all the light we cannot see Flashcards
Marie-Laure lives in Paris near the museum of natural historym where her father works. The flee to Saint-Malo when the Nazi’s occupied Paris, there lives her great uncle. They carry the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel with them.
In Germany, Werner, grows up with his younger sister. They find a radio that brings them news and stories from places they have never seen or imagined. Werner becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments.
- war
- the power of knowledge
- the legacy of the past
- humanity
- responsibility
- the feeling of guilt
historical fiction
an anonymous narrator who describes events in a melancholy and reflective manner
point of view
the narrator speaks in the third person, switching focus from character to character
thoughtful, melancholy, resigned
the novel moves back and forth between different time periods, but it is always narrated in the present tense
time -> most of the actions takes place between 1934 to 1944
place -> the action happens primarily in Paris and Saint-Malo, france and Germany
Werner and Marie-Laure
major conflict
Werner tries to maintain his moral integrity and use his intellegence as a force for good while Nazi’s urge him toward violance and brutality.
A second was when as von Rumpel perseus the diamond, putting Marie-Laure in danger.
rising action
when Werner is admitted to a Nazi training school
when Werner goes to Marie-Laure’s house to help her. At the house, Werner shoots and kills von Rumpel.
falling action
it involves Werner helping Marie-Laure escape from the town during the ceasefire
replicas and models, secrets, radio, light
peaches, the sea of flames, the book ‘Birds of America’.
death of grandfather foreshadows the death of her father and werner