Embryo (incl. Branchial) Flashcards
Derivative of first aortic arch
Maxillary artery
1st is MAXimal
Derivative of second aortic arch
Second is Stapedial
Derivative of third aortic arch
Common Carotid
internal Carotid
3Cs: C is the 3rd letter
Derivative of the fourth aortic arch
Aortic arch (left) Right subclavian
Arteries that go to the 4 limbs
Derivative of sixth branchial arch
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary-to-systemic shunt (ductus arteriosus)
What’s left? the lungs.
Derivative of first branchial cleft
External auditory meatus
Derivative of second-fourth branchial clefts
Temporary cervical sinuses
- Obliterated by proliferation of 2nd arch mesenchyme
Derivatives of the 1st branchial arch: cartilage
Meckel’s cartilage
Malleus & incus
spheno-Mandibular ligament
Derivatives of the 1st branchial arch: muscles
Muscles of Mastication:
- teMporalis
- Masseter
- Medial and lateral pretygoids
- Mylohyoid
- ant. belly of digastric
- tensor tympani
- tensor veli palatini
Derivatives of the 1st branchial arch: nerves
CN V2 & V3 (chew)
Derivatives of the 1st branchial arch: abnormalities
Treacher Collins Syndrome
- 1st arch neural crest fails to migrate
- Mandibular hypoplasia, facial abnormalities
Derivatives of the 2nd branchial arch: cartilage
Styloid process
leSSer horn of hyoid
Stylohyoid ligament
Derivatives of the 2nd branchial arch: muscles
belly of digastric
Derivatives of the 2nd branchial arch: nerves
CN VII (facial expression, Smile)
Derivatives of the 2nd branchial arch: abnormalities
Congenital pharyngo-cutaneous fistula
- Persistence of cleft and pouch
- Fistula between tonsillar area and lateral neck