Carpentry And Builders Construction book Flashcards
Spec House:
A house constructed by a builder before there is a buyer
What are some examples of special conditions?
Is the lot on a flood plain? Are there any underground springs nearby? Is there any industrial contamination?
Center lines (how do they look):
The center of an object. Represented by lines and dashes, evenly spaced. At intersections, short dashes intersect.
Dimension lines:
Indicate the start and end point of a particular dimension. They have arrowheads at each end, and the dimension is written as a break in the middle of the line.
Leader Lines
Connect a note or reference to part of the drawing. They usually end in an arrowhead or a large circular dot. The arrow/dot shorts always end within the outline of the object
Break lines
May be solid, freehand lines that indicate short breaks. Full ruled lines with freehand zigzags are used for longer breaks.
Sectioning lines
Indicate the exposed surfaces of an object in a sectional view. They are generally full, thin lines, but may vary with material.
Hidden lines
Short evenly spaced dashes that shows objects hidden from view.
Dashes connect at corners, and don’t touch where it would continue another line.
Outlines/Visible lines
Represent the edges of Objects we can actually see
Cutting Plane lines
Show sections that would seize otherwise be hidden
Signs for:
Outlet, pull switch, duplex convenience outlet, range outlet, special purpose outlet, single pole switch, 3 way switch, power panel
Symbols for:
Outside door, inside door, swinging door, bypassing side door, double hung window horizontal sliding window, casement window
Symbols for tub, toilet, sink
Symbols for:
Brick, brick concrete block, cinder block, concrete, cut stone, earth, stone, sand, face grain wood, end grain wood, end grain alternative
Site plan/plot plan
Shows the building lot with boundaries, contours, existing roads, utilities, etc.
Framing plans
Show the size, number, and spacing of structural elements. May utilize separate plans for floors and roof
Side view that allows you to see the height and width of objects.
Section views
Slices the house vertically so you can see inside details. (Cut may be staggered, or continuous)
Tropical sections. Construction features that are repeated many times throughout the house are the same.
Specific section
A construction feature that appears only once.
A precise drawing giving information about a small or complex portion of the building is called a ________ _________
Detail drawing
Isometric drawing
A drawing made around 3 lines that are 120 degrees apart. It gives the drawing a3 dimensional look.
Engineering drawings
Pre manufactured components sometimes require this.
Sometimes they are made by civil/a engineer for specific problems.
Will contain an official stamp.
Can NOT be altered.
Presentation drawings, more like a picture.
A list or chart of necessary items (i.e windows, doors, etc. each item will have a corresponding letter or number to match to the plans.
Room finish schedule
Identifies the materials and finishes to be used for floors, walls, and ceilings for each room/hallway
_______ ________ ___________ determines how quickly flames will engulf the surface of the material.
Flame spread ratings
(Rated A-most resistant to C-least resistant)
Smoke density
The measure of how much smoke is created when a material is burning.
______ _________ ________ is a measure of how long an assembly or product will withstand a fire on one side without letting it pass to the other side.
Fire resistance rating
Anyone who prepares a estimate must:
Be able to read and measure building plans accurately
Have an excellent understanding of materials and techniques to build
Have an excellent understanding of local building codes
Be precise with their numbers
Pre design estimate
During the early stages, pre design estimates are like quotes. Multiply the square footage of the building by approx. construction cost + land cost
Quantity Takeoff
A cost estimate in which every piece of material required to build a house is counted and priced. You need a complete set of building plans first.
Unit-Cost Estimate
The house is divided into components. Estimates are made on each component. This is faster than the quantity takeoff. Units change for different components.
Calculating board feet (equation)
(Surface of 1 sq ft, thickness of 1”)
Number of pieces x W” x T” x L’/12
(If length is in inches, divide by 144)
Are used when a cost is unknown until later in the building process. Lightning fixtures, floors, cabinetry, etc.
Money which is set aside for unforeseen complications in the building process is called a ____________ ______________
Contingency Allowance
(5-10% of the total cost)
Direct Costs:
Aka project cost. This is related to a specific house, e.g, labor, materials, permits, temporary power, etc.
