Final Flashcards
Reverse flow of qi, sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, rough and loud breathing, clenched jaw with tight fists, cold extremities, dizziness, headache. Red tongue with yellow coating. Hidden or deep wiry pulse. Regulate qi to open the stagnation. Wu mo yin zi. DU 26, LI 4, LV 3.
Excess Qi Syncope
Sinking of clear yang. Dizziness, vertigo, loss of consciousness, feeble breathing, sweating, cold extremities, pale complexion. Pale tongue. Faint and weak pulse. Tonify qi, warm yang to promote resusxcitation. Shen fu tang. PC 6, RN 6.
Deficiency Qi Syncope
Stasis of blood in the head, sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, red face with purple lips, redness of eyes, epistaxis. Purple tongue. Wiry and strong pulse. Regulate qi and activate blood to remove blood stasis. Tong qiao huo xue tang. LI 4, PC 8, LV 2, KD 11.
Excess Blood Syncope
Blood depletion, sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, pale complexion, pale lips, trembling of the limbs, sweating with cold extremities. Pale tongue. Hollow or thready and weak pulse. Tonify qi and blood to promote resuscitation. Du shen tang. LI 4, SP 6, BL 17.
Deficiency Blood Syncope
Phlegm misting the clear orifice, sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, gurgling sound in throat, vomiting with phlegm and bubbles, chest tightness, rough and loud breathing, vertigo, nausea. White and greasy tongue coating. Slippery pulse. Regulate qi and transform phlegm to open orifices. Dao tan tang. LU 11, PC 6, ST 40, RN 22.
Phlegm Syncope
Food stagnation block the movement of qi, sudden loss of consciousness after meals, abdominal distention, belching with fetid odour, acid regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea. Thich, greasy tongue coating. Slippery pulse. Eliminate food retention and remove stagnancy. Bao he wan. RN 12, PC 6, ST 36.
Food Syncope
Invasion of heart by summer heat. Sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, fever, chest tightness, dry lips, profuse sweating, dizziness, vertigo, headache, or convulsion. Red tongue. Thready and rapid pulse. Eliminate summer heat to benefit qi and yin, clear heart to open orifices. Niu huang qing xin wan. DU 14, LI 11, LI 4, LV 3, DU 26, Shixuan, PC 3, UB 40, DU 20.
Summer Heat Syncope
Aversion to wind, sweating worse after activity, vulnerable to colds, pale complexion, SOB. Pale tongue with thin coating. Thready and weak pulse. Tonify lung qi to consolidate the skin. Yu ping feng san. LU 1, BL 13, BL 43.
Lung Qi Xu
Sweating, aversion to wind, fever, general body aching. White tongue coating. Moderate pulse. Hamonize ying and wei. Gui zhi tang. LU 7, GB 20, DU 16.
Disharmony between Ying and Wei.
Spontaneous sweating or night sweating, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, listlessness, SOB, pale complexion. Pale tongue. Thready pulse. Nourish heart blood to calm the mind. Gui pi tang. SP 6, SP 10, BL 15.
HT Blood Xu
Night sweating or spontaneous sweating, five centre hot, restlessness, malar flush, afternoon fever, thirsty. Red tongue with little coating. Thready and rapid pulse. Nourish yin to clear deficient fire. KD 1, KD 6, KD 7, PC 5
Yin Xu with Fire
Sweating, red hot face, restlessness, bitter taste in mouth, thirsty, constipation, scanty urine. Red tongue with yellow or yellow greasy coating. Wiry rapid or slippery rapid pulse. Clear liver fire, remove damp heat. Long dan xie gan tang. DU 14, LI 11, LI 4, SP 9, ST 44.
Excessive Fire Flares Up
Palpitations, listlessness, SOB, poor memory, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, sallow complexion, spontatneous sweating. Pale tongue. Thready pulse. Tonify qi and blood to calm the mind. Gui pi tang. Bl 17, BL 20, ST 36, SP 9, SP 6, CV 6.
HT and SP Xu (Qi and Blood Xu)
Palpitations, worse with movement, chills, cold limbs, pale complexion, suffocation in the chest, SOB. Pale and puffy tongue with white tongue coating. Deep and thready pulse. Warm HT yang to calm the mind. Gui zhi gan cao, Long gu mu li tang. ST 36, CV 8, CV 4.
