Michigan Residential Code Flashcards
Double lines mean what?
Double lines mean a code change specific to Michigan.
Other laws
This code doesn’t nullify any other laws.
What takes precedent? Code or MFR spec?
MFR spec
Right of entry for inspectors
The code official may enter any building, structure or premises to enforce the code
What requires a permit?
Construction, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, install or change the occupancy of a building.
Permits are not required for:
1 story detached accessory structures
Fences less than 7’
Retaining walls less than 4’ total
Water tank < 5k gallons (no pad)
Sidewalk/driveway <30” above grade, not over a basement, non accessibility
Painting, papering, tiling, etc.
prefab pools < 24” and 5k gallons
Playgrounds up to 2 units
Window awnings < 54” no additional supports
Decks not exceeding 200sq fr not attached and not within 36” of accessory, <30” high, doesn’t serve as egress
(See city code)
When do Emergency repairs have to be submitted to the building official?
The next business day.
Routine Repairs don’t require notice if
They don’t require cutting away of a wall, partition, or beam/load bearing support. Also can’t change the egress of the building
What should an application for a permit include?
Scope of work, description of land, indicate use/occupancy, have accompanying construction documents, state the valuation, be signed by the applicant/agent, (other things may be required)
Expiration of permits
Permits have 180 days, work can be stopped for 180 days. You can çan get 180 day extensions with cause.
Placement of permit
Permit/copy of permit shall be kept on worksite until work is completed.
When is a registered design professional required?
+3500 sq ft livable space
Mfr instructions placement
Mfr installation instructions must be available at the job site at the time of inspection
Where do the copies of the approved construction documents go?
One is retained by building official, one is placed at the worksite
What inspection has to go before framing inspection?
Plumbing, mechanical, gas, and electrical (roof construction, draftstopping, firestopping, and bracing)
Floodplain inspection
Must be conducted after the lowest floor (including basement) is constructed, but before any vertical building. Elevation must be prepared and sealed by a registered design professional
Masonry inspections shall be made:
After base course flashing
Final inspection timing
After all work, before occupancy
You can make appeals to a board of qualified individuals not employed by the government department enforcing the code (1 builder, 1 electrician, plumbing, & HVAC contractors, and an attorney)
Use and occupancy
A building or structure shall not be used/occupied, and no change in existing use/occupancy until a certificate of occupancy is issued
Temporary occupancy
Building official May authorize temporary occupancy certificate if the structure can be occupied safely.
R112.1 Means of appeal
An interested party can appeal a decision based on:
1. The true intent of the code has been misinterpreted
2. The provisions of the code do not apply
3. An equal or better form of construction has been proposed.
R112.3 qualifications (board of appeals)
The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified in accordance with the act and are not employees of the enforcing government party
(1 builder, electrical, plumbing, HVAC EACH, and 1 attorney not employed through the city.)
Notice of violation
Working without a permit will require the discontinuance of the illegal act and abatement of the violation
Accessory structure
A structure that is accessory to and incidental to the dwellings and located on the same lot
Unfinished space between ceiling and roof assembly
Habitable attic
Finished or unfinished area not considered a story, that also:
Occupied space not more than 70 sq ft.
Ceiling height in accordance with R305
Occupied space is enclosed by ceiling, roof assembly, and knee walls (optional)
Uninhabitable attic with limited storage
Minimum clear height between joists is 42”+ or
There are not 2 or more adjacent trusses with webs capable of holding 42” height and 24” width within the plane of the trusses.
Uninhabitable attic without storage
Max clear height between joists is <42” or
There aren’t 2 or more adjacent trusses with web configurations capable of accommodating 42” high x 24” wide spaces within the plane of the trusses
Braced wall panel
Full height section of wall constructed to resist in plane??? Sheer loads of framing, sheathing, and anchors.
Building Thermal Envelope
The basement walls, exterior walls, floor, roof, and any other building element that encloses conditioned space.
Cap plate
The top plate of the double top plates used in SIP construction the cap plate is cut to match the panel so that it overlaps the wood structural facing on both sides.
Continuous Insulation
Insulating material that is continuous across structural members excluding thermal bridges, fasteners, and service openings.
