Food-Borne Pathogens Flashcards
- Caused by Clostridium botulinum
- AB-type neurotoxin
- causes flaccid paralysis, respiratory or cardiac failure
- Toxin destroyed by cooking but spores are not
Staphylococcus aureus
- Most common form of food poisoning
- Due to an enterotoxin
- Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Associated with food prepared in large quantities and left at room T°
- Heat stable
Salmonella enterica
- Infection of mammals, birds & reptiles
- Grows in the intestinal tract
- Uses two injectisome systems
- Associated with uncooked or slightly cooked foods, or cooked foods that are contaminated after cooking
- Killed by cooking
Escherichia coli O157:H7
- infects the intestinal mucosa
- Produces AB-type toxin that inhibits protein synthesis
- kills intestinal cells, which produce inflammation and diarrhea.
- Toxin may get into the
bloodstream and kidney cells and lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome. - can result in acute renal failure and death
- Cooking kills the microorganism
Food processing/preservation: Aims
- Prevent or delay decomposition by microorganisms (spoilage)
- Destroy pathogens or inhibit their growth
- Prevent or delay self-decomposition by enzymes present in the food
Food processing/preservation: Methods
- Refrigeration and freezing
- Heating (pasteurization)
- Canning
- Reducing water availability
- Irradiation
- Chemicals
Refridgeration and freezing: Aim
slow or inhibit growth of microorganisms
Pasteurization: Aim
Reduce the number of microorganisms to delay spoilage and to eliminate pathogens
Pasteurisation: Methods
Low temperature long time (LTLT):
* 30 min, 62.8°C, bad taste (ice cream & cheese)
High temperature short time (HTST):
* 15 sec, 71.7°C (milk for drinking)
Ultrahigh temperature (UHT):
* 2 sec, 141°C
Canning: Aim
- Seal the food from the outside world and heat the container to kill most, if not all, of the microorganisms.
- Creates an anaerobic environment
Canning: Temperatures
- 100°C for acidic food
- Up to 121°C for low-acid food
Canning: 12D process
Temperature and time of exposure must be sufficient to kill 10 12 spores of Clostridium botulinum
Water availability: Aim
- Prevent microorganisms from growing
- Doesnt necessarily kill the microorganisms but inhibits their growth
Water availability: Methods
- Drying
- Adding salt or sugar
Irradiation: Aim
* reduce contamination of fresh
product by pathogen and spoilage
Irradiation: Doses
- Kill all microorganisms (radappertization)
- Kill specific microorganisms (radicidation)
- Reduce overall contamination (radurization)
Chemicals: Aims
* control the growth of microorganisms (usually selected microorganisms)
Chemicals recognised as safe
- Nitrite: prevents outgrowth of C. botulinum.
- Sulfites: wine industry, inhibits wild yeasts.
- Nisin: bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis