Mid-Lower Cervical Flashcards
Uncinate Processes
- what
- where
- clinical significance
lateral "hooks" -superior aspect of vertebral body uncovertebral joints -pseudo joints -limits lateral flexion significance -degenerative changes and compressive forces may lead to nerve root impingement
articular processes
- other name
- what type of joint
- formed by
- orientation
- function
facet joints type -flat plane synovial facet joints formed by -superior and inferior articular processes of adjacent vertebrae oblique orientation guides vertebral motion
C2 facet orientation
20 degree orientation to the horizontal plane
C3-C7 facet orientation
45 degrees to the horizontal and frontal plane
flexion C2-C7
- how much
- motion follows _____ plane created by _____
- facets slide ____
- limited by
35-40 motion follows oblique plane created by facets in the apophyseal joints facets slide "open" limited by -posterior structures --PLL --ligamentum nuchae --interspinous ligaments --muscles
extension C2-C7
- how much
- facets _____ in the _____ direction
- limited by
55-60 facets "close" in the posterior direction limited by -anterior structures --ALL -approximation of apophyseal joints -muscles
lateral flexion C2-C7
- how much
- superior facet movement
superior facet arthrokinematics
-ipsilateral side slide inferior and posteriorly
-contralateral side slide superior and anteriorly
axial rotation C2-C7
- how much
- inferior facet movement ipsilateral and contralateral
-inferior facet slides posteriorlyand slightly inferior the ipsilateral side of rotation
-inferior facet slides anteriorly and slightly superior
spinal coupling C2-C7
-what happens
lateral flexion and axial rotation are coupled ipsilaterally
-right lateral flexion occurs with a small amount of right axial rotation
controversial topic
how many degrees of lordosis should you have in the cervical spine
interbody joints
- location
- types of joints
located from C2C3 to L5S1
synarthrodial joints
-permit slight to no amount of movement
interbody joints
- each joint is composed of…
- function
composed of -intervertebral disc -vertebral endplates -adjacent vertebral bodies function -optimizes function of the spine
facet joint surfaces C2-C7
45 degrees between the horizontal and frontal planes
“shingles on a roof”
allows for motion in all 3 planes
arthrokinematics of C2-C7 flexion/extension
-total amount of movement
-inferior facts of the superior vertebrae slide superiorly and anteriorly
-inferion facts of the superior vertebrae slide posteriorly and inferiorly
what prevents hyperflexion in the C-spine
ligaments -ligamentum nuchae -PLL -interspinous muscles