MBL General Contractor Flashcards
Used for fast track projects, must be signed and dated by both parties.
Have attorney review Letter of Intent
“I’ll Pay you When It’s Done.” Fuck That. Get Full Subcontract.
Subcontract agreement + Letter of intent for penalties on not showing up
What are some things you have to account for with a subcontract agreement + letter of intent
You have to account for change orders, weather/ground conditions increases in materials, debris in the ground, etc.
Document relates to specific job
Provides Total scope of work
Provides lump sum amount for stated work
Relates to specific task
Requires owner/architect to compile a list of total quantities
Requires contractor to provide price per unit
Owner must provide their own staff to measure and verify completed work
Unit price will remain regardless of quantity of problems during construction/installation
Price increases/Markups may not be tolerated
Total construction costs unknown to owner
Drawings and specs not completed for bidding
Contractor provides target estimate
Both Owner and Contractor prefer sub-contracting bidding
Must have written agreement concerning payment of contractor fees
Must have written agreement concerning accounting methods
Contractor must have a written agreement concerning what is reimbursable and non reimbursable
Cost plus fee example:
Tip for personnel
Cost plus percentage of cost contract:
Used when the scope of work is poorly defined
Used to cover emergency repairs and renovations to occupied facilities
No incentive to reduce cost
Contractors must be modest in their profits
*Obtain copy of construction contracting
Specific Contract Items:
See Google doc
What needs to happen for metal in/under a pool?
All metal under/in a pool has to be grounded??
Sheep’s foot roller
Commonly used for clay, slower, leaves a rougher surface
Why should general contractors have employees?
Your contracts should include:
Contractor does not guarantee concrete under any circumstances.
Notice of completion??
Cleanup Crew should be included in price
Per project number #X, last revised on Such and Such date.
Can the Owner Carry out work, Can the owner subcontract?
What part of the contract allows second bid if plans are refused.
Per project number #X, last revised on Such and Such date.
Verbal changes are called _____________
Double hungs circle tops
Aka half moon, arch top, etc. (both window panels slide on a double hung.)
The owner automatically owns the plans of the build.
False: Ownership of plans isn’t guaranteed to the owner
Who is charged with protecting the installed appliances?
Whoever installs it, protects it. And Subcontractor
How to protect bathtubs
Bathtubs come in boxes that are designed to be cut out and used to protect the tub, must be taped.
How to protect cabinets
cardboard/foamboard used to protect cabinets
How to protect countertops?
½ inch carpet padding with w/ cardboard or luon on top extending 2 inches past the edge of the countertop. Gooseneck faucets need to be protected as well.
How to protect hardwood floors?
½ inch carpet padding on hardwood floors, 5” from the wall to allow for baseboard trim. ¼ inch luon taped with Gorilla tape for the walkways
Tell the homeowner to leave floor protection on until they finish the move.
Wall corners must be protected as well
Can you substitute materials?
You can only substitute materials with signed permission of owner
the cost of moving equipment back out.
For drywall ceilings
Measure joist before covering them up
Be very careful about 24” on center joists
You need 5/8” to prevent sag
Liquid nail on joists might help???
Dimple bit doesnt damage paper??
1 5/8” screws minimum.
Screw 1’ apart per joist????
Be careful about vent fans, etc.
Laying Tile
Lay it out to map it. Cut it.
RUBBER Spacers,
Tile mortar AND grout
What type of compound do you use on fiberglass mesh tape (drywall)???
Use a setting type compound on the first coat, not an all purpose joint compound.
(Should ALREADY be in place)
Third party (mediator) reviews the matter, documents, and other evidence of a claim
Mediator recommends methods of settlement
Any settlement is non binding unless the disputant agrees to it
Less formal than arbitration
Disputants mutually agree upon the mediator. This is VOLUNTARY
Both parties must agree to arbitration
Third party (arbitrator) has a professional background as an arbitrator
Arbitrator has knowledge of contractual obligations related to construction industry
The Arbitrator reviews the matter, documents, and other evidence of a claim
The arbitrator submits his/her findings of an award to both disputants
The awarded settlement is binding
No further action can be taken by the disputants
This method is relatively new to the construction industry in MI
Both disputants or their attorneys select a third pary (facilitator)
The facilitator has a professional legal and construction background
The method is not binding
The facilitator interviews both parties separately but within the same time frame
The facilitator provides options for both parties to accept the facilitator’s recommendations for settlement
The facilitator may also inform the disputant’s attorneys of the same recommendations
Who initiates the Arbitration process?
The contractor will initiate the arbitration process.
Arbitrator will do depositions for a long time.
Contractor is obligated to provide (implied) warranties for:
Any construction defects related to installation or materials within the first year after substantial completion or occupancy. This is sometimes called an implied warranty
What is substantial completion?
Substantial completion of work is obtain when the owner can take possession and use the structure for its intended purpose. Minor defects or punch list items may still need correction.
When is final payment due?
In general the contractor receives up to 95% of the contract sum with the balance due within 30 days or whatever contract says (final payment upon final inspection.
What to do if a fixture breaks?
Fixtures and equipment installed by the contractor or sub trades have their own mfg warranty. These warranties and receipts must be retained for your records
The following is a partial list of warrantied appliances that should be retained in contractor’s file
Sump, furnace, electronic air filter/humidifier, faucet. Garbage disposal, light fixtures, built in dishwasher, built in microwave, windows, garage doors and electric openers, roofing materials,
Do subcontractors need to include warranty?
Subcontractors are to include warranty service during the warranty window which includes material and labor!
Progress Payments:
The owner of the construction or lender provides payments, can be time based or work based.
When are submissions due for Fixed price contract progress payments?
Fixed Price contracts require submission at least 10 days before payments are due.
How do contractors/subcontractors apply for progress payments?
Application can be submitted to the architect or owner
Contractor must have all of his/her sub-contractors’ requests for payment and sworn statements prior to completing the contractors request for payment. (If the contractor’s request for payment is due on the 30th of each month, subcontractors need to submit their request by the 25 of each month.)
Fixed price progress payments require what?
Fixed price payment requires a percentage of work to be done before payment request can be fulfilled.
If percentage of work is complete, the architect will issue a certificate of payment to the lender/owner.
Progress payments should be listed where?
All Contract needs to contain a progress payment schedule.
If the architect is the owner’s agent, you’ll have to submit additional documents.
What years are worst for LBP?
1978-present shouldn’t be too bad
1960-1978 concerning
Pre 1960 lead paint is highly common
Who inspected for lead?
Certified lead inspector or lead inspector risk assessor should do the testing.
Test the entire house.
Lead safety best practices
Keep children and pregnant women out of the work area.
Keep pets away.
Tell tenants where and when the work will take place.
Ask neighbors to close doors.
CONTRACTORS: Protect your family from lead in your home. Ask them to sign a receipt for the booklet, explain the work being done.
Move all furniture and toys etc.
Cover floor, counter, air vents, built-ins, plastic sheeting,
Shut down AC, close all windows.
Hepa filter vacuum
If using a ladder, Cut small slits in the plastic so the ladder doesn’t slip
Wear disposable hat,gloves, coveralls, and throw away after use.
Don’t smoke or eat in the work area
Lead safety donts
Don’t use a broom, don’t dry sand/chip, don’t grind or burn, don’t use uncontained powerwashing, don’t use dimethyl chloride(carcinogen)
Lead safety procedure
Heavy pieces in heavy duty bag and seal with duct tape.
Clean up plastic in a bag and seal with duct tape.
HEPA vacuum floor
Wash walls with water and detergent, as well as rinse water, change rinse water often.
