Microbiology practical 2 Flashcards
Why do you use a selective and differential medium used?
- Selective media allow certain types of organisms to grow, and stops others
- Differential media are used to differentiate closely related organisms or groups of organisms
What does catalyse test tell you?
Purpose of a catalyse test; tests for presence of catalase which breaks down tock peroxide to H2O and O2 it will bubble if there is catalase (+ve result)
What is the purpose of a oxidase test? strong and weak +ve result -ve result
purpose of a oxidase test; used to id bacteria which produce cytochrome C oxidase which in an enzyme fo the ETC
+ve= aerobic (not strictly) and can use O2 as an electron acceptor in respiration
strong oxidase +ve organisms; colour change to deep blue purple within 10 seconds
weak +ve occurs within 10-60 seconds
-ve result= no colour change or bleached paper if the reagent has turned blue.
What is the purpose of a spot indole test?
spot indole test purpose; to determine the presence of the enzyme troptophanase, which breaks down tryptophan to resale indole which reacts with cinnamaldehyde and produces a blue/green compound
-ve result there is no colour change
What is the purpose of testing motility?
purpose of testing motility; to determine if the bacteria have a flagella present
+ve result; under the microscope the motile bacteria will dart across the view
-ve result; they don’t move
Define haemolysis; Alpha and beta
Haemolysis; breakdown of RBC
Beta is the complete breakdown of RBC so there is a complete clear zone around the bacteria
Alpha; green zone of incomplete destruction of RBC around the bacteria
What is the purpose of using a MacConkeys agar?
purpose of using a MacConkeys agar
- is both selective and differential
- if pink its lactase fermneting
- pale its non-lactose fermenting
Which of the following is gram negative and gram positive?
Dicuss the antibiotic susceptiblity
antibotic susceptiblity;
there is a zone of inhibtion (the area of clearing around it)
to determine if the ab worked you hvae to measure the ZOI and it must fall within the range which is acceptable if not than the disk has failed