Dead loads
The weight of the construction materials incorporated into the building.
Draft stop
A material, device, or construction installed to restrict airflow within open spaces of concealed areas like crawl spaces, attics, etc.
Building materials or materials approved for fireblocking, installed to resist the free passage of flame to other areas through concealed spaces
Fire separation distance
The distance measured from the building face to:
1. The closest interior lot line
2. Centerline of a street, alley, or public line
3. Imaginary line between two buildings on the lot
(Measured at a right angle from the face of the wall)
Grade floor opening
A window or other opening located such that the sill height is laws than 44” above or below finished ground level adjacent to the opening
Building height
Vertical distance from the grade plane to the average height of the tallest roof surface
Insulated siding
A type of continuous insulation manufacturer insulated material as an overall part of the cladding product, minimum r value of r2
Insulated vinyl siding
A vinyl cladding with mfr installed integral foam plastic, r2+
Live loads
Loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building/structure and do not include construction/environmental loads like wind, snow, earthquake,etc.
Mfr installation instructions
Printed instructions included with equipment as part of the conditions of their listing and labeling
What is the max width of sapwood for Naturally durable wood?
90% heartwood, 10% sapwood.
Decay resistant wood:
redwood, cedarwood, black locust, black walnut
Termite resistant wood:
Alaska yellow cedar, redwood, eastern red cedar, western red cedar including all sapwood.
Potable water:
Water free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful effects and confirming in bacteriological and chemical quality to the public health authority having jurisdiction.
Precast concrete foundation walls
Pre engineered, precast concrete wall panels that are designed to withstand specified stresses below grade.
Shear walls
General term for walls that are designed to resist racking from seismic and wind by use of masonry, cold formed steel, or wood framing, in accordance with chapter 6 and r301.2 of this code.
Structural insulated panel (sip)
A structural sandwich panel which consists of a lightweight foam plastic core and two thin rigid wood structural panel facings
Sunroom addition
A new structure with glazing in excess of 40% of the gross area of exterior walls and roof added to existing dwelling (r408.3513)
Thermal resistance
R value, the inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its surfaces to the other under steady state conditions.
Thermal transmittance
U factor the coefficient of heat translation (air to air) through Building envelope components or assembly. (Windows, Sky lights, non insulated materials)
What’s the best r values and u values
You want a high r and a low u
Walls (loads bearing vs nonbearing)
Load bearing: supports vertical loads
Nonbearing wall: only supports itself
Engineered designs
Where a building contains structural elements that exceed or don’t conform to this code, it must conform to engineering practices (IBC)
Wind speed and frost depth
90 mph, 42”
Snow loads
<70 lbs/sq ft will be in accordance with chapters 5,6,&8 of this code. >70 will be in accordance with engineering practice.
Uniformly distributed live loads
Individual stair weight ratings
Uniformly distributed live load, it 300 lbs over 4 sq inches, whichever is greater.
Shall be considered separate dwellings, each separated by a 2-hr fire resistance rated wall with exposure from both sides
Exceptions to 2hr fire resistant townhouse requirements
Fire sprinkler in accordance with NFPA 13D or section P2904.1
1hr rated wall in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263, where no ductwork, mechanical or plumbing (wall goes all the way to roof decking)
Exterior wall fire rating/distance from fire chart
Opening protection (garage)
Openings between a garage and a sleep room are not permitted.
Between garage and residence hall needs solid wood or honeycombed steel 1 3/8” min doors, else 20 minute fire rated door.
Dwelling-garage fire separation
Refer to table 302.5, 302.6, and 702.3.5
(302.6 doesnt apply to perpendicular walls)
Under stair protection
Enclosed (has door) accessible space under stairs must have walls and ceilings with 1/2” gypsum
Fireblocking locations
Fireblocking materials
- 1/4” cement based millboard
- Mineral wool or glass fiber Batts and blankets
- Cellulose insulation (ASTM E119 or UL 263)
Unfaced fiberglass
Draftstopping materials
1/2 gypsum, 3/8” wood panels, or other approved panel, parallel to floor
Combustible insulation
Recessed lighting installed in the thermal envelope have to follow mfr instructions
Habitable rooms