Throw away all sponges and gloves, etc.
Miosha PART 609 (cadmium in construction) employer responsibilities:
Determine if employees PEL is greater than 50 microns over 8 hours
Provide Work clothes, including respirator and body protection
Provide for the disposal of contaminated items.
Provided for showers, washing facilities, clean eating facilities, medical surveillance, training, posting of signs, record keeping, MSDS, maintain Data for 30 years.
According to EPA, Contractors are required to be certified renovators to do the following: (Workers class ROP training 1 day.) (Lead supervisor, 1 week class, must pass test in Lansing, Can then apply to be a lead safe certified renovator, for about 600 dollars.)
Work on homes built before 1978
Disturb and interior painted surface of 6 sq ft or greater
Disturb exterior painted surface of 20 sq ft or greater
Work at “Child Occupied facilities”
Provide owners/tenants with a “Renovate Right” pamphlet and obtain proof of delivery
Prevent lead contamination of occupants and employees
Follow lead safe work practices
Lead facts
Lead ingested by children can create lead poisoning, brain damage, behavioral problems, and death
Lead dust breathed in by adults can cause disorders including: fetus complications, kidney damage, brain damage, and death
Lead is a heavy metal
Human bodies treat lead similar to iron and calcium
Lead stays in the bloodstream for 30 days
Lead stays in soft organs for 6-8 months
Lead stays in the bones and teeth up to 30 years. It’s accumulative, the more you come in contact, the more you absorb.
Ppl with severe lead poisoning have blue lines in their teeth and bones
Identifying lead paint can be done with the following techniques
X-ray fluorescence
Lab Analysis
Chemical test kit (user error, not getting deeper layers)
3rd party inspections (risk assessment) (Double bag the samples)
Controls for LBP
Removal through safe work practices
LBP Cleaning Verification
Certified renovators can do their own test wipes and assume related liability
Certified renovators can contract with a testing company to obtain test results
Let someone else do it so they incur the risk. Give the homeowner a card for risk assessment, whoever calls has to be there. Get the lead assessor back when you’re done so your hands are clean. If there is lead paint, get 3rd party abatement company.
Lead paint can go in the regular trash if it’s bagged.
Tape off a sq ft. area. Save the wipes from testing the site.
Hire a risk assessor to verify to cover your ass, certified EPA lab technician.
Is it possible to cover up lead based paint?
You can go over a lead painted plaster wall with ¼” drywall, tape and mud the seams and finish it. Must spray in orange paint “LEAD PAINT” on the wall before covering.
What is the exception to the certified renovator requirement for LBP?
Certified renovators isn’t required for demolition of unoccupied structures. MIOSHA 30 still applies.
What is radon?
Naturally occurring radioactive gas in the ground. It’s pushed through the ground through water tables, cracks in the basement floor, it can aerate itself through steam, e.g. showers. Radon is number two cause of lung cancer after smoking.
How are radon mitigation plans removing the radon?
Pipes transport gas trapped under the slab by way of an industrial fan that’s always running. Fresh air is brought in from outside to prevent negative air pressure. It is pumped to the attic, but it’s 9 times heavier than air, smh. Attic doors/windows should be closed.
Who to contact with radon concerns?
1 800 SOS RADON, or EPA.gov/radon
Radon Control Measures:
Gas permeable layers of 4” depth gravel beneath floor slabs
Soil gas retarder made of 6 mil Visquene placed above the gas permeable areas.
The use of sealants to reduce entry through cracks
Venting of concealed spaces with 3” to 4” PVC pipe which may include power venting
Capping off masonry block with solid materials
Solid covers over sump and well pits.
Acceptable Standards of Radon:
There are no safe or acceptable standards of radon. 21,000 deaths/yr
The natural outdoor radon level .4 PCI/L. This is the target level for indoor radon levels established by congress
⅔ of all US homes exceed the target level.
The average level in US homes is 1.25 PCI/L
PCI/L-Pico Curies per Liter
What is the Action Level of radon and how is it detected?
The EPA has set a take action level of 4 PCI/L (equivalent to 10 cigarettes per day)
Levels of Radon can be determined by testing kits and testing companies
Well water should also be tested.
Plugin style Radon detectors?? (Safety Siren
When was asbestos commonly used?
Asbestos was commonly used until the 80s
How to contain asbestos
60”by 60” plastic bags to contain asbestos, fill with soapy water, cut materials.
What do asbestos shingles look like?
Asbestos shingles look like asphalt shingles, ribbed, without tabs. Sometimes a few layers down. (Used to be an ordinance for asbestos sheet board on roofs housing highly flammable things.)
Part 602 scope:
Applies to asbestos exposure in the construction industry. It includes demo, salvage, removal, transportation, emergency cleanup, etc.
What kinds of asbestos aren’t included in part 602
Part 602 does not include asbestos containing asphalt, roof coatings, cement, and mastics. These are somewhere else.
Asbestos includes chrysolite, etc, etc, etc PACM-Possible asbestos containing materials
ACM *Asbestos containing material: Any material containing more than 1 percent asbestos.
Competent person (29 CFR1926.32 (Federal Osha)) (asbestos)
means one who is capable of identifying asbestos hazards in the workplace and selcting the appropriate control strategy for asbestos exposure, who has the authority to make prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. One who is specially trained and meets the criteria of EPAs Model Accreditation Plan
What does it mean to disturb ACM
Disturbance means activities that disrupt the matrix of ACM or PACM. In no event shall the amount of ACM or PACM so disturbed exceed that which can be contained in one glove bag or waste bag which shall not exceed 60 inches in length or width???
What’s the max exposure of asbestos an employer can allow
0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air as an 8 hour time weighted average. Employers ensures competent person on site.
Asbestos employers’ responsibilities
The employer shall be responsible for: Medical surveillance, monitoring exposure, engineering controls, the cleanup of employees, equipment and work areas. Also placement of critical barriers, training , work practices, removal transportation of ACM, and record keeping.
Where do you find asbestos:
9x9” floor tiles are ALWAYS considered asbestos, Steam pipes, boilers, furnace ducts, (Grey paper tape on old ductwork), Glue on vinyl sheet flooring. Cement sheet, millboard, paper used around furnaces and wood burning stoves, Popcorn ceilings. Patching joint compounds for walls and paint. Asbestos siding and roofs (used to pull it off, then they covered it, but the nails were disturbing the asbestos underneath. Artificial ashes and embers for gas fireplaces. Fireproof gloves, stovetop pads ironing board covers (late 70s) hair dryers(82-83). Brake pads and linings. Vermiculite (Looks like cat litter and can be behind insulation) from 1923-1990, insulation 1930-1950, ALWAYS DOUBLE BAG PACMs, textured paint (1977), soundproofing
WW2 ships have highest asbestos illness.
Silica Action Level
‘Action Level’ means a concentration of airborne respirable crystalline silica of 25 micrograms per cubic meter of air, (NO DUST) calculated as an 8hr TWA
Competent Person (Silica)
“Competent person” means an individual who is capable of identifying existing and foreseeable respirable crystalline silica hazards in the workplace who has the authorization to make prompt corrective measures to eliminate or minimize them. THe competent person must have the knowledge and ability necessary to fulfill the responsibilities set forth in paragraph (g) of 1926.1153
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter means a filter that is at least 99.97 percent efficient in removing mono-dispersed particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameter.
‘Respirable crystalline silica”
‘Respirable crystalline silica” means quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite contained in airborne particles that are determined to be respirable by a sampling device.
