ENSO Flashcards
Pacific Ocean -> lots of CAPE as oceans are warm
ENSO events -> 2 years and then a return to normal conditions
ENSO (Ropelewski and Halpert, 1987).
is a coupled oceanic-atmospheric climate phenomenon which has widespread teleconnections influencing global precipitation
Southern Oscillation Index
Pressure differences between Darwin and Tahiti.
Pressure difference more strongly associated through DJF -> when ENSO events take places, less strongly associated through AMJ e.g. April -> monsoon forms as the SOI is weakest.
Walker -> analysed when there were pressure differences across the I.O and Pacific Ocean when the monsoon formed
Bjerknes -> identified Walker Circulation
Wyrtki -> identified that El Niño events are produced prior to the transfer of warm water from the western Pacific Ocean to the eastern Pacific Ocean -> analysed in more detail the role of kelvin and Rossby waves
Philander used the term La Niña in the 1980s
Walker Circulation
- Trade winds (easterlies) converge producing a water deficit at the eastern Pacific Ocean = cold tongue, upwelling -> in contrast warm water accumulates in the western Pacific Ocean
- Thermocline produced by the 4-10C temp gradient –> deeper in eastern Pacific Ocean than western -> enhances p.g. and easterlies -> Bjerknes feedback
- leads to convection, instability, and precipitation over the warmer waters of the equatorial western Pacific Ocean and divergence, subsidence over the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
El Niño (McPhaden, 2004)
- Trade winds weaken -> production of westerly wind events -> zone of convection shifts east -> thermocline shallows and temperature gradient decreases as Humboldt Current replaced by warm water
- wetting across the equatorial Pacific, drying in the western Pacific -> Bjerknes feedback as WWBs reinforced by SST alterations (Rasmusson and Carpenter, 1982)
cause of El Niño
Madden-Julian Oscillation -> intraseasonal convective system causes downwelling Kelvin waves through WWB, but was strong in the 1990s than 19980s (McPhaden, 1999; Tang and Yu, 2008)
stochastic forcing (Hu and Fedorov, 2014) or recharge oscillator theory (McPhaden, 2004)
La Niña (McPhaden, 2004)
- Trade winds intensify -> warmer water pushed further W -> increase western equatorial convection -> strong p.g. and steeper thermocline in e. pacific and shoaling in w. pacific
-> intensification of Walker Circulation
Recharge Oscillator Theory (Jin, 1997)
ENSO states reverse due to delayed responses through the production of equatorial waves which lead to sustaining oscillation -> based on heat content build up and the position of heat build up
- A La Niña is viewed as a mechanism which recharges the build-up = released during an El Niño
Delayed Oscillator Theory (1. Battisti and Hirst, 1989; Suarez and Schopf, 1988):
idea that delayed equatorial waves drive the ENSO system -> produced by wind stresses, density contrasts in the thermocline in the form or Rossby and Kelvin waves + Bjerknes (1969) feedback as it couples the strength of anomalies in the ocean with the atmosphere leading to a “lock” on the state
Outline of the delayed oscillator theory
- An initial wind stress anomaly in the central Pacific leads to the generation of an eastward propagating downwelling Kelvin wave (2.9m/s) at the equator and upwelling Rossby wave propagating westwards at ~5° N and S of the equator
- It reaches the coast the coast in 2-3 months and ‘flicks’ the thermocline, leading to strong local SST warm anomaly by reducing upwelling cooling off the coast of S. America
- Weakens pressure gradient across basin, reduces wind stress, warm pool expands, etc. -> strengthened by Bjerknes feedback
- Kelvin waves reflect off S. America and travel back across the basin as downwelling Rossby waves increasing the thermocline again via Sverdrup transport (Timmerman et al., 2018)
- Rossby wave travels slowly (0.93 m/s) towards the west after ~210 days they reache the W and are reflected back as upwelling Kelvin wave
- Therefore 375 days later -> initial WWB reversed -> termination based on wave propagation speeds
Role of Ekman Transport in DOT
- WWBs cause localised warm anomaly on the equator as Ekman transport moves warm water towards the equator via upwelling = additional mass = depresses the thermocline and produces the downwelling kelvin waves
- Upwelling Rossby waves are induced by localised cooling either side of the equator where heat is transported towards the equator by WWB-induced Ekman transport -> mass deficit as water converges at the equator = production of cyclonic vortices = Rossby waves which propagate poleward
Alternative ENSO mechanisms (Wang, 2018)
Capacitator theory (Webster and Lucas, 1992), Advective-Reflective Oscillator (Picaut et al., 1997), Unified Oscillator (Wang, 2001)
El Niño events vary in where and how they occur/propogate
anomalies typically occur within the NINO3.4 region
EP = most common -> formation in eastern pacific = flattening of the thermocline -> often lead to La Niña events (Timmerman et al., 2018)
CP = more recently identified -> warming in central pacific -> impacts not the same and thermocline does not flatten (Timmerman et al., 2018)