Indirect Cost:
Overhead. Office equipment/supplies, construction tools/equipment, office payroll, taxes, etc.
Construction-Order Checklist:
Should go in the same order as the work to be done.
CSI masterformat
Look it up
First Load:
All the material needed to complete the house up to and including the subfloor.
Second Load:
Walk dealing and ceiling joist
Third Load:
Roof framing materials and roof coverings.
Fourth Load:
Exterior doors, windows, exterior trim, siding. (After this, the house can be locked up. Interior wall finish and plaster can be applied.)
Fifth Load:
Hardwood floors and underlayment
Sixth Load:
Interior doors, trim, and cabinets
What goes before excavation in the activity scheduling?
Surveys and permits.
What happens before the foundation?
Temporary water and power, usually from the city.
The first mechanical trades on the site, before the basement slab is poured:
Before backfilling, you should
Frame. Especially ground level.
How long should you wait after windows and doors arrive before you install them?
After driveway, sidewalk, and landscaping…
Install paint, resilient flooring, and fine electrical and plumbing. Hardwood and carpet are the last things.
Punch List:
The last on every activity schedule is gonna be the punch list. You walk through everything with the owner of the house.
Bar Chart:
An easy way to keep track of the project. It shows how long each task will take
Black background, red oval
Yellow background, black rectangle
How often should excavations be inspected?
Excavations deeper than ____ must have shoring, sloping, or trench boxes
5 ft.
Benched Excavations:
Have a stepped slope. This may offer more protection.
Simple or benched slope excavations deeper than ____ must be designed by a registered engineer.
Soil has to be removed at least ____ away from the edge
Ladders or ramps in excavations should be no more than _____ away from workers
Can you have standing water in your excavation
No. Water must be pumped out
Which is better for guardrails, nails or screws?
When debris must be dropped ____ outside the building, a chute must be used.
Inside the building you still need barricades
A person still sweats, but experiences extreme weakness, fatigue, giddiness, nausea, or headache. Skin is clammy and moist.
Heat exhaustion. Rest in a cool place and drink electrolytes
Sweating stops, mental confusion/delirium, hot, dry, or red skin. 116 degrees Fahrenheit
Heat stroke. DON’T pour water on them, it can send them into shock. Instead, use a cloth. Fever and no sweat, call 911 immediately.
How should plywood for cabinetry be cut?
Good side down
What type ladder is used on construction sites
Industrial type 1, which is rated for 250 lbs.
What’s the ratio of a ladders working length to the horizontal distance
1 to 4
Access to scaffold should only be by what?
Stairs and fixed ladders
Portable metal frame with rings for supporting scaffold. Like a ladder
What are pump jacks used for?
To work on Siding
Pump jacks must
Have posts no more than 30’ long
Posts must rest on wood or steel pads
Must be attached to the structure every 10’ by metal standoffs
A lifeline must be rated to support a minimum dead weight of
5,000 lbs.
Sequential nailer vs. contact nailer
Sequential nailers need to be pressed against the workpiece before they fire. Contact nailers do not.
What’s the max length a hose (house??) can be?
Collated fasteners
A roll of nails, fed through automatically.
D head nails are used with
Nailers only.
Types of nails
Concrete hydration
A chemical process that occurs when water combines with cement. This generates heat as the concrete is cured.
Water, cement, and sand (no coarse aggregate)
Portland cement ingredients
Lime, Silica, and alumina heated to 2,700+ degrees, then mixed with gypsum.
What type of Portland cement is most common?
Type 1.
(Type 3 is quick, type 4 is used for damns because it doesn’t crack.
Hydraulic cement
Expands when mixed with water and is used to plug up holes and in foundation.
Air entrained concrete
Good for changes in temperature/cold climates
Retarding admixtures
Useful in the heat
Accelerating admixtures
Helps in a tight schedule. Calcium chloride is a liquid option (dissolves better)
Fine cracks that appear within a week. Crazing is caused by excessive floating or by spraying water on during the finish. Can also be caused by improper curing in hot, dry weather.