HT Yang Xu
Palpitations, worse with anger, restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, malar flush, night sweats, feverish sensations of the 5 hearts, soreness of the lumbar region. Red tongue with thin and yellow coating. Thready and rapid pulse. Nourish HT and KD yin to clear empty fire. BL 23, SP 6, KD 13, HT 8, PC 8, LV 2
Yin Xu with Empty Fire
Palpitations, fatigue, suffocation in the chest, SOB, sallow complexion, spontaneous sweating or night sweats, afternoon fever. Red tongue, little coating. Thready and rapid or intermittent pulse. Tonify qi and yin to calm the mind. Zhi gan cao tang. HT 5, LI 4, SJ 5.
HT Qi and Yin Xu
Timid people are likely to have palpitations when they are frightened by strange noises, surprising objects, or dangerous environments, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep. Thin and white tongue coating. Rapid or thready and wiry pulse. Relieve palpitations, nourish the HT to calm the mind. An shen ding zhi wan. PC 5, GB 40, BL 19.
Disturbance of the Mind.
Palpitations, stabbing cardiac pain, suffocation in the chest, purple complexion, purple lips and nails. Purple or ecchymosis tongue. Choppy or knotted puse Quicken qi and blood to remove blood stasis. Xue fu zhu yu tang. PC 4, BL 17.
HT Blood Stagnation
Palpitations, worse when frightened, suffocation in the chest, restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, dry and bitter taste in the mouth, insominia, constipation, scanty and yellow urine. Red tongue with sticky and yellow. Wiry and slippery. Transform phlegm and clear heat, calm the mind. Huang lian wen dan tang. HT 5, ST 40, SP 9, GB 24, GB 40, BL 19, HT 8, PC 8, LV 2.
Phlegm Fire Disturbing the Heart
Palpitations, scanty urine, edema, suffocation and fullness in the chest and epigastirum, thirst without desire to drink, chills, cold limbs, vertigo, nausea, vomiting. Pale and puffy tongue with slippery coating. Wiry and slippery or deep thready and slippery pulse. Tonify heart yang, warm and resolve the retention of fluid. Ling gui zhu gan tang. CV 9, CV 4, CV 6, CV 8, SP 9.
Retention of Harmful Fluid
Fixed stabbing pain in the chest which becomes more severe at night, pain may radiate to the shoulder and upper back or left arm, suffocation in the chest. Dark purple tongue with ecchymoses. Wiry, choppy or intermittent pulse. Quicken qi and blood to remove blood stasis. Xue fu zhu yu tang. LV 3, LI 4, SP 10, BL 17.
HT Blood Stagnation
Suffocation and pain in the chest, SOB with a large amount of sputum, cough, asthma, overweight, heaviness of body. Thick, sticky and turbid tongue coating. Soft and moderate pulse. Disperse obstruction chest-yang, promote the circulation of qi to expel phlegm. Gua lou xie bai an xia tang. ST 40, SP 9, GB 34.
Retention of Turbid Phlegm in the Chest
Sudden attack of severe pain which can be relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, chills and cold limbs, palpitation, pale complexion. White and slippery or white and sticky tongue coating. Deep and slow pulse. Circulate the chest-yang, dissipate pathogenic cold. Gua lou xie bai bai jiu tang. Moxa at CV 17, PC 8, KD 1.
Stagnation of Cold in the Chest
Oppression and intermitten pain in the chest, dizziness, tinnitus, dry throat, feverish, sensation in 5 hearts, insomnia, restlessness, palpitation, lumbar soreness. Red or dark purple tongue. Thready and wiry or thready and rapid pulse. Nourish yin, quicken blood, calm the mind. Zuo gui yin. KD 6, SP 6.
HT and KD Yin Xu
Oppression and pain in the chest, palpitations, SOB, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, sallow complexion. Tender red tongue. Thready or knotted pulse. Tonify qi and yin, quicken blood in the collaterals. Sheng mai san and gui pi tang. ST 36, CV 6, KD 6, SP 6.
Qi and Yin Xu
Oppression and intermittent pain in the chest, SOB, palpitations, lumbar soreness, chills, cold limbs, pale complexion and lips. Dark purple tongue, white coating. Tonify qi and warm yang, quicken blood in the collaterals. Sheng fu tang and you gui yin. GV 4, Moxa CV 4 - 8.
Yang Qi XU