Masonry saws and silica dust
Masonry saws need to be fed water, no mask is needed
Handheld power saws and silica
(Any blade length), use water, needs a respirator even if under 4 hrs. (APF10) (masonry saws don’t require masks)
Handheld power saws (includes motabo) for silica dust
Handheld power saws (includes motabo) for cutting fiber cement board (blade diameter<8”), outdoors only, no mask needed. HEPA dust collector must be installed. SOME TOOLS have Replacement guards for integrated HEPA filters.
Employer shall establish a written exposure plan that contains at least:
Description of the tasks
Description of the engineering controls
Description of the housekeeping measures
Description of the procedures used to restrict access to work areas.
The employer shall review and evaluate the effectiveness of the written plan at least ________ and update
Who has access to the written exposure plan?
The employer shall make the written exposure control plan readily available for examination and copying upon request, to the employees, their representatives, assistant secretary, and director
Silica competent persons
COMPETENT PERSONS NEED 10 hour OSHA card at a minimum, 30 hr OSHA card PREFERED.
How do newer vacuums prevent dust?
Newer Jackhammers have a shroud, can either mist the area under the shroud to prevent dust, or a HEPA filter vacuum.
(Workers comp)
If a roofer falls and hurts himself, doctor says he can’t lift enough to be a roofer,
he can get a job on the ground and if the pay scale is less, worker’s comp will cover the difference.
Who chooses the doctor for workers comp cases?
Employer chooses doctor for the first 28 days, after that, Employee can choose whomever
What paperwork needs to be filed after a workplace injury?
Employer MUST fill Employer’s Basic Report of Injury (form 100) with Michigan’s Worker’s Compensation Agency (WCA) for all wage loss cases, promptly upon notification of injury.
Notify insurer of medical only case
Forward medical bills to insurer
How much time off does a workers comp claim need before it gives money/how much money?
Worker must have a wage loss of at least one week.
Generally employees receive 80% of their wages
What paperwork has to be submitted to MIOSHA? (Basic injury report)
The 301 must be submitted to MIOSHA, they may take Basic Injury Report
Which Employers must carry Worker’s Comp Coverage?
All private employers regularly employing 1 or more employees 35 hours or more per week for 13 weeks or longer during the preceding 52 weeks (35/13/52)
All private employers regularly employing 3 or more employees at one time. (Including part time workers.)
Agricultural employees if they employ 3 or more employees 35 hrs or more/wk for 13 consecutive weeks
Householders employing domestic servants if they employ anyone 35 hours or more per week for 13 weeks or longer during the preceding 52 weeks.
All public employers
Who is an employee.
An employee is any person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied. A partner is an employee of a partnership. Corporate officers are employees of the corporation, members are considered employees of LLC.
Is a sole proprietor considered an employee? Hope many employees before a sole proprietor needs workers conp?
Sole proprietors are only required to have worker’s comp if they have 1 full time or 3 part time employees.
Does liability insurance cover workers?
Liability doesn’t cover workers, so the employee would sue you, the homeowner, and anyone else involved. GET WORKERS COMP INSURANCE TO MITIGATE LIABILITY
Exlusion form-
A form provided by the insurance compliance division (WC-337) which is completed by the employer and filled out with the Agency. The form may be used by employers who only employ persons who can be excluded under the Workers’ Disability Compensation Act. The proper filing of this form allows employer to comply with insurance requirements of the Act without purchasing a policy of workers compensation insurance. After the completed form is filed with the Agency, the excluded employees are barred from receiving workers compensation benefits.
Which Employers May Use An Exclusion Form? 418.161
Sole Proprietorship: If it has one or more employees and all employees are the spouse, child, or parent of the sole proprietor.
Partnership: If all employees are partners
Stock Corporation: If all employees are corporate officers and own 10% or more stock in the corporation.
LLC: If all the employees are members and are also managers and own 10% or more interest in the business.
Can sole propreitors use exclusion forms to prove you’re a independent contractor?
No. Sole proprietors with no employees can not use exclusion form to prove that he/she is an independent contractor
How to get a workers comp exclusion form
You can call the Workers’ Comp department and ask for exclusion form. You can’t just download it. If you qualify, then they will send you a form and you fill it out, make copies send it back with proof of identity. It’s only good for 1 year.
Subcontractor workers comp
Do not hire a subcontractor without getting a worker’s comp policy or exclusion form
Types of insurance
All risk building insurance, Contractor’s property insurance, Liability Insurance, Automobile insurance
All risk building insurance:
protects project and materials from external forces. Endorsements can be made for fire, wind, storms, vandalism, and ‘act of God’.
What does Contractor’s property insurance cover:
Protects the contractor’s office and related equipment. There are ‘floaters’ which could include contractor’s equipment, transportation of equipment and materials.
Liability Insurance:
Protects contractor in reference to risks related to non-employee injuries or damages caused by the contractor to someone else’s property. This type of insurance could include
Completed operations insurance
Owner’s protective liability insurance
Automobile insurance:
Protects contractor in cases related to employees legally driving company owned vehicles in the course of doing business. Ask insurance company to verify that the employee is a legal driver.Contractors can’t verify, but insurance companies can. If they take their own car to work, make sure they have their insurance on file. NEVER ask the employee to do work for your company in his own car.
Who owns the lumber for a house?
Contractor owns lumber, not homeowner. Once it’s built, installed, etc., They now own it, so they need the insurance. If you put a roof, windows, siding, etc. on an existing house, then you can’t rip it off in case of nonpayment, it is legally the homeowners’.
Workers’ Comp protects contractor from injured employee suing you, but may still be on the hook for gross negligence.
Premiums are based on description of work, can range from varying percentages for different jobs.
Workers’ Comp protects contractor from injured employee suing you, but may still be on the hook for gross negligence.
Premiums are based on description of work, can range from varying percentages for different jobs.
Workers comp premiums?
Workers’ Comp protects contractor from injured employee suing you, but may still be on the hook for gross negligence.
Premiums are based on description of work, can range from varying percentages for different jobs.
What kind of insurance protects against family
Family can sue for additional damages, you need employer’s liability insurance to protect against that
What insurance guarantees you own the property?
TItle insurance guarantees that you own the property
What insurances are subcontractors required to have at a minimum
Subcontractors are required to carry at a minimum: Liability insurance, Workers’ Comp insurance, Vehicle insurance. You have to track expiration dates. NEVER get insurance from subcontractor, ONLY from insurance provider.
Bid Bond:
Provided by the contractor, if he wins, he has to do the job.
5-10% of the project
2 forms of bid bonds???
damages’ if he/she loses the entire bond
“Difference in price” if he/ she pays the difference in costs related to the next lowest bid
Generally only on jobs over $500,000
Performance Bond:
A bond that guarantees that if the contractor fails after accepting the job, the bonding company will foot the bill.
Payment Bond:
A bond provided by the general contractor usually at the request of the owner/owner’s agent that guarantees payment to all subcontractors and suppliers by the general contractor. The private owner and the lending provider are therefore protected against property liens.Payment bonds are factored into overhead.
What kind of paperwork Can suppliers sometimes ask for?
Suppliers can lien properties. Sometimes they ask for notice of commencement too.
Tip#1; Set a goal, don’t stop till you reach it.
Relate to people as human beings
Teamwork, everybody carries their share.
If the contractor’s request for payment is due on the 30th, subcontractors are due on the
Don’ts for working with lead
Don’t use a broom, don’t dry sand/chip, don’t grind or burn, don’t use uncontained powerwashing, don’t use dimethyl chloride(carcinogen)
PEL for working with lead
50 microns in 8 hrs
PEL for working with lead
50 microns in 8 hrs
Asbestos Containing Materials thresholds
Radon target level and action level
.4 PCI/L; 4PCI/L
Solid action level
25 micrograms/cubic liter
Main ingredients in mortar
Mortar = Portland cement+hydrated lime+sand+water
Type M mortar:
Type M will always be below grade. High compression strength, foundations, sewers, retention walls, etc. Maintains strength in severe frost, wind, and soil pressure.
Type N mortar
Type N has medium compression strength for general use above grade, exterior masonry, walls, and chimneys
Type S mortar
Type S has medium to high strength capability recommended where bond and lateral strength are important, such as when fixtural bending/moving is required or where mortar is the only bonding agent. (Really long walls that are subjected to wind loads)
Type O and K mortar
Types O and K are mainly low strength for interior use.
What do air entraining admixtures do?
Air entraining admixtures allow the mortar to be high resistant to freeze/thaw cycles
How are accelerators used in concrete?
Accelerators may be used in cold weather conditions. Accelerators help dissipate moisture which in turn reduces freezing. (alcohol dissipates the water)
What does calcium chloride do?
Calcium Chloride (liquid form) helps prevent mortar mix from freezing
Addition of sand and lime to mortar
Addition of sand increases the compression strength
The approved addition of lime reduces strength but increases flexibility and makes the mortar “stickier”
Mortar Properties (Plastic and Hardened???)
Plastic mortar properties must be workable, soft, and adhere to masonry units and not fall off or drop away. Mortar must have good water retention for bonding
Placement of Mortar
Placement of mortar should be done during temperatures between 70 degrees and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Re-tempering (adding water) should not be done
Plastic (wet) mortar should be used within 2 ½ hours of being mixed.
Masonry shall be protected from freezing for at least 48 hours
When temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit with winds 8 mph or greater, mortar beds shall not exceed 4 feet ahead of the masonry units.
How can water weaken mortar?
the brick drinks up the water in the mortar and in the process sucks up the mortar itself. Tht’s why wet bricks reduce strength of mortar.
What is grout?
Grout is similar to mortar but has a greater slump (more liquid). It may contain pea stone, sand, or other approved materials based upon the ASTM standards for a particular use.
Grout is used in the cavities of assembled masonry unit and cavity walls to add strength. (when the plans say to do it)
What is the desired slump, PSI, and max lift for grout?
Desired slump is between 8“ and 10”
PSI should not be less than 2000 PSI
Plastic grout should be used within 1 ½ hours of mixing
Lifts (height of fill) should not exceed 5 ft and shall be vibrated
CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU’s)(You’ll see it again)
Concrete block comes in various sizes and shape but the most common is 8”,10” and 12”
All are nominal sizes allowing for a ⅜” head and bed join. Example: An 8” block actually measures 7 ⅝” x 7 ⅝” x 15 ⅝”
Shapes CMU’s
Stretchers: Most common for the main wall area.
Corners: Have one flush end used at the end of a course.
Solid top: Has a solid top for use as a bearing surface. (spoke stone?)
Veneer wall
Veneer walls: Carry their own weight. If used as a facing over block with an air space of less than 2” between it is a veneer wall system. (That’s why they call brick on house, veneer brick.
Cavity walls
Cavity Walls Are similar with block laid over with brick or other block the cavity. between is greater than 2”. All blocks are 8” x 16”, the sizes refer to the depth, so surface area doesn’t change. Cavity gets filled with styrofoam peanuts? And other insulating materials.
CMU wall construction process
The first course of CMU’s are laid in the full mortar bed.
Corners (aka leads) are laid first, then the area between is filled.
The use of story pole or course pole is used to gage the top of each course.
Use of wire reinforcement, ladder or truss type, can be used in every other course.
Caution is required when cutting CMU’s due to the harmful effects of silica dust. PPE required
Face Brick (size):
Face brick, aka clay masonry units are used on exposed exterior surfaces where appearance is important.
Generally face brick is self supported with the additional use of brick ties.
The standard is 3 ¼” x 2 ¼” x 8
Face brick must be approved for the yearly weather conditions they will encounter. In Michigan the brick needs to be rated for severe conditions. In florida the brick rating would be negligible.
How are face bricks packaged?
Face bricks come in cubes that are shrink wrapped. Inside that cube will be a label that tells manufacturer, size, model. It has to say SW (severe weather)
Face Brick Construction
Face bricks are installed similar to CMUs. Corner leads are built first and then the area between corners is filled in.
Use of story poles/course poles is required.
Brick ties or other reinforcements are used.
Caution in cutting brick is required due to harmful silica dust.
7 standard brick is required to cover 1 sq ft of wall area.
Mortar joints are ⅜” to ½” wide
Face Brick Construction
Face bricks are installed similar to CMUs. Corner leads are built first and then the area between corners is filled in.
Use of story poles/course poles is required.
Brick ties or other reinforcements are used.
Caution in cutting brick is required due to harmful silica dust.
7 standard brick is required to cover 1 sq ft of wall area.
Mortar joints are ⅜” to ½” wide
Efflorescence is a white powder like substance on completed masonry walls which is caused by water soluble salts within brick and/or mortar coming into contact with moisture (rain, humidity) Efflorescence requires chemical salts and moisture in the wall in order to form. Eliminate moisture and you eliminate efflourescence.
What is required for brick wall construction?
Wall bracing
Restricted zones for walls greater than 8 ft. (height of wall + 4 ft.) (in case of topple)
Warning signage
Monitoring wind speeds
Emergency egress
Written certification of employee training
What is a pumper truck
Pumper trucks are expensive ways to move concrete from the mixer (few thousand dollars a day) and are used when ground conditions are too soggy
What are control joints in concrete?
Control Joints tell the concrete where to crack/shrink. You can fill the joint with caulk if you want.
What affect does cure seal have on drying time?
Cure seal extends dry time, because too fast drying time could damage the concrete. (Used to use straw, visqueen, or burlap bags and keep it wet
What is a Darby?
A darby is a shorthand bullfloat for tight corners.
A tool that consists of two handles on a flat plate with slightly lipped edges, similar to a bullfloat, except larger.
Why do honeycombs/bugouts form in concrete?
someone didn’t vibrate the forms, Take your hammer and tap the forms. It causes air voids that ruin the concrete. You can’t repair bugouts
What is the math on the weight of a 10 yd mixer truck?
Empty concrete trucks are 40,000 lbs
A cubic ft of concrete is 150 lbs.
27 cubic feet in a cubic yard.
4,050 lbs per cubic yd.
40,500 per truck+ 40,000 lb truck
80,500 pounds total
How far away from the basement wall should a concrete truck be?
NEVER back up a concrete truck near a basement wall. (20ft+ distance???)
If there’s a 40 ft wall, how many 16 inch masonry bricks are needed for the first course?
X*12/16 = 30 bricks
How many courses of concrete block will you have for a 10 ft high wall?
10*12/8=15 bricks
How many Standard Brick for a 400 sq ft wall ?
400 sq ft * 7 (bricks per sq ft.)
How to perform slump test?
Fill conev ⅓ of the way,
Jab it 25 times with a rod.
Fill it another ⅓
Jab it 25 times
Fill it the final ⅓
Jab it 25 times, refilling as necessary
Smooth it out (strike it off)
Slowly remove cone.
Lift up siderail
Measure slump
Where can you find more resources on pouring concrete?
St. Mary’s Cement Offers Classes.
Journal of Light Construction magazine!!!
What is the desired slump for residential concrete?
In Residential work, slump is between 4 & 6
You don’t have to do this for residential, but on Commercial, it’s done on every truck
Fixtures leading to the supply line??? Should have how much play?