Plastic shrinkage
Shallow, parallel cracks caused by drying too fast.
Whitish crystalline deposit that appears on the surface of concrete/mortar. Can occur after curing, or when compounds are drawn from soil into concrete.
Cracks in concrete
Can significantly reduce the strength and durability of concrete. Causes include not compacting enough, too high slump, not enough expansion joints, or shallow rebar.
Loose powder on a concrete surface. Caused by finishing wet concrete, or putting concrete over non absorbent materials.
Scaling concrete
Flaking of concrete, usually caused by extreme freezing/thawing
Psi to bag conversions
2,500 psi - 4 1/2 bags
3,000 psi - 5 bags
3,500 psi - 5 1/2 bags
4,000 psi - 6 bags
What is a 6-6-6-0 mix?
6 bags, 6 gallons of water, 6% of additives
1:2:3 batch
1 pail of Portland cement, 2 pails of sand, 3 pails of crushed stone
What is the minimum bag mix for ready mix concrete trucks?
5 bag mix (5 bags per 1 cu. yd.)
6 bags where high strength is needed or steel reinforcement is used.
Why is epoxy coated steel used?
In especially corrosive conditions.
Size and weight of reinforcing bars
How much cover do different rebar need?
What is the most common welded wire fabric for residential construction?
What are the two basic methods to determine a building’s location?
Measuring from an existing reference line, or using surveying equipment like a level or transit.
Builder’s level
Aka dumpy level. Accurate within 1/4” at a distance of 75’
Automatic Level
Automatic levels are accurate at least 1/4” at 100’. Some are accurate 1/16 at 200’
Transits are measured in minutes and seconds. They can measure horizontally and vertically. They can determine if a post or a wall is plumb.
Electronic transit:
Station Mark
Point over which the level is directly centered
Batter Board Steps
- Drive 3 2x4s at each corner, at least 4’ past foundation
- Nail 2x6 or 2x8 to the stakes horizontally and level
- Stretch string exactly over nails in the corner stakes
- Make a saw kerf where the string hits the board
- Tie the strings to the batter boards
Check the diagonal to make sure corners are square
Top of foundation wall height
Established by the building code. Often, it is 8” above finished grade
Beating capacity
A measure of how well the soil can support the weight of a house
Topsoil is often stockpiled by what equipment?
Dozer, front end loader, or a grader
If you dug a footing too deep, how do you backfill it?
Never use soil. Only use more concrete to bring it to grade.
Typical footing dimensions
A dent on the top of a concrete footing that locks the wall in place to prevent moisture. It’s usually 3 1/2 wide x and 1 1/2 deep (a 2x4 is often used)
After the rebar is positioned in a footing,
The top of the footing should be toweled smooth.
Lumber formwork is often done with:
Spreaders to make the form the right size.
Duplex nails (easier to remove later)
What else needs a footing
Other load bearing parts of the structure (chimneys, columns, etc.)
What size are blocks used for basement walls and stepped footings?
8” (including 3/8” mortar joint)
Vertical step shouldn’t be more than 2” (best practice)
Footing drains
Always have holes facing down, (4” plastic. DON’T FORGET DAMP PROOFING
Can you run storm water to a septic tank or drain field
How much should footing drains be sloped?
1/8” per foot minimum
ICF is not permitted in what areas?
Areas with heavy termite infestation.
Should concrete be thick or thin?
As thick as possible.
How to get air pockets out of concrete
You can sometimes jab it with a shovel or pipe repeatedly as it is poured. Vibrator is better
Crawl spaces must have
Vapor barrier underneath, ventilation, and insulation in the floor above. Floor girders have to be 12” of the ground min. And must be covered with 6 mil plastic sheeting (reinforced sheeting is better)
Masonry Ledge:
A supporting ledge of the foundation wall, about 5” wide (including 1” gap between brick and tyvek). Base flashing is used below sheathing and framing. (Lapped with sheathing paper) weep holes also on this course.
Utility Sleeves:
A tight fitting foam block is placed within the form and nailed down, leaving space for utilities.
