Middle East Flashcards
Southwest Asia lays at the crossroads of what 3 continents?
Asia, Europe, and Africa
Describe the Dead Sea
Lowest point we can visit on Earth, very salty anything floats, no life, 1,349 feet below sea level
Very very little to no rain, can get as little as 10 inches of precipitation per year
some rain (10+ inches)
Mediterranean Climate:
Summers are very hot with temperatures 100ºF+. Winters are typically mild and rainy depending on the area’s altitude, distance from the equator, and winds.
Why does Central Asia receive so little rainfall?
Tall mountains (the Hindu Kush) prevent storms that form over the Indian Ocean from getting to Central Asia.
Desert Scrub Plant Life:
Mostly shrubs and small trees that have adapted to not need much rainfall to survive.
What is SW Asia known as and why?
“cradle of civilization” because where farming began, where first cities arose, birthplace of 3 major religions
Most people in SW Asia are:
What are the TWO resources that shape economic activity in Southwest and Central Asia and WHY?
Oil. It is important because the area is rich in it.
Water. It is important because the area lacks it. Lack of water limits commercial farming.
Population describe:
Around 652 million people live in Southwest and Central Asia. Youngest and fastest growing population.
How is oil made?
Millions of years ago tectonic plates crashed and the heat of the Earth’s core and the weight from the water and tectonic plates created enough pressure to make oil from fossils.
crude oil?
petroleum before it is processed and refined straight out of the ground.
oil reserves?
oil that has been discovered but remains undiscovered/untouched in the ground.
Why so much oil in SW Asia?
A great amount of oil is buried under Southwest Asia because millions of years ago it was underwater.
Saudi Arabia why more oil than Yemen and Syria?
A long time ago the Iranian Plate and the Arabian plate bumped into each other which made space for oil and gas to form.
How do we get to oil?
Oil deposits Are many feet underground and workers need to drill through cap rock to push the oil out of the water
What is HDI?
United Nations’ Human Development Index
What does HDI do?
examines certain factors that reflect the general quality of life.
HDI affects?
life expectancy has gone up by 15 years over the last 30-40 years and infant mortality rate has dropped by 66%). HDI improves healthcare and improves people’s quality of life. ★
How do countries profit off of oil?
Selling/importing oil in the gross domestic product (GDP) of countries, other countries also make money from processing oil instead of selling it.
How does population affect GDP?
Countries with smaller populations have higher per capita GDP, whereas countries with large populations have lower per capita GDP.
Example of money from oil but people poor?
Iraq has the second-largest oil reserves in the region its oil money has been funneled into the military , not its people for most of recent history.
Who and when founded each of 3 religions?
J: 1800 B.C.E. C: 2023 C.E. I: 610 C.E
Sometimes included in Middle East but is Africa?
5 Ethnic groups:
2 Islam branches
Sunni Islam
Shia Islam
Main reasons for conflict
The way the middle east was divided by Europe after the World Wars.
The spread of Wahhabism.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The regional rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
American foreign policy.
The term “Middle East” can be used to refer to
The countries of the Arabian Peninsula.
Why are countries in the Middle East globally important?
They are rich in oil and natural resources.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Who isn’t part of OPEC?
Mexico and Russia
Who is part of OPEC but not part of Middle East?
Venezuela and Nigeria
What dictator ordered an invasion of Kuwait?
The dictator of Iraq Saddam Hussein ordered an invasion of Kuwait, giving them control of their oil fields in 1990.
How did other countries react when Iraq invaded Kuwait?
The US and other countries have formed a coalition to drive Iraq out of Kuwait. While others were oil-exporting countries that feared losing control of their oil reserves to Iraq.
What did the coalition do?
drive Iraq out of Kuwait in a matter of just 3 weeks.
When did Iraq invade Kuwait and what did they do?
raq invaded Kuwait in 1990 where they set 730 oil wells on fire that took 8 months to put out.