Fixtures leading to supply line (outside the wall) should be rigid with no play
Post tensioned concrete process
Post tensioned concrete cables have a blue sleeve on them and are held stationary on one end and allowed to run loose to the other end.
Blue cables feed into stationary end that’s tied into reinforcing system
Other end you have greased pocketed end and they run long outside the form. A pneumatic machine pulls the cables and cuts the end off
What is a monolithic pour?
Monolithic pour: Pour trench footing and slab all at the same time. Out west, this requires Post tensioned cables because the earth moves so much.
Who decides when to tension the concrete?
A concrete engineer is on site, and he samples the concrete periodically for air temp, air humidity, and concrete temp. It’s pretty much dry when he pulls the trigger.
Pre Stressed Concrete
We put an arc on some floors to better brace it for large loads, e.d double T’s on apartment structures
Accelerated curing can be done with live steam or radiated heat??? (Commercial)
Concrete slabs sometimes have 6 or so holes that run all the way through them, they add rigidity.
They use it in hotels, and also in instances where the garage is over the basement.
What are the ingredients in concrete?
(Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate. And water
What is cement made of and how many types are there?
Cement: is made with portland cement, a mixture of limestone, clay, and other elements including gypsum. There are 5 types, the most common is type 1 for general use.
Fine aggregate vs. course aggregate in concrete
Fine Aggregate: such as sand which passes through a ¼” sieve
Coarse Aggregate: such as pea stone and gravel. Ranges is size due to required spec. Generally, the maximum size will be 1 ½” or less.
Water in concrete
Must be clean and free of chemicals, the cement to water ratio is critical
Ready mix concrete considerations
Ready mix is mixed to spec for a particular use. Coarse aggregate must be free of soft stones or cherts which will cause ‘pop outs’ in freezing weather. If water is added, the spec of the concrete will change. Each 1 gallon of water added to 1 yard of concrete will reduce strength by 150 psi. Ready mixed concrete should be totally discharged from the truck within 1 ½ hours of being mixed or prior to 300 revolutions of the mixer, whichever comes first. (In residential, we’re only concerned about the time If the trip ticket is more than 1 ½ hr, don’t accept it. If it’s clumpy or warm, don’t accept it.)
What is the purpose of air entrained concrete?
Air entrainment: Generally 5 to 7 percent in mixes with ¾” to 1” aggregate when used in severe weather conditions. Air entrainment can also be used in warm weather to reduce water ratios. The purpose of air entrainment is to reduce internal expansion of hardened concrete and to aid in closing off channels during curing time. The closing off of channels thus keeps winter rain and melt water from entering into the slab, where it could freeze and spall the concrete.
What are channels and what do they have to do with spalling?
You have to watch concrete dry. You can see tiny streams of water surface from the concrete. They’re called rivulettes, but we call them channels. When the concrete dries, the channels remain open, the water can soak into the concrete and peel (spall) the top which continues and worsens. There’s air bubbles pushing up but there’s a thin film of cement that causes them to bubble up and trap. You MUST use air entrained concrete on all exposed exterior concrete 5-7%
What do water reducers do?
Water reducers, accelerators: Help to remove water from the plastic concrete in freezing weather.
What are superplasticizers
Superplasticizers: reduce the water required in a mix design and improves flow and workability. This is added at the mixing location according to required specs. Superplasticizers provide a high slump of 10” for concrete that would normally have a slump of 4”. The end product will be the same but with improved workability. This product is generally considered during hot weather or when PUMPING of the concrete is specified. You have regular, mid range, and super plasticizers
How is freezing concrete protected?
freezing weather calls for fresh concrete to be protected. In most cases, a construction blanket will suffice.
Bearing wall strip footings:
Generally used in residential construction when a basement is involved. These footings will sometimes have reinforcement often called “re-rod”. The width and depth of the footing will be indicated on the plan as well as being prescribed in the building code. The developer already had soil tested for subdivisions. In all types of footing the known bearing capacity of the soil is required in order to determine footing size. See diagram below. (Girders for add-ons like decks require you to go down to the footing, because backfilled soil is no good, Helical Piers is a much better alternative You can build a house on Helical piers???)
Mat, raft, or floating foundations:
this type of footing is used over soil which has a poor load bearing capacity. A mat footing generally will cover the entire foot print of the structure. Poor bearing soils need serious consideration and will generally need a soils engineer to determine size of footings and foundations.
How much concrete coverage do metal reinforcements need?
Metal reinforcement in footings requires a minimum of 3 inches of concrete coverage. (Wire mesh and re-rod to an outside wall requires ¾” of coverage to outside face of wall.)
What’s the maximum fall that concrete can have and why?
Concrete can’t drop more than 4 or 5 feet without segregating the aggregate. You can lay a stud the width of the wall, lay it at an angle on the snap ties and feed the concrete in that way without segregating the aggregate.
Cold seam prevention
Where the layers between one truck and another meet, you have to seriously vibrate that concrete to prevent a cold seam. Cold seams are a very big deal, inspectors can demand you do it over again.
How long until you can take the concrete form off?
In mild weather conditions, foundation forms can generally be removed after 12 hours of placement. In severe weather conditions, wait a MINIMUM of 5 to 6 days, more like 10. Concrete must be kept above 50 degrees for 5 days in cold weather.
Rebar considerations (sizes, overlaps, fabric coverage)
Rebar is measured in ⅛” and therefore a #3 bar is ⅜” thick, etc.
Splices in rebar should not be less than 12” overlaps
Wire fabric requires 2” of concrete coverage. (10 ga wire with 6”x6” squares, used to come in rolls, not any more
Control joints
New concrete shrinks as it sets. For example, 100 lineal feet of concrete will shrink ¾”.
Control joints in slabs isolate random cracking caused by shrinkage, moisture, and temperature changes, and load stresses. Control joints in walls are generally 20’ apart.
Expansion joints
Expansion joints permit total freedom of movement. Generally, expansion joint materials will be used in seams. The expansion joint will often be used where a basement floor butts up to a foundation wall. Concrete from the floor slab MUST NOT BOND to the foundation wall (this causes cracks 14”-16” off the wall. Instead, fill that space later with bacharat foam rope and finish with self leveling caulk (quado???)). We no longer do this; we spray form releasing agent
How to saw cut fresh concrete
Saw cut control joints which are a quarter of the depth of the concrete must be made within 4-12 hrs of placement (hairline fractures will appear otherwise). Completing a slab with a trowel finish should be done as the sheen disappears.
What do you do before concrete placement?
You moisten the sub grade
How much do you have to mix concrete if adding water?
Adding water to the mixer truck requires 30 revolutions to complete mixing
Can you heat concrete in enclosed spaces?
Yes, but enclosed spaces heated with fossil fuels must be vented (concrete will not harden properly with carbon monoxide/kerosene gasses. You can rent heaters where large ducts bring in heated air.)
How is concrete cured?
Curing is accomplished by spraying with a pre-mix surface curing agent, or using a fog sprayer to keep top surface damp
How is concrete tested?
Concrete testing is accomplished by using 3 test cylinders of concrete. If concrete is to have a 4000 psi at 28 days one of the cylinders can be tested at 7 days. At 7 days it should resist 65-70% of 4000 PSI.
How long until people can drive on fresh concrete?
No one should drive on fresh concrete for 7 days, but really 28-30 days.
What are some steps for trusses?
Brace all exterior walls, decide where the crane goes, brace to each other as you go.
_____ _______ are required to brace trusses to side of building
Strong backs
Short blocks used for bracing are called _______ _________
Suicide blocks. Suicide blocks must be removed ASAP and replaced by 12’ studs.
