microbial diversity 2 Flashcards
lecture 9 - Michael Cuncliffe
( part of eukaryotes, clade : SAR )
- well-known algae :
- micro ( e.g diatoms )
- macro ( e.g kelp )
- large diversity
- some are phagorophic
- includes some important parasites
- some abundant taxa not well characterized or cultured
engulfment of particulate food
stramenopiles : diatoms
- highly diverse > 10000 species with highly varied morphology
- important in marine productivity, esp. in temperate and polar regions
- enclosed within hard silica ( SiO2 ) ‘shell like’ structure called frustule
temperate zone
encompasses the areas of Earth that lie between the tropical zone and the polar zones
stramenopiles : phaenophytes
brown algae
stramenopiles : oomycetes
( mainly ) parasites
( part of eukaryotes )
- two major lineages:
- haptophytes ( major marine group, mainly
photosynthetic, bloom-forming ) - centrohelids ( mainly freshwater, distinctive
radiating pseudopodia )
- haptophytes ( major marine group, mainly
hapista - haptophytes ( prymnesiophytes )
major members of the phytoplankton, with big influences on ocean and atmospheric processes.
flagellated unicells in one stage of the life cycle
often covered with external scales or plates called coccoliths made of calcium carbonate
( part of eukaryotes )
contain primary plastid from endosymbiosis with a cyanobacterium
- green algae ( all land plants )
- red algae
- glaucophytes
( part of eukaryotes, clade : SAR )
- three major groups :
- ciliates
- dinoflagellates
- aplicomplexans
- some other minor groups ( e.g perkinsids )
- includes some important parasites
alveolates - ciliates
posses cilia at least once in life cycle , same basic structure as flagellum
synchronous beating creates water current to channel particulate food into cell
> 8000 species, usually 15-80 µm (micrometers)
major role in microbial loop - ingest smaller flagellates and bacteria (phagotrophic) but are larger enough to be eaten by larger protists and mesozooplankton
abundant in water column sediments and microbial mats
alveolates - dinoflagellates
heterotrophic thecate dinoflagellates cant increase in volume so are unable to ingest large prey items directly
they extend a pseudopodial ‘feeding veil’ (pallium) with which they surround large prey and secrete digestive enzymes extracellulary
alveolates - apicomplexans
unicellular eukaryotes that are obligate parasites of other eukaryotes ( including animals )
( part of eukaryotes, clade : SAR )
wide diversity of amoeboid protistss
some major groups include:
- formaminiferans
- acanthareans
a type of cell or unicellular organism which has the ability to alter its shape, primarily by extending and retracting pseudopods
rhizarians - formaminiferans
unicellular protists
have a chalky shell - made up of chambers
rhizarians - acanthareans
stronium sulfate skeletons
( part of eukaryotes, clade : amorphea )
unicellular and multicellular groups
includes protist group
- e.g choanoflagellates
defined by a single posterior flagella at some life stage
opisthokonts - choanoflagellates
a single flagellum draws water current through collar of 30-40 tentacle like filaments - bacteria are trapped and taken unto food vacuoles
chytridiomycota ( chytrids )
sub division within in opisthokonts fungi
retain characters from last common ancestor with animals
unicellular body with cell wall that matures into a sporangium
within the sporangium, develop unicellular zoospores (posterior)
zoospores swim free to new attachment site and develop into a new sporangium
most live outside the growth substrate and produce rhizoids that penetrate
two main trophic modes:
- parasites
- saprotrophs
organism that feeds on nonliving organic matter known as detritus at a microscopic level
entomophthoromycota / glomeromycota
sub division within in opisthokonts fungi
general trend of increase in complexity
broad range of ecological roles
- symbioises
- parasites
- pathogens
- saprotrophs