Middle Ages 500-1500 Flashcards
Algemeen middle ages
- most people could neither read nor write (except for monks, nuns and scribes)
- most stories were told instead of read
- professional storytellers travelled from town to town bringing tales
- 1440: invention of printing press
Three orders of society
- The clergy
- The nobility
- The people
The clergy
A powerful political class, well educated
The nobility
An influential class with strong military power
The people
The tax paying bourgeoisie, peasants, serfs
- not known who wrote it or how old it is
- developed orally
- setting: scandinavia
- beowulf is the protagonist
- epic poem
The story
The hero Beowulf gains fame as a young man by defeating the Monster Grendel and his mother. Later, as an aging King, he kills a dragon but dies soon after, hounered and lamented.
The canterbury tales
- writer: Geoffrey Chaucer
- setting: road to Canterbury
- style: collection of tales
- framestory
- alliteration
It is a frame story of a group of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury. Each pilgrim has to tell two tales on the way and two on the way back > framework
Geoffrey Chaucer
- had a great knowledge of languages
- influenced by the italians
- had powers of human observation, a wry sense of humour and enormous dramatic skill
- very modern writer
The nun’s priest’s tale
Chauntecleer is a rooster that belongs to a poor widow. He tells his favourite hen, Pertelote, about a nightmare.
Chauntecleer gets approached by a fox who grabs him, but Chauntecleer tricks him and escapes from his mouth.