Microfossils Flashcards
What is a microfossil
They are the same as a macro fossil except you need a microscope to see them
What are the types of micro fossils on the syllabus
Ostracods Foraminifera Conodonts Radiolarain Spores and pollen
What is the morphology of Ostracods
Two valves
Hinge with teeth
Adductor muscles to close them
How big are Ostracods
Less than 2mm
What is the shell or carapace made of
Chitin or calcium carbonate
Geological range (Ostracods)
Cambrian to present
Mode of life (Ostracods)
How are they great palaeo-environment indicators
They had different forms in waters of the entire range of salinity
What is the protective shell of a foraminifera called
A test
What is their size range (Foraminifera)
What is the difference between early forms of Formas compared to more advanced form
Early had test glued together while advanced secreted their shell
How do forms capture their food
Using thread-like structures through holes of the test
What is the forams geological time
Cambrian to present
What is the size of conodonts
200um to 5mm
What are they
Teeth of soft bodied creatures
Details about conodonts
Made of calcium phosphate, apatite
Precambrian to perm-triassic extinction events
What are Radiolaria
Marine planktonic animals, ranging form 30um to 2mm
Made of silica
preserved below the CCD
Excellent palaeoenvironmemt tools
How big are spores and pollen
10 and 200 microns
Geological time range of spores and pollen
Late Silurian