Flashing on a brick wall goes…
Under the first brick course that’s above grade.
How to reduce moisture in a beam pocket?
Add 1/2” clearance at the sides ands ends of the beam. Waterproof membrane, such as roll roofing, is applied under the end of the beam.
How long to leave forms on?
At least 2 days, hopefully more. At least a week when below freezing.
How do you pry concrete forms?
Use wood wedges, NOT metal pry bars. Also don’t use a wire brush, only a wedge + a bristle brush.
Is damp proofing required for foundation walls if it’s not an inhabitable space?
Yes. Damp proofing is still required.
Dampproofing walls must convert what area?
It must cover the entire foundation wall from the top of the footing to finished grade. Don’t apply it concrete is too fresh. (May not stick)
In more demanding circumstances (e.g livable spaces, high water tables) what else miser happen?
A waterproofing membrane must be applied. All joints must be overlapped and sealed with the correct adhesive.
Examples of waterproofing membranes:
2-ply hot mopped felts
55-lb rolled roofing
6-mil PVC/Polyethylene
40-mil polymer cement
60-mil flexible polymer cement
1/8” cement based fiber reinforced waterproofing coating
60-mil solvent-free liquid-applied synthetic rubber
During backfilling, what do you have to do to vertical drain pipes
Cap them to prevent them from getting filled up.
When backfilling, what sized lifts should you use?
6”-8” lifts compact as you go. Be careful about wood debris, never use clay or other expanding, poorly draining soils. Later gravel in as needed.
What sized rebar for reinforcing block walls?
4 - #7 rebar laid vertically then filled with concrete.
In a block wall, columns of rebar and concrete should be spaced no more than:
72” OC
Columns on the interior side of a CMU wall that strengthen the wall under a beam or girder.
In CMU walls, basement doors ABs windows should be what?
Keyed to the foundation to prevent air leakage and add rigidity
What is the nominal dimension of brick?
Nominal dimensions allows for a 3/8” thick mortar joint
Vertical mortar joints are called ____
Horizontal joints are called ____
Head joints
Bed joints
Stretcher, corner, and 2 core stretcher
Common bond vs stack bond
Common bond is most common, courses are overlapped. Stack bond is straight up and down (aesthetic)
Goes to protect blocks from moisture:
Put them on planks, not on the ground. Cover them. Don’t allow moisture during storage or building.
What affects the strength of a mortar bond?
The type and quantity of mortar
The workability, aka plasticity of the mortar
The surface texture of the bedding area
The rate at which the masonry units absorbs the moisture
The water retention of the mortar
What are the ingredients of mortar and how do they influence the mix?
Cement: strength
Hydrated Lime: plasticity and stickiness
Sand: reduces shrinkage
Types of mortar:
M: below grade/heavy duty
N: above grade
O: interior walls/low strength
S: earthquake/high wind zones
How long can mortar sit?
Mortar should be used within 2 1/2 hrs on hot (above 80) days, and 3 1/2 hrs on cool days.
Building the corners
The corners are usually built 4 or 5 courses high, then set the bottom course straight (chalk line), then lay the full mortar bed, and place the brick accurately.
Story pole
A wood story pole marked with the course levels should be used to maintain proper height
How to tie walls together
A metal lath or 1/4 mesh galvanized cloth for non load bearing walls. Got load bearing walls, ladder reinforcement is used on every other course of block.
How to determine # of block?
9 8x8x16 blocks = 8 sq ft.
Find total sq fr off wall, divide by 8,
Multiple by 9.
Then subtract 1/2 of block from each corner course.
Or just use a table.
Anchor bolts:
1/2” in diameter, 7” long, not more than 6’ apart. Metal lath is placed in the second joint from the top.
The process of spreading mortar or cement plaster over the block as part of the damp-proofing process. Make sure to add a cove (lip) to the bottom where the wall meets the foundation
Parging 2.0
Parging should be at least 3/8” thick. After it dries, add asphalt. If additional waterproofing is needed, see concrete waterproofing.
