Middle Ages Riview Flashcards
Medieval Europe associations of men such as merchant artisans or professors who worked in a particular trade and banded together to promote their economic and political interests
King of the franks. Established the Carolingian empire which had all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy
William The conquer
Was the Duke of Normandy he invaded England in 1066 and bought Anglo – Saxon domination of the island to an end
Charles Martel
He is Charlemagne’s grandfather he stopped a party of Arrabs and Berbers most advanced rading party and 732
Joan of arc
Nicknamed the maid of Orleans is considered a heroine of France and Roman Catholic saint. She was born to a peasant family at Domremy in North East France
Dante Alighieri
Was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine comedy is widely considered the greatest literary work composed an Italian language
Henry the second
The great grandson of William the Conqueror became king of England in 1154, he instituted reforms designed to strengthen the power of the crown and weaken The nobility, Jerry’s became powerful legalInstruments, criminal act violated “kings peace” charges by crown not by victims
Edward the first
Was to England from 1272 to 1307 the first son of Henry the third was involved early and political intrigues of his father’s reign
St. Thomas Aquinas
Was an Italian Dominican friar and priest. And and immensely influential philosophers and theologians in the tradition of scholastism also known as “doctor angelicus”
Magna Carta
Cause King John to recognize traditional rights and was also the first step of a long historical process leading to constitutional law
The code of Justinian
Was a code of laws that serve as the foundation of international law that is still used today. It was used as even in the US today
Described accomplishments of the Vikings
They organized Iceland Greenland and kinland in the 800s and 900s in the year of 1000 they sailed Iceland to Canada and called it Vinland
First Crusade
Christians were fighting in the leader directed them to attack the Muslims as an armed pilgrimage
Fourth Crusade
Leaders captured Constantinople and took over for a century later crusade saw powerful king going online campaigns
What was the war of roses
They were Sue’s of dynastic wars for the throne of England. They were fought between two fival branches The houses of Lancaster and York