When asked about features of a virus, that means what family? What type of genome? Enveloped or naked? etc
What are features of Rhinovirus and what family of viruses does it belong to?
It is a naked, + RNA virus that is icosahedral and replicates at 33 C, it is a picornavirus
What are the features of coronavirus?
It is an enveloped +RNA virus, that grows at 33 C
What are the features of Coxsackie A virus? What family?
It is a naked and icosahedral picornavirus
What are the features of mumps virus, what family?
(-) RNA enveloped paramyxovirus
What are the features of influenza virus?
(-) RNA virus with segmented genome that is enveloped
What are the features of adenovirus?
Large icosahedral, naked DNA virus
What are the features of measles virus?
(-) RNA helical, enveloped paramyxovirus
What are the features of Hantavirus?
It is an enveloped (+) RNA bunyavirus with 3 segments
What are the features of SARS?
It is a (+) RNA coronavirus that is enveloped
What are 2 paramyxoviruses that affect the respiratory tract?
Mumps and Measles and both are RNA viruses
What are the two picornaviruses that affect the respiratory tract? What is the major difference in terms of replication?
Rhinovirus and Coxsackie virus–both are (+) stranded RNA viruses but rhinovirus only grows at 33 C
Why are fomites more important for rhinovirus transmission than coronavirus?
Rhinovirus is a naked virus (+) RNA picornavirus
If, hypothetically, rhinovirus could grow at 37 C would it cause pneumonia, why or why not?
YES it could. Because its receptor is the I-CAM receptor which is also present in the lung.
Which time of year is best for influenza virus? For rhinovirus?
Influenza is fall to spring and rhinovirus is spring to fall.
Why do Amish kids get epiglottitis more so than most kids?
Because the most common cause of epiglottitis is H. influenza B which we vaccinate against, but Amish don?t get vaccines
What is the etiology of the most common cause of pharyngitis?
Mostly from rhinovirus and that is from POST-NASAL DRIP from the rhinitis
What are the features of the virus that causes pharyngoconjunctival fever?
It is a large naked DNA virus that is icosahedral; adenovirus
What are the features of the virus that causes hand foot and mouth disease?
It is a (+) RNA picornavirus that is NAKED
Which strands of Coxsackie A cause hand foot and mouth (4)
5, 9, 10, and mainly 16
Which strands of Coxsackie A cause herpangina?