Surface Bonding:
Aka dry stacking. Stack wall on a bed of mortar. Then, Don’t mortar in between joints. Use fiberglass reinforced mortar at least 1/8” thick. Takes less skill
Protective steps against radon:
Gas permeable layer (4” thick drainage beneath floor slab)
Soil gas retarder (polyethylene sheeting 6 mil thick on top of gas layer
Sealants (seal all openings and cracks)
Vent pipe
Cap course- cap off all block walls to stop the gas from traveling
Concrete flat work is usually 5” or less
Monolithic slab
Monolithic: slab and foundation are a single pour. Strengthened with rebar at edges. (Better for moderate climates and termite areas)
Independent slab
House is supported by foundation walls, and the slab is poured between the walls.
How high above grade does the concrete foundation/wall have to be?
8” (siding should be 6” max off the ground
IRC building code prohibits what in termite heavy zones
Foam plastic insulation cannot be used on the OUTSIDE of a foundation.
Foundation poured with foundation walls need…
Rigid insulation on top of the vapor barrier.
Need for vapor barrier
Without pressure, water doesn’t penetrate concrete. (Proper drainage prevents this). Water vapor can still penetrate
Vapor barrier for foundations
6-mil polyethylene, cross laminated is better. Joints must be lapped at least 6”. Forced concrete to dry differently. Cover polyethylene with 3” layer of sand.
How far can concrete drop?
Minimum thickness for basement floors
3 1/2”, sloping towards the floor drain.
Max slope for gravel driveways
Concrete driveways
5”, Should have broom finish and be slightly crowned. Gravel bases aren’t required for sandy, undisturbed soil. Vapor barriers aren’t required, forms are built from 2x6s
How does the driveway meet the sidewalk
With an expansion joints of asphalt saturated felt strips. Also should be used every 40’ (long driveways)
Walkways to the house should have steps when greater than ____
When to screed concrete?
When to bullfloat?
When to edge/joint
Screed immediately
Bullfloat when concrete is moist but not wet
Edge when the sheen has left
When floating air entrained concrete…
Only use aluminum or mag floats. (Wood sticks to the concrete)
Steel trowel attached to a large handle.
Concrete should be kept moist for AT LEAST how many days?
2 days, 5 days for exposed concrete.
Layer of living tissue that produces sapwood, which becomes heartwood over time.
What is the maximum backfill that can cover a trees roots?
1ft. Be especially careful with oak
Flat sawn wood
Arch like pattern in the grain.
Moisture content
The amount of water in wood, expressed in weight of water divided by overall weight.
Drying up to _____ doesn’t cause shrinkage.
Moisture content of air dried vs. kiln dried concrete
Air dried-19%
Kiln dried<10%
Quarter sawn vs. Flat sawn lumber
How do builders condition homes to prevent swelling/shrinking of lumber?
How much does board size vary based on lumber?
About 1% for every 4% change in moisture
What kind of primer do you use on hardwood?
Oil based primer
Hardwood grades
First and seconds (FAS), select, and no. 1 common
Softwood grades
Green (>19%)
Dry (<19%)
Grading varies by region (e.g western wood products association, etc.)
Softwood grade stamp
Nominal dimension vs. actual dimension
Nominal dimension: width and thickness of rough sawn lumber
Actual dimension: dimensions after being surfaced and seasoned
Lumber defects
Lumber defects 2
Dry rot
Brown crumbly rot where the wood was exposed to moisture. Started out as discoloration in wood or paint. Where decay is occurring, hammer tap may sound hollow/sunken areas
Highest decay resistance in natural softwoods
The heartwood of Bald cypress, redwood, and cedar
____________________ termites account for 95% of all termite damage
What is the evidence of carpenter ants?
Sawdust piles
How do you treat carpenter bees
Insecticides, and painting the wood
Engineered panel
Any manufactured sheet product, including plywood, which is made of wood or wood pieces bonded with a natural or synthetic adhesive.
Veneer quality grading
Ranges from A (best) to D (worst)
(Optional) plywood grade stamps
Water resistant veneer markings
Water resistant veneers always end with an ’X’. All exterior panels need to be water resistant.