Microtaxonomy (Species Concept) Flashcards
study of species and their classification, evolution, population estimation, geographic variation, and recognition of polytypic species.
process by which a subgroup within a species becomes distinct and develops its own unique characteristics
Types of Speciation
(AS, SS)
Allopatric Speciation
Sympatric Speciation
species splits into two separate groups due to geographical barriers
Allopatric Species
Isolation occurs within the same geographical location without geographical barriers to breeding but is caused by other factors.
Sympatric Speciation
Prezygotic Barriers
(BI, HI, TI, GB, MB)
Behavioral Isolation
Habitat Isolation
Temporal Isolation
Gametic Barrier
Mechanical Barrier
species moves to a new _______ and no longer shares it with other populations of the same species.
Habitat Isolation
different __________ that can lead to difficulty in attracting a mate.
Behavioral Isolation
occurs when two species have different breeding schedules
Temporal Isolation
prevent fertilization from occurring due to differences in____________
Gametic Barrier
gamete cells
two similar organisms may try to mate, but their reproductive anatomy does not align with each other
Mechanical Barrier
Fertilization occurs but some factors still separate the two species.
Ex. Infertile
Postzygotic Barriers
a species as a group of populations that can breed and produce offspring within their own group but cannot effectively mate with other groups
Biological Species Concept (BSC)
Parts of BSC
(IC, RC)
Isolating Concept
Recognition Concept
responsible for discontinuity between species.
Isolating Concept