How long does the crane have to hold the truss?
Crane holds truss until suicide blocks are replaced??? Suicide blocks must be removed ASAP and replaced by 12’ studs.
How often do you have to install diagonal bracing?
Diagonal top chord bracing must be installed every 20 feet and at either end
Can you store materials on your trusses?
DON’T store materials on installed trusses w/o engineer signing off.
How far can trusses be out of plumb for temporary bracing?
2”, but must be perfect when permanently placed.
How far can trusses be out of plumb for temporary bracing?
2”, permanent bracing must be perfect
What are lacers and where are they installed?
LATERAL BRACING, or LACERS (12’) in the upper third of the truss
Miosha library has what important book?
Construction Safety Standards, which you are required to have as a business owner.
What can you do to mitigate OSHA fines
Take pictures when you post violations as proof that you posted it. This may mitigate the $7,000 fee of not posting the violation.
What’s the most serious violation?
Hazard communication: failure to provide a written hazard communication to people coming on jobsite. There are some violations that if you appeal it in 15 days, you pay 50%.
Accident prevention program
Program where employer trains employees on avoidance and recognition of hazards
Where do you get toolbox talks?
You can print toolbox talks right off of MIOSHA website. After your employees sign it, put it in the 3 ring binder on the jobsite.
How do we prove subcontractors have MIOSHA training?
“We have trained our employees in all MIOSHA training requirements related to our scope of work.” We can get this from subcontractor to cover our ass.
Where do you find safety videos?
Companies do safety videos, most important is the first day on the job video. New guys don’t go out the first day, they watch videos and sign paperwork. Videos are a couple hundred dollars.
What are the 4 types of noxious weeds in Michigan?
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Sumac (swamps), and Hogweed(everywhere)
Brown recluse
you won’t notice it right away, but you’ll start itching and you’ll need to go to the hospital. Brown recluses like damp spaces like crawl spaces
In the event of bee allergy, who provides the anti venom?
If someone’s allergic to bee bites, they need to supply their own antivenom. It ain’t cheap.
First Aid
A competent person needs a first aid card in his possession. NO ONLINE CLASSES ALLOWED
All jobsites needs a first aid kit. Throw it in a bright yellow ammo can, also add.(Add freezer bags, add tourniquets,)
How to administer epipen?
Crew has to be trained on how to administer it.
Remove cap,
Stab leg,
Wait a minute,
DO NOT restab, a safety cap has automatically sealed it
Who has to provide water?
Employer has to provide water.
What’s wrong with Gatorade?
Gatorade can fuck with someone’s high blood pressure.
How high can you stack brick?
Maximum height is 6 ft or two cubes of brick.
How many employees per toilet?
1 toilet per 20 people up to 40, then 1 additional toilet per 40
What do you need in order to send a prospect to concentra?
You can’t send an employee to concentra without a conditional job offer. Then, you can refuse the employee if the exam results hinder his ability to work.
Posting emergency info:
You should have the location and phone number of the hospital, physician, and emergency service posted at the jobsite
How many foot candles could you read a book by?
10 footcandles is enough to read a book by.
What size hole in the wall or floor need protection?
MIOSHA says 2” floor holes need protection and 3” wall holes need protection
Minimum rating for anchor bolts?
Anchor points need 5,000 lbs minimum, or twice intended load.
How long can you hang in a harness before injury?
Can’t hang in a harness for more than 15 minutes.
Where to get harnesses?
National ladder and Scaffold.
Get quality harnesses that you can sit/stand on.
42”+/-3 inches , 21” midrails, 3” toeboards
Vertical guardrails can’t be more than 8 ft.
Guard rails subjected to >200 lbs need to be heavier stock.
Safety nets distance:
Safety nets have to be less than 30’
The Net has to extend 8’ out if lower than 5’ under employee.
Hole coverings weight rating (employees/tools)
Hole covers need to be marked, has to be stronger than twice the weight of employee and tools he’s carrying.
What Ladder rating do you need at a minimum
Ladders need a duty rating. You need type 1 at a minimum.
How far do ladders have to extend?
Ladders have to extend 3’ above roof. Ladders can have safety rails and swing gates for added protection when entering/exiting roof.
What must happen before scaffolding can be used?
Scaffolding must be inspected by competent person.
Seminars for competent person??
When guarding is required on scaffolding
Scaffolds require guards at 10’ instead of 6
What had to happen before using a generator?
Generators need to be grounded
Distance from aluminum ladders/cranes to power lines.
You can put velcro on power lines if you need to put a ladder???
Ladders in excavation
Ladders needed in excavations 4’ deep, and every 25’ down
How far away do spoils have to be from the excavation?
Spoils have to be 2’ or more away from excavation.
When screeding areas wider than ___ ft, you have to do what?
You gotta hold the screed down @ 16’???
What ppe does the employer always provide?
Employer ALWAYS provides hands, face, eye, and ear protection
You can’t use powder actuated tools on what?
DO NOT use a powder actuated tool on live rock (coral)
All table saws NEED _____ ______
If you have a table saw on the job site, you need a PUSH STICK next to it.
How do you train your employee on tools?
You have to train your employee on every tool he’ll be using on day one, he has to sign, and put it in the 3 ring binder
What guard does a portable saw need?
Portable saw should have upper and lower guard shielding the blade,
Technically, what’s the rules for cleaning yourself with compressed air?
Compressed air shall NOT be used for cleaning of clothes, hands, or face
Air pressure for portable air gun shall not exceed ______
Air pressure for portable air gun shall not exceed 30 psi
Never use compressed air on ________
Never use compressed air on concrete
Powder actuated equipment operators need what?
Powder actuated equipment needs to have an operators card on their person while operating the equipment. Must be trained by MFR or MFR rep, either HILTE, or possibly Sunbelt, (Dequindre&696??)
Powder actuated tools can’t be used on what?
NEVER leave powder actuated tools unattended.
Fastener shall not be driven into brittle material like brick, cast iron.
Powder actuated tool misfire steps:
Operator has to fire, wait 30 seconds, fire again, wait 30 seconds, then remove explosive load and put in metal container filled with water.
Fire classifications???
Memorize fire classifications. P. 242
What size fire extinguisher is necessary???
10 lb fire extinguisher.
Are propane heaters permitted in the workplace?
Yes, Propane heaters are permitted in the workplace.
Demo permits???
YOU need letters of clearance from utility companies to get a demo permit, sanitation is a tough one to get.
Garbage chute height requirements:
Chute has to be within 8 ft of the lowest level
Do you need a barricade for excavations?
Some cities have an ordinance about excavations, otherwise you don’t need a barricade if it’s open and clear to see.
What are low sloped roofs?
Low sloped roofs: 4/12 and less
When can you use a safety monitor on a roof?
On low slope roofs smaller than 50 feet wide a safety monitoring system alone can be used.
What tool requires increased guardrails?
What is the minimum rating for fall protection?
Fall protection vests need to be 1800 lb rated because of the shock
Warning lines,for roofs and heights.
Warning lines, 6 foot from edge perpendicular, and 10’ in direction of travel for buggy
Warning lines specs
Warning line shall be 34” tall at its lowest, and 39” at its highest.
Shall be capable of resisting 16 lbs applied horizontally against the stanchion
Flags and cones can be bought from POCO or wimset
Floor coverings weight ratings
Covers should be able to hold twice weight of vehicles.
Toeboard clearances
Toeboards can have ¼” clearance from the floor, and can’t have a hole bigger than 1”
Clearances for materials around masons and roofers
No material shall be located within 4’ for masons except mortar and brick
No material shall be located within 6’ for roofers.
