Microbiology of Water Flashcards
Aquatic primary producers
oxygenic photoautotrophs, phytoplankton
Function of aquatic primary producers
Serve as a food source for chemoheterotrophs
What do aquatic 1° producers depend on
- Temperature
- light availability
- nutrients
Photic zone
The uppermost layer of a body of water that receives sunlight
* In clear water, light will penetrate to a maximum depth of 300 m
Pelagic zone
Consists of the water column of the open ocean
Marine Environments
- Open ocean
- Coastal waters
- Deep sea
- Hydrothermal vents
Open Ocean (pelagic zone)
Environment? 1° productivity? 1° producer? T°C?
Oligotrophic: lack of inorganic nutrients
* Primary productivity is low
* Bulk of primary productivity comes from prochlorophytes
* In some regions, wind and ocean currents cause an upwelling of water from the ocean floor bringing nutrients to the surface and promoting productivity
T° are cooler and constant
Adpatations seen in pelagic microorganisms
- Reduced size (high S/A ratio)
- High affinity transport system
Environment? Type of organism? Pigment? Function?
- Found in nutrient poor ocean waters
- Filamentous cyanobacteria
- Contains phycobilins
- Nitrogen fixation
Coastal waters
Environment? Productivity? 1° producer? Problems?
Eutrophic: Rich in nutrients
* 1° productivity is usually higher
* 1° producers = algae and cyanobacteria
Supports higher concentration of zooplankton and aquatic animals
* Can cause red tides
Nitrogen is a limiting nutrient
Deep Sea
Environment? 1° productivity? 1° producer? T°C?
Between 300 and 1000m:
* Chemoheterotrophs degrade OM that falls from the photic zones
* 2-3°C - psychrophiles
Below 1000m:
* Oligotrophic
* Organic carbon is very scarce
* No light
* Very few microorganisms
Hydrothermal vents
Source of heat, source of nutrients, electron donors, electron acceptors
Freshwater Environments
- Lakes
- Rivers
Oligotrophic lakes
N and P are limiting:
* 1° production is low
* OM is low and degraded completely
* Rate of O2 dissolution is higher than the consumption rate so O2 concentration remains high
* Clear water
Eutrophic lakes
Nutrient rich
* 1° production is high
* OM is high
* Rapid depletion of dissolved O2 & low O2 concentration
* Anaerobic zones are created
* Poor light penetratio,
Anaerobic zones
Eutrophic lakes
- support the growth of denitrifiers, methanogens and sulfate reducers
- Anaerobic photosynthesis uses H2S as electron donor and produces sulfate
- Excessive production of H 2S and the production of organic acids from fermentation can give the water a bad odor
- The lack of oxygen and/or presence
of H 2S may kill fish and other aerobic organisms
Summer stratification
Summer stratification
* As the air T increases, surface water is warmed resulting in the formation of a warm upper layer (epilimnion) which is less dense, & aerobic
* The colder, bottom layer (hypolimnion) is denser, & anaerobic, and is separated from the epilimnion by a zone of rapid temp. change (thermocline)
* Mixing in the spring and fall only
Ggood mixing/aeration ensures that OM is degraded effectively
Deliberate discharge of effluents into a waterway
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Measure of the extent of pollution by OM
Microbial cells embedded inside an ECM
* Usually produced by a mixed population of species
* ECM composed of proteins, polysaccharides, DNA
* Cells are more resistant to stresses