Micro Flashcards
What is the MOA of sulbactam, tazobactam, clavulinic acid?
beta lactamase inhibitors
What causes a mono-spot negative mono-like syndrome?
What type of leprosy has a TH1 response?
- IL-2, TNF-g, IL-12
- induration with lepromin skin test
- Limited disease
What type of leprosy has a TH2 response?
- IL-4, IL-5, IL-10
- No reaction to lepromin skin test
- Disseminated disease, weak immune system
How does Hep B help Hep D infet?
Hep B is required to COAT the HDAg
“hey BuDdy, I’ll get to your COAT”
What part of the spinal cord does neurosyphilis affect?
Dorsal columns, hence Tabes Dorsalis
What are some symptoms of Tabes Dorsalis?
A-R pupils Paresthesia Lack of proprioception Ataxia \+ Romberg Bladder incontinence
How does integration of HBV into the genome of hepatocytes stimulate HCC?
Viral product of HBV increases insulin-like growth factor > proliferation
HBV suppresses Rb
What symptoms characterize the measles prodrome?
Koplik spots
Rash begins in 1-2 days
What forms of malaria have fevers at 48 hour intervals?
Vivax and Ovale
What are the forms of malaria (vivax and ovale) in the:
- Liver (active)
- Blood
- Liver (latent)
- Liver (active): trophozoites
- Blood: merozoites
Liver (latent): hypnozoites
What is the treatment for malaria (vivax and ovale)?
Chloroquine for acute + Primaquine for hypozoites
HIV structural proteins encoded by:
p24 + p7: nucleocapsid proteins
HIV structural proteins encoded by:
Reverse transcriptase
HIV structural proteins encoded by:
gp120 + gp41: envelope glycoproteins
Bind CD4
Mediate viral absorption
Temporal lobe aphasia, olfactory hallucination caused by reactivation of a virus on the trigeminal ganglion
Herpes encephalitis
Caused by point mutations in viral genome
Genetic drift or shift?
Caused by exchange of genome by segmented virus
Genetic drift or shift?
What viruses can undergo genetic shift?
Influenza, orthomyxoviruses, rotavirsues
What are the names and functions of the Diphtheria toxins?
B: binding (esp. heart and neuronal tissue)
A: active (EF2 > stops host cell protein synth)
Note: A stains with Aniline dye
What is the most common cause of retinitis in AIDS patients?
What is the treatment for CMV retinitis?
Cause of hydrocephalus + intracranial calcifications + chorioretinitis in newborns
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Avoid cat poop while pregnant.
Congenital toxoplasmosis is acquired…
- Transplacental
- Intrapartum
- Breast milk
Transplacental (in utero)
What happens when you mix Metronidazole and alcohol?
Disulfuram-like reaction: flushing, headache, N/V, cramps
What is the MOA of cord factor in TB?
Inhibits neutrophils
Destroys mitochondria
Releases TNF
What does the presence of cord factor indicate in TB infection?
How does this intracellular organism survive in macros?
Blocks phagolysosome fusion
How does this intracellular organism survive in macros?
Blocks phaglysosome fusion and acidification
How does this intracellular organism survive in macros?
Escapes phagolysosomes into the cytosol
How does this intracellular organism survive in macros?
Escapes phagolysosomes into the cytosol
Intracellular organisms require what kind of immune response to kill them?
Cell-mediated immunity. Complement or Abs will not do it.
Morphology of Hep E
Unenveloped ssRNA virus
Spread of Hep E
Fecal oral
What population is affected by Hep E?
Pregnant women
What virus causes pharyngoconjunctivitis?
- Pharyngitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Cervical LAD
Seen in close quarters
What are some nucleoside analogues?
What enzyme do the nucleoside analogues require?
Viral kinase to activate
What are the nucleotide analgoues?
Cidofovir, Tenofovir
What enzyme do the nucleotide analogues requrie?
What is the Rx for VZV, CMV, and EBV–nucleoside or nucleotide inhibitors?
Nucleotide (Cidofovir, Tenofovir) because they lack thymidine kinase to activate nucleoside inhibitors
What part of the brain is damaged in Tabes Dorsalis?
Midbrain (tectum)
What are the adverse effects of protease inhibitors?
Hyperglycemia (increased insulin resistance)
Inhibition of p450
Antigen that is released during division or bacteriolysis of Gram negatives and causes sepsis
Angiten released from Gram negatives that causes shock by activating the inflammatory cascade
Lipid A
Antigen that is an outer membrane polysaccharide in the cell wall of Gram negatives
O antigen
What are some means of inactivating HAV?
Chlorination of water Bleach Formalin UV 85 degrees C for 1 min
Bacterial cause of meningitis with this pattern of invasion:
pharynx > lymphatics > meninges
H flu
Bacterial cause of meningitis with this pattern of invasion:
middle ear > contiguous tissue > meninges
S pneumo
Bacterial cause of meningitis with this pattern of invasion:
traumatic wound leaking CSF > meninges
S aureus
Bacterial cause of meningitis with this pattern of invasion:
pharynx > blood > choroid plexus > meninges
Bacterial cause of meningitis with this pattern of invasion:
primary lung focus > blood > meninges
HIV + seizures + ring enhancing lesions think..
Rx for Toxoplasmosis
Pyrimethamine and Sulfadiazine
Cause of HIV esophagitis with:
Gross–gray pseudomembranes
Histo–yeast cells, pseudohyphae
Cause of HIV esophagitis with:
Gross–punched out lesions, vesicles
Histo–eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions
Cause of HIV esophagitis with:
Gross–linear ulcerations
Histo–intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions
Aerobic, serpentine bacteria with medusa heads
Bacillus anthracis
Bacterial cause of wool-sorter’s disease
Bacillus anthracis
Bacterial cause of mediastinal hemorrhage
Bacillus anthracis
Virulence factors of Bacillus anthracis
3 part anthrax toxin
Antiphagocytic capsule
Drugs for MRSA
What is a strain of E coli that does not ferment sorbitol or make glucuronidase?
EHEC O157:H7
What is the pathogenicity of E Coli O157:H7
Shiga like toxin inactivates 60S ribosomal subunit, ceasing protein synthesis > death
What food is EHEC associated with?
Undercooked beef
Barrier to antibiotic penetration and host defenses synthesized by Staph epidermidis
What organisms produce biofilm?
Staph epi Strep viridans Strep mutans + sanguis Pseudomonas H flu
5 catalase + organisms by which Chronic Granulomatous Disease NABSS you:
Noardia Aspergillus Burkholderia Serratia Staph aureus
MOA of Raltegravir
Integrase inhibitor
Stops mRNA transcription by stopping HIV genome from integrating into the host
What cofactors does H flu require in growth medium?
Factor V (NAD): remember 5, nickel, NAD Factor X (hematin): remember hemaTEN
Can grow on sheep’s blood agar with Staph aureus
H Flu
Staph aureus makes Factor V and lyses the RBCs to release Factor X