Micro Test 1 : Chapter 1 Intro And History Flashcards
What are Microorganisms?
Organisms too small to see with the unaided eye
What do microorganisms do?
-Decompose organic waste
-Cause disease
-Produce chemicals like ethanol and acetone
-are producers in the eco system by photosynthesis (algie, and some bacteria)
-produce fermented foods like cheese and bread
Fermented foods from microorganisms
- Beer
- Wine
- Bread
- yogurt
- Cheese
EARLY HUMANS: Miasmatic Odors?
Greeks and Roman’s attributed disease with foul smells lead to public sanitation affects
EARLY HUMANS: Diseases with know known cause
Bubonic plague
Yellow fever
Epidemic typhus
1665 Robert Hooke discovery
Drawings of bacteria, first written report of cells
1673 Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek discovery
Described live unicellular microorganisms he observes using his own microscope design
Spontaneous Generation
Organisms arrive from non living matter
Organisms arrive from preexisting life
Louis Pastur 1822-1895
Described how fermination occurs from food spoilage and microbial activity
Formulated “pasteurization” to make beverages last longer
Variolation (Asia prior to 1700s)
Dried scrapings of small pox blisters that were enhailled or packed into a cut
1796 Edward Jenner
Found person with cowpox was protected from smallpox
1876 Robert Koch
Provided proof that bacterium causes anthrax and provided the experimental steps “Koch’s postulates” proves that specific microbes cause a specific disease
Treatment with chemicals
Can be synthetic drugs or antibiotics
Chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that kill or inhibit other microbes