Mid term 1 Flashcards
4 points of debate
1) Research around medication treatment is more systematic and standardized than psychotherapy outcomes
2) Medications act quickly to reduce most severe symptoms so the person is better able to engage in therapy
3) Medications only target physical symptoms, whereas therapy treats the person as a whole
4) Therapy aims toward personal growth and autonomy, whereas medications likely foster dependency
3 general theories of the etiology of mental illness
1) Supernatural
2) Somatogenic
3) Psychogenic
Possession by evil or demonic spirits (“cursed”), displeasure of
gods (i.e., “smite”), eclipses, planetary gravitation (i.e., “mercury in
retrograde”), and sin.
Physical conditions involving genetic inheritance (i.e., “gene
mutation”), brain damage, or chemical imbalance.
Resulting from traumatic or stressful experiences, maladaptive
learned associations, or distorted perceptions.
Surgical procedure involving
drilling a hole into the skull to let out the
Treatment by which leeches or a physician remove blood to balance out the humors
CNS (Central nervous system)
Brain and Spinal
PNS (Peripheral nervous system)
Everything but Spin and Brain
What does the spinal cord do
Transmits information from
sensory nerves to the brain and carry motor commands from the brain to the muscles. The spinal cord acts as a relay system to the brain and forms the shape of a butterfly. Axons from sensory nerves enter the gray
matter of the spinal cord from the dorsal side. Motor axons then leave the spinal cord from
the ventral side.
What do Dorsal Horns contain
Contains cell bodies that convey sensory information
What do Ventral Horns contain
Contains cells bodies of motoneurons that directly control the action of muscles
Layers of Brian
- scalp
-periosteal dura mater - Meningeal dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Subarachnoid space
- Pia mater
- Cerebral cortex
Dura Matter
Outermost layer which is also the toughest
What is the Arachnoid mater
Membrane with a weblike sublayer (subarachnoid space) filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
What is Pia mater
A thin layer that sits directly on the nervous tissue
Somatic Nervous System
Controls voluntary muscles with spinal nerves and cranial nerves.
Automatic Nervous System
Controls function of organs and
glands with autonomic nerves and
some cranial nerves.
Sympathetic Division
Dominates during times of stress, excitement, and exertion; “fight or flight system”. In times of perceived stress, the sympathetic system takes over to prepare the body for a sudden expenditure of energy.
Parasympathetic Division
Dominates when energy reserves can be conserved and stored for later use; “rest and digest system”. Once the perceived stress has passed, control of the body’s organs and glands return to the
parasympathetic system to restore a relaxed and balanced state.
Two primary types of cells
Neurons: nerve cells
Glial cells: Supporting cells
What are tissues in the body composed of
Analyze and transmit information
throughout the body. Responsible for receiving sensory information, integrating and storing information, and controlling the action of muscles and glands.
Glial Cells
Supporting structural role that
facilitates communication between cells and provides metabolic support, protection, and insulation. “Gluing” neurons in place and
protecting neurons from microorganisms, supplying nutrients removing waste, and destroying dead neurons.
Sensory Neurons
Sensitive to environmental stimuli and convert physical stimuli into electric signals
What do Interneurons do
Nerve cells within the brain and spinal cord form complex interacting neural circuits and are responsible for conscious sensations, recognition, memory, decision-making and cognition
Motor Neurons
Direct a biobehavioral response appropriate to the situation
Soma: Cell body
Largest part of the cell contains structures vital to the cell’s life process + nucleus
Contains the majority of the cell’s genetic material. Chromosomes (long DNA strands) with distinct segments (genes) that produce specific proteins. Protein = chain of simple building-block molecules (amino acids) Amino acids play an important role in cell communication, growth,
repair, biochemical reactions, immune system functions, etc
what do Dendrites do?
Receive and conduct information to the cell body from other
Axon Hillock & Axon
Axons send and transmit electrical messages away from the cell body to communicate to other neurons (action potential)
Where are Synapses are located
- Between terminal button and dendrites (axodendritic synapse)
- Between terminal button and cell bodies (axosomatic synapses)
- Near another neuron’s axon or terminal button (axoaxonic synapse)