MIDTERM 01 - Bikol Literary Genres and New Media Flashcards
2 kinds of myths (CC)
Creation, Combat
Attempt to explain the origin of man and the beginning of the world in an organized cycle of stories (Kinds of myths)
Creation myths
A story about a battle between a divine being and a dragon or other monster representing chaos (Kinds of myths)
Combat myths
__________ is a legend that tells the formation of the Catanduanes islands
The Legend of Kolakog
The Legend of Kolakog is a legend that also tells the original of a sitio named __________ on the riverside Bikol near Pasacao, Camarines Sur
2 patterns of Bikol animal tales (TU)
Tricker stories, Ungrateful animal stories
Almost found asleep in dark corners (Examples of Bikol fairies)
Takes different forms as animals, birds, fishes, and human being in enormous sizes (Examples of Bikol fairies)
Taong lipod/Engkanto
A mischevious ugly fairy who preys on travelers (Examples of Bikol fairies)
__________ are handy slogans to pick from as occasion or need arose
A Bikol term for narrative poems, turned into vehicle of social criticism during the 20’s and 30’s
Rawit-dawit is spontaneously composed with __________ to __________ syllables in a line
6-8 syllables
Rawit-dawit is spontaneously composed with ________ to __________ lines in a stanza
4-8 lines
Are Bikol riddles that are descriptive and poetically formulated
Are short and witty on-the-spot compositions of local poets that are often in three or four-line verses
According to __________, a group of Bikol writers, the tigsik may have originated as an oral form recited during funerals, but further research should be undertaken to validate this
Parasurat Bikolnon, Inc.
__________ also writes about the tigsik being used for the pamamalaye, a courtship ritual in his time
Raffi Banzuela
Raffi Banzuela also writes about the tigsik being used for the __________, a courtship ritual in his time when a suitor and his parents ask for the hand of a woman from her parents
A four-month long contest sponsored by Parasurat Bikolnon, Inc. and Bicol Mail in 2013, on selected themes using the cellphone as a medium
The Bible, Pasyon, and Tronco del Mundo were also sources of __________ topics
The __________ or __________, which means get-together during moonlight nights or fiestas, was a contest to find the best story teller or singer (SD)
Sorompongan, Dugsungan
Old records on the Agta of Mount Iriga disclose love songs (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Festive songs (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Wailing songs to lament the death of a kin (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Play songs, drinking songs, work songs, or lullabies (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Kantang Panayoknok
The loss of the ritual songs (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Songs to dead ancestors (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Funeral songs (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Songs of wars and deeds of arms (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
Plaintive song rendered after a catastrophe like eruptions, volcanoes, violent storms, or destructive earthquakes (Examples of Bikol folk songs)
The song ________ and ________ mirrors the ordinary life of the Bicolanos (SI)
Soltero, Istambay
The __________ is the favorite symbol in Bicol folk songs
The __________ is another symbolic instrument in Bicol folk songs
Is an expression first popularized as a literary form on the facebook page Kun Bikolano Ka, Mag-Bicol Ka in 2011
Limang puno ng niyog, isa’y matayog (Bugtong)
May apat na binti ngunit hindi makalakad (Bugtong)
Nang hatakin ko ang baging, nagkagulo ang mga matsing (Bugtong)
Bulaklak muna ang dapat gawin, bago mo ito kainin (Bugtong)
Mary sarong babae na may korona, dawa sain may mata (Paookod/Patood)
Kon tukaw halangkaw, kon tindog hababa (Paookod/Patood)
Ano an bilog na may pitong labot? (Paookod/Patood)
Pandok (Face)
Aram mo pero dai mo nasasabotan, Dai mo nasasabotan pero aram mo (Paookod/Patood)
Yaon ka duman, pero yaon ka digdi (Paookod/Patood)
An langit gipatos sa bagol, an bagol gipatos sa tubig, an tubig gipatos sa panit (Paookod/Patood)
Anong kabayo na ang bitis tolo (Paookod/Patood)
Kan piripit pa garo dagom, kan magbukod garo payong (Paookod/Patood)
Natong (Gabi)
Palda ni Santa Maria, ang kulay ay iba iba (Paookod/Patood)
Balangaw (Rainbow)
Sadit pa an aki, nakakatulay na sa pisi (Paookod/Patood)
Tanga (Langgam)
Nagsapna si Hudas, inula si bagas, sinalod si hinugas (Paookod/Patood)
Gata nin niyog (Gata ng niyog)
Ako an nagpanday saimo, ika man
sana palan an kawsa kan kagadanan ko (Paookod/Patood)
Tabak (Bolo)
Kinaon ko ang balat mo, nais ko pang kainin ang laman mo (Paookod/Patood)