Intro to Monsoon Asia Flashcards
What are monsoons?
wind patterns that bring rain or dryness from the ocean (are important for agriculture)
grows quickly and has many uses and is renewable because if cut down it will continue to grow from stump. They can grow over 100 feet high and have stems that are 12 inches across.
What country has never been invaded/colonized?
Thailand (it was neutral territory between French and British)
What is the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
In which mountain range can this mountain be found?
The Himalayas
How high does Mt. Everest grow per year? What causes it to grow?
½ an each year. The two plates beneath it collide.
Why is India sometimes called a “subcontinent”?
Himalayas and ocean divide India from Asia.
What is the third longest river in the world and into what body of water does it empty?
Yangtze and it empties into the Pacific Ocean.
What force of nature created the islands of Japan?
Describe Monsoon Asia climate?
70 +inches rain during the months of June until September, very little rain or none from the months of December through April.
the climate found on the Korean Peninsula.
Humid Continental climate; hot steamy summers and very cold winters
Climate in SE Asia is…
The climate in Southeast Asia is hot all year round
one type of vegetation in high mountain icecap?
None or very little! It’s too cold and icy to grow anything
one type of vegetation in Central India?
Evergreen trees.
one type of vegetation in Korea and Japan?
Pine trees.
four crops grown in the cleared rainforests of Southeast Asia:
how was early China ruled?
first ruler of China?
Emperor Qin
South Asia’s first civilization?
Mohenjo daro Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley civilization began when?
2500 B.C.E
How so ahead of their time?
they had indoor bathrooms with a sewage system. Up to 40,000 people lived there
Who invaded where?
Dutch invaded Indonesia
Spanish invaded Philippines
British invaded India
French invaded most of SE Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia)
India freed itself from Great Britain in the year:
The French leave Southeast Asia in the year:
Largest country populations and what are they in order
China: (1.45 B)
India: (1.41 B)
Indonesia: (280 M)
commercial fishing, tin, oil reserves (Indonesia), hydroelectric power, coal deposits in china (produce more than any country)
What area what religion?
Hinduism in India and Nepal
Islam in Indonesia and Monsoon Asia
Buddhism in Japan
Shinto in Japan
Confucianism in China
Christianity in Philippines and Monsoon Asia
Korea and NYC have
very similar climates