry or choppy pulse. Move Qi and blood, regulate menses to stop pain. RN6, LV3, SP6
Qi and Blood Stasis (Dysmenorrhea)
Cold pain in the lower abdomen, usually starting a few days before menstruation or during menstruation, retarded and scanty and dark purple menses with clots, pain is alleviated by warmth and aggravated by pressure. Intolerance to cold, bodyaches. White greasy tongue coating. Deep and tight pulse. Warm meridians to dispel cold damp, regulate menstruation to stop pain. RN3, SP8, ST28.
Cold Congeal in the Uterus (Dysmenorrhea)