What is the minimum clearance for a lanyard
Should be able to fall 18 ½’ to have clearance for fall protecion.
6 foot lanyard
3 ½ feet for deceleration device
1 foot slack in cable
5 feet workers back to D ring
3 foot safety factor
Minimum ladder overlap
Ladder must extend 3’ or more above upper level
MINIMUM LADDER OVERLAP 3 ft under 36’, 4 ft otherwise
Job built ladders
Job built ladders can’t be over 24’ in length
Step ladder requirements
Places to get ladders and scaffolds
Personal fall arrest systems specs
Personal fall arrest systems, when stopping a fall, shall:
limit maximum arresting force on an employee to 1800 LBS when used with a body harness
be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall more than 6 feet, nor contact any lower level
Warning lines for mechanical operations
When mechanical equipment is being used, the warning line shall be erected not less than 6 feet from the roof edge which is parallel to the direction of mechanical equipment operation, and not less than 10 feet from the roof edge which is perpendicular to the direction of mechanical equipment operation
When are ladders required?
A ladder shall be provided at all personnel points of access if there is a break in elevation of 19 inches or more and if a ramp, runway, sloped embankment, stairway, or personnel hoist is not provided
What is a catch platform?
Catch platform is a scaffold next to roof. Most builders rent them
What is the proper way to pour basement walls?
Guy can’t pour from on top of the basement walls, have to use a ladder or another type of safety measure.
What is a cleat?
A cleat is a structural block used at the end of the platform???
All crawling boards??? need cleats that are equally spaced to keep things in place.
What is the weight rating for a heavy duty scaffold?
Heavy duty scaffold: working load of 75 lbs per sq ft
What is a ladder jack scaffold?
Ladder jack scaffold means a scaffold that is supported by brackets attached to ladders
What is a pump jack scaffold?
Pump Jack Scaffold, vertical poles, pump up or down as needed (siding guys like these)
What is a roof bracket scaffold?
Roof bracket scaffold means a rooftop supported scaffold on angular shaped supports
What is a rough terrain forklift? (What kind of lift?)
Rough terrain forklift- vertical mast or pivot boom
What is a pick?
Pick- something you can stand on to work on roof.
What do you need to climb a scaffold?
Can’t climb a scaffold without equally spaced ladder from ground to desired level. Some scaffolds have integrated ladders, some don’t
Rule for reaching out to MIOSHA for a hospitalized incident:
Rules for scaffolding:
Scaffold has to be assembled under competent person. Scaffold has to bear 4 times the intended load. Can’t lean anything on a building
How close can an employee be to energized electrical lines?
Employees should not be within 10 feet of energized electric lines.
When planking a scaffold, how many planks do you need?
Fully planked working platforms, 2 planks climbing platform, 12” overlap
Distance between uprights and planks not more than 9 ½”
Max distance from scaffold to wall?
Front of platform shall not be more than 14” from wall, 18 if plastering and lathing
What distance do you have to tie and brace scaffolding?
Guy, tie and brace 4 to 1 ratio, horizontally every 20’ if 3’ wide every 26’ if >3ft wide
How tall can a scaffolding pole be?
Poles can be 10’ with wood, since aluminum picks come in 24’ lengths poles can be greater with aluminum.
Poles can’t be more than 30’ in height
What’s the max employees allowed on a pump jack?
2 employees on pump jack in between every 2 braces
Are toe guards required with a gate?
Toe guards are required on all sides, including gate side
Which platforms need a harness?
Can you operate a skytrack without training?
No, you must have operators card for operating a skytrack
Can you reposition with guys riding a sky track?
You can’t reposition with guys riding a skytrack, they gotta get off for repositioning.
Do you need an operators card for a ladder jack scaffold?
Ladder Jack Scaffolds, have to have an operators card for that specific piece of equipment. You can get multiple vehicle certifications on a single card.
Length for scaffolding planks???
Wood can’t exceed 8’
Aluminum Picks can’t exceed 24’
At what height does scaffolding require guardrails?
Scaffolds require guard rails at 10’ and accessed through ladders. (Osha has it at 6’, i believe)
What is a brace, guy, and a tie?
What is the distance to brace a scaffold? (Contradictory???)
if scaffold is 4’ wide, 16’ the first tie and brace up from the bottom, and down from the top.
Pump jack bracket requirements:
Pump jack brackets, braces, and accessories shall be fabricated from metal plates and angles. Each bracket shall have 2 positive gripping mechanisms to prevent any failure or slippage
When is it ok to use a ladder jack?
A ladder jack scaffold shall be used only for light duty on type I manufactured ladders at heights not more than 20 feet from the ground or floor level
What do excavators tend to do on sanitary lines?
Excavators like to go too steep and too deep on sewer and water connections. DON’T let them. They need proper angle of repose or trench box.
Clay derives its strength from what?
Clay: derives strength (resistance to displacement) from cohesion.
What is the strength of Soft Clay?
‘Soft clay’ has an unconfined strength of less than 1 ton per sq ft.
What is the strength of Medium Clay?
Medium clay: (plastic) minimum unconfined strength of 1 ton per sq ft
What is the strength of firm soil(clay?)?
Firm soil: minimum unconfined strength of 1.5 sq. ft.
What is the strength of Stiff Clay?
Stiff clay: 2 ½ tons per sq ft
How do you tell if soil is rated for 1 ton?
You take a 1 sq ft. plate and sit a ton on it, if it oozes out, it’s not rated for 1 ton
What is fill?
Fill- a manmade soil condition that may be constructed of any type of soil or any combination
Where does granular soil get its strength?
Granular Soil: derives its strength from internal friction
What is running soil?
Running soil- any type of soil that has insufficient strength to stand unsupported
What makes soil organic?
Organic soil- soil that contains significant amounts of peat, muck, or marl.
What is the ‘toe’ of a slope?
Toe of slope, point at which the side meets the valley
What had to happen before digging?
No digging until you ascertain whether there’s utility lines.
Where do most gas lines come from?
Most gas lines come from the front, but sometimes they come from the rear.
What is the rule on excavations?
Excavations 48” or greater that are occupied by an employee will be provided ladder extending not less than 3 feet above the top as a means of access or with a ramp meeting requirements of subrule 6 of this rule. Lateral travel along the wall of a trench to a ladder or other means of egress shall not exceed 25 ft.
How deep can an excavation be before it needs to be sloped?
Excavation need to be sloped if they’re more than 5 ft deep
What is the injured employee log?
300 and 300a-
Slope for dry sand and medium clay???
(1 ton per sq ft.) 45 degrees
Which injuries have to be posted?
Injuries less than 1 year old are posted for employees to see
What is the timeline/ppl per incident for reporting fatalities?
ANY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Amputation, loss of eye, in-patient hospitalization
3 or more employees hospitalized has to be reported to MIOSHA in 8 hrs.
What documents are filed in case of injury?
3 documents needed, WOrker’s Comp 100, MIOSHA 300 injury log (posted in office), MIOSHA 300a (end of year summary).
(Workers comp 100 can be filed instead of MIOSHA 301)
When shall an ongoing inspection of an excavation or trench be made by a qualified person?
After every rainstorm or other hazard-producing occurrence
financial statement analysis:
Financial ratios that are calculated for comparison purposes and are used to make business decisions.
What are journals?
books of ORIGINAL entry; they include as much information as possible recorded with each transaction
Do you really need an accountant?
You NEED a professional to cover your ass, too many changes
How much should you commonly have at the end of a job?
Common practice, have at least 10% profit at the end of every job.
Liability insurance is based on what?
Liability insurance is based on gross sales
What is the rules on reporting cash?
Cash is difficult, if you dont report cash, don’t report the expenses on that particular job. It has to balance out.
What’s a way you can get audited?
Mixing personal and business can get you audited.
Meals are NOT deductible
Cash basis:
Revenue is recorded when received, expenses are recorded when paid
(small B=businesses)
Accrual Basis
Revenue is recorded when earned (might be 60 days out from payment), expenses are recorded when incurred (large-medium sized businesses)
Accounts payable:
Current Liability
Amt of assets remaining after all liabilities are paid, The true ownership value
Accounts Receivable:
Current assets, money coming in.
Current assets:
assets that can be turned into cash in 1 year
Current liabilities:
Payments of debt within 1 year
Fixed Assets:
Fixed Assets are long term assets, e.g land, computers, buildings, etc
Long Term Liability:
debts that exceed 1 year.
How long should business and personal records be kept?
Business records should be kept >7 yrs.’Personal records should be kept >3 yrs
Required records (government paperwork):
W-2, end of year
1099 goes to subcontractors January 31st
W4 beginning of year.
I9 Authorization
What kind of documents go into journals?
Receipts, invoices, Purchase orders, and sales all go into journals.
5 Journals
Purchase Journal
Cash receipts
Cash Disbursement Journal
General Journal
(Everything goes into general journal after the quarter.)
Why might it be better to file quarterly instead of yearly?
You may owe penalties/interest if you file yearly instead of quarterly
What is a subcontractor?
Subcontractor isn’t an employee, has to provide his own tools, training, and vehicles. Doesn’t ‘have to’ be there.
Double entry bookkeeping??
Debit on one side, credit on the other side.
Positive Negative
Balance sheet, assets on left side, liabilities on right side, both sides should balance out at end of year.
Sales Journal:
recording of sales on credit
Purchases Journal:
Recording of purchases on credit
Cash Receipts Journal:
Incoming Cash Business Transactions
Cash Disbursements Journal:
Recording of all Outgoing Cash Transactions
General Journal:
Record of adjusting and closing entries, i.e non cash expenses, depreciation, lost/damaged/ bad debts? Etc.
4 financial statements
Income statement-
Statement of ownership-
Balance sheet-
Statement of cash flow-
Income statement:
net profit
Statement of ownership-
value of statement date, capital paid, draws and investments
Balance sheet-
Assets, liabilities, and equity
Statement of cash flow-
shows where cash flow went-bank statements
A good rule of thumb for ratio of assets and liabilities
A good current ratio of 2:1 usually indicates good liquidity.
quick asset ratio
Cash+accts receivable+short term investments-INVENTORY* / liabilities???
A quick ratio of 1 to 1 is usually good for loans
Can you use inventory when calculating quick asset ratio?
No, you cannot use inventory when calculating a quick asset
(if you see -inventory then it’s a quick asset question)
quick asset ratio
Cash+accts receivable+short term investments-INVENTORY/
Current liabilities
True investment
True investment=nominal interest - inflation
A _______ provides a good, detailed overview of how current income compares with income received last week
Sales Journal
Sales Records are needed…
For some insurance reports
Check Registers…
Balance the bank accounts
Builders need ______ to pay small expenses that arise day to day
Petty Cash
Rent, phone, utilities and office supplies are considered
_____ must be presented when applying for performance bonds and for loan apps.
Financial Statement
______ is the simplest bookkeeping method
Double Entry
A _____ is entered on the left side of a T acct.
A _____ is entered on the right side of a T acct
A General Ledger
Summarizes all business operations
Is separate from subsidiary ledgers
IS out of balance if there is a posting error
A Financial Statement ________
Summarizes the General Ledger
Comparisons of net worth to liabilities used by bankers considering loan applications are called _______.
Comparisons of net worth to liabilities used by bankers considering loan applications are called _______.
Corporate tax is based on income with _____ ______ of more than _________
Corporate income tax: based on income with gross receipts of more than 350,000.00 (consult tax professional about making expenses)
What are the payroll costs of having an employee? (Besides
MUST PAY:federal unemployment, MI unemployment, match social security and medicare
What is social security based on???
Social security is based on $132,900 of employee payroll??? After that, don’t take out payroll
What are the earning limits for Medicare?
Medicare has no limitations pertaining to earnings
What are the things you must pay as part of payroll?
MUST PAY:federal unemployment, MI unemployment, match social security and medicare
What is the FUTA tax rate?
FUTA tax rate??? 6% on the first $7,000
UIA tax rate:
UIA tax around 6.8-8.1%
After _____ $20/hr becomes 50$/hr
After UIA state, UIA fed, Social Security, Medicare, Worker’s Comp, and Liability, you’re gonna be billing a $20/hr employee more like $50/hr
FICA tax rates
(FICA) Social Security taxed at 6.2%
Medicare is taxed at 1.45%
Deductions for meals:
You can deduct half of all meals, not entertainment or drinks ( separate receipts)
_______ have to be perpendicular to the house, so what rule can you use to help?
Girders have to be perpendicular to the house, so you can use 3-4-5
Allowances for rough carpenters vs. finish carpenters
An inch allowance is fine for rough carpenter, not for trim/finish carpenter
Why do you have to be careful when ordering siding?
Siding sometimes requires 3 or 4 times as much for waste
When calculating concrete footings:
Don’t count your corners twice.
How to measure cubic yards from feet?
Formula for Board Feet:
WxTxH/12 (feet)
How many Cu. ft per Cu. yd?
27 cubic feet per yard
Calculating Studs for a wall (“16 on center
divide by 16 (in inches), add one.
(you can also multiply ft by .75, then +1)
!!! IRL: 1/ft !!! (have extra)
How to lay foundations for block?
DIg trench down >42”
pound rerod stakes into the trench every 4-5 ft on center,
then pour up to the top of the stake
Once the concrete dries, you can lay block
what is the thickness of a 2x10 floor joist?
9 ¼”
What is the ideal stair height?
Why do we subtract one riser from the staircase?
The top floor is the last tread.
Why do we subtract one riser from the staircase?
The top floor is the last tread.
What’s the margin of error for risers?
within ⅜ of each other.
determine sq ft.
Multiply by 7
Brick ledge grade is also known as ______ _______
Brick ledge grade is finished grade
Steps to turning a plot of land into neighborhood (master site plan):
Preliminary Preliminary: Rough layout where the streets, lots, and tension ponds are gonna be, submit for review at the city, the city planning commission, the county, and the state (6-8 mo)
Preliminary: Includes street names, lot sizes, and elevations. (6-8 mo)
Final plan approval: sewer, water, grades of entire area, lot dimensions to the 1/8th inch, easements and setbacks on lots, takes a year.
Leader Lines:
show proposed elevation EXACTLY. Elevations have to be double checked by a competent person.
Who established the setbacks?
Setbacks are established by city ordinance.
TEST QUESTION: how to find buildable sq ft?
LxW - LxW of unbuildable land (setbacks, etc.)
Contour Site Plan:
Contour site plans have to show elevation because the building site is on a hill. BE CAREFUL with drainage, standing house downhill, and septic fields (always downhill).
Large acreage benchmarks, AKA monuments. Monuments are concrete cylinders 3” wide and metal tube coming out top, they are buried right below ground. It serves as a starting point surveying the property. putting stakes in the ground so far due N, W, E, and S.
where are monuments located.
In most cities, private property ends 12” from the edge of the sidewalk, that’s where the monuments would be located.
What map shows elevation of 100 year floods?
FEMA flood map. If you build within the 100 year flood zone, it’s more expensive.
TEST QUESTