MICRO-PARA Flashcards
S. epidermidis differentiated from S. aureus
growth on MSA
S. aureus ferments mannitol while
S. epidermidis does not ferments mannitol
gram pos cocci in clusters that grows on BA from medium to large with golden yellow colonies and beta-hemolytic colonies
S. aureus
A coagulase positvie
S. aureus
What agar thay differentiate strep from staph
Catalase test
What test measures bound coagulase
Slide coagulase
It is responsible for converting fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin in measuring free coagulase
What differentiate S. epidermidis from S. saprophyticus
S. saprophyticus resistant to Novobiocin
pinpoint, translucent gray colonies
large and deep zone of beta hemolysis on BA
Streptococci pyogenes
Orgasnism identification for Streptococci pyogenes and their positive reaction
Bacitracin Disc Test - sensitive
PYRase Test - Pyrrolidonylarlamidase - Pink or cherry red color
Direct antigent test - clumping
Virulence factor For Streptocci Pyogenes that is responsible for resistant of phagocytosis and intracellular killing
M protein
Virulence factor of S. pyogenes that mediates adherence to host cells
Lipoteichoic acid
Virulence factor in S. pyogenes that responsible for the rash in scarlet fever
Pyrogenic exotoxins
common causes of S. pyogenes
Streptococcal sore throat
Commonly cause damage to the mitral valve
nodules caused by rheumatic fever
Poststreptococcal infxn can be seen in Rheumatic fever
What test that differentiate S. pyogenes from other strep
(-) CAMP test
bullseye appearing colony
small and diffused zone of beta hemolysis
Streptococcus agalactiae
(-) Bacitracin
(+) CAMP Test
S. agalactiae
(+) Hippurate Hydrolysis = deep purple color
S. agalactiae
A nonhemolytic organism that grows in the presence of bile and hydrolyse esculin to esculetin, can withstand a higher salt conc. than other gram (+) cocci
e.bovis, e. faecalis
translucent, gray, rough margin with umbonate center
Viridans Streptococci
Commonly associated with dental caries
Streptococcus bovis = type of viridans.
basta dental - viridans - S. bovis
gram (+) diplococci
alpha hemolysis
—> Translucent colonies w/c resembles water droplet
S. pneumoniae
(+) Bactiracin Test
(-) CAMP
S. pyogenes
Test that identifies S. pneumoniae
Optochin Inhibition test
Bile solubility test
capsular swelling test
What org that has the ability of bacterial cells to lyse in the presence of bile salt
S. pneumoniae