microbiology Flashcards
What are common side effects of all antibiotics
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea - all disrupt guts natural flora
side effects of gentamycin
Renal and vestibulocochlear
S.E of metronidazole?
reacts with alcohol
S.e of ciprofloxacin?
What antibiotics increase risk of C diff
avoid the 4 C’s
ciprofloxacin, cephalosporins, co-amoxiclav and clindamycin
What antibiotics are to be avoided in pregnancy
Trimethoprim and metronidazole are to be avoided in the first three months of pregnancy
Gentamycin, tetracycline and fluoroquinolones are to be avoided all together !!
harmful organism
organism that is part of the normal flora
opportunistic pathogen
Only cause infection in the immunocompromised
organism that has gotten into a culture by accident
ability of the microorganism to produce disease
the degree in which a pathogen can do harm
How does bacteria replicate?
binary fission - start off as one and then divide
What are the three types of atmosphere bacteria can grow in?
aerobic - in presence of oxygen
microaerophillic - reduced O2 increased CO2
anaerobic - without O2
What are the two different types of toxins?
Exotoxin - released from gram positive cell from within and exocytosed out
endotoxin - released from gram negative cell and is part of the cell wall
What do fungi like moulds and yeasts release? (what conditions can arise out of these)
moulds - spores and hyphae (aspergillus)
yeasts - single cells that reproduce by budding - candida
What is the antibiotic of choice for staph aureus
Describe the way in which a fever forms
antigen attacks macrophage
releases cytokines
travel up to the anterior hypothalamus of the brain
release prostaglandin E
increases body temp to above normal
body thinks its cold so starts to shiver
pathogens grow more slowly in increased heat