Mid Term Pix Flashcards

Twin-to-twin transfusion

Poli-Oli sequence (stuck twin)

Fetus papyraceous

Monochorionic/diamniotic twin gestation

Conjoined twins connected at the thorax

Monochorionic, monoamniotic twin gestation

Dichorionic/diamniotic twin gestation

Spaulding’s sign

Spaulding’s sign

Measurement of incompetent cervix

Anterior uterine fibroid

Placenta previa

Scalp edema

pleural fluid


Nuchal translucency

Transcervical chorionic villus sampling

Genetic amniocentesis

Thickened nuchal fold

Hypoplasia of the middle fifth phalanx

“Double bubble” sign as seen with duodenal atresia

Intracardiac focus


Choroid plexus cysts



Cystic Hygroma?? (this slide didn’t give a description….)


Partial mole

Hydatidiform mole

Intervillous thrombosis

Marginal abruption

Retroplacental abruption

Placental Abruption


Succenturiate Placenta

placental invasion (Percreta)

Transabdominal succenturiate

Complete previa
(evidenced by 3cm between maternal sacrum and the fetal head)

internal os of the cervix (arrows)

Placenta previa

Low lying placenta

Battledore placenta

Single umbilical artery

Nucal cord

Umbilical cord knots

Omphalomesenteric cyst

amniotic fluid mixed with particulate matter or vernix

amniotic fluid mixed with particulate matter or vernix

Amniotic band syndrome

Amniotic sheets and synechiae

cystic hygroma

cystic hygroma

Axial view used to look for Cleft Lip and Palate

Cyclopia with a small proboscis


Fetuses with Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome

Absent nasal bone

mild frontal bossing

A fetus affected by familial midface hypoplasia