Midlatitudes and Arctic Amplification Flashcards
orographic features on vorticity
lead to changes in depth (compression of air) -> produced an anti-cyclonic spin as absolute vorticity is reduced -> leads to deceleration but as the air passes over the mountain again it increases in speed = mountain lee waves = standing eddies
e.g. rockies -> North Atlantic Storm Track (SW-NE deflection) (Brayshaw et al., 2009)
Mid-latitude Jetstream -> form in the NH and SH
strength is dependent on temp gradient
within them are rossby waves produced by changes in vorticity (Brayshaw et al., 2009)
storm tracks -> persistent eddies = located under the jetstream (Hall et al., 2015)
only form at latitudes 20N and S as no vorticity is present below these latitudes since temp gradient not present
NH has more seasonal variability and is less zonally symmetric than SH
transient eddies -> form in regions of baroclinicity lasting 3-5 days (Hoskins and Valdes, 1990)
formation in storm tracks = induced by changes in vorticity
changes in temperature influence vorticity by causing the column of air to expand -> conservation of vorticity (relative vorticity is linked with depth of flow and changes in vorticity mean depth of flow is conserved) means convergence of warm and cold air at the surface = low pressure = convective uplift = warm conveyor (Harold, 1973) belt as warm air from equatorial regions drawn in (Catto et al., 2010) -> leads to upper air divergence -> causes advection resulting in the system moving in a west to east direction -> intensification of the temp gradient as coupling of the lower and upper atmosphere (Willison et al., 2013) -> storm ceases when the coupling reduces
eddy-driven jet -> idea that cold air advection on the west and warm air advection on the right reinforces baroclinicity strengthening the storms themselves
latent heat also has a positive feedback mechanism -> altering vorticity as air parcels rise intensifying the system as a result (Wilson et al., 2013)
External forcing on the Jetstream
cryosphere -> sea-ice extent and snow -> influence meridional temp gradients.
oceanic -> North Atlantic SSTs and ENSO = El Niño causes NAO-
Stratosphere -> volcanic eruptions, solar variability, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (Hall et al., 2015)
Variability in the mid-latitudes -> seasonality
Stronger temp gradients in winter = alters position of storm tracks
Coriolis stronger in winter as jet is stronger = more standing waves
Variability in the mid-latitudes -> NAO
NAO -> index from Azores High to Icelandic Low = determine the intensity of the jet -> alters the region of transient eddy formation
Pressure gradient is stronger: the high is higher, and the low is lower.
Stronger jet and more storms, storms are stronger.
Jet is pushed further north, which brings warm air northwards.
Warmer and wetter winters in UK/Northern Europe but drier Mediterranean/Southern Europe (Gerber and Vallis, 2009).
E.g. December of 2015/16, NAO index highly positive (2.24 in Dec) (also some influence of El Niño), wettest calendar month in UK record, receiving 182% of long-term average rainfall
Pressure gradient weaker: high and low are weakened.
Weaker jet, with fewer and weaker storms.
Jet meanders south, as winds are not as strong.
Colder and drier winter in UK, cooler and wetter Mediterranean.
E.g. winter of 2009/10, NAO index was very negative (-1.85 in Dec), UK had coldest winter in over 100 years, average temp 5C below 1971-2000 mean (Seager et al., 2010)
Controls on the NAO
ENSO controls NAO state (Bronnimann et al., 2007) -> easier to predict NAO state from ENSO from November using GloSea5 (Scaife et al., 2014)
Internal Variability -> stochastic forcing in SSTs, temperatures etc..
SSTs -> transition into certain states (Omrani et al., 2021)
Stratosphere -> Stratospheric Polar Vortex and the production of blocking events
Other -> Pacific North American Oscillation
Stratospheric Changes and the NAO
Arctic Oscillation -> air pressure and winds over the Arctic move through two core phases = strong mode during winter with no solar radiation = leads to an intensification of the SPV which moves east to west (westerlies)
Outside of winter -> the SPV is not strong so there is nothing to disrupt = no blocking events
Formation of a blocking event
When the SPV weakens = weakening of Rossby waves below in the form of breaking waves = alteration in vorticity = weakening of the SPV and sinking which can cause warming = production of break off blobs due to momentum driven differences which can sit over the North Atlantic Storm Track/Jetstream leading to blocking highs.
- Blocking highs = last for a few weeks -> only removed through solar radiation as transient eddies cannot form as the Jetstream is diverted.
- E.g. Blocking winters in 1992/93 (Woollings et al., 2010).
- Ozone depletion -> cooled the stratospheric polar vortex = strengthening -> will lead to more stratospheric polar vortex breakdowns
C.C and position of jets -> contestation
CMIP5 -> Storm tracks expected to shift poleward in a warmer climate (Barnes and Polvani, 2013) -> jet speed will increase in the SH but will remain the same in the NH (Barnes and Polvani, 2013)
IPCC (2013) has “medium confidence” in poleward shift
C.C. and a poleward shift in jetstreams
Hadley cell expansion (Seidel et al., 2007)
Reduction in surface temperature gradient (Lu et al., 2010)
Increased midlatitude tropopause height (Williams, 2006)
Increased Rossby phase speeds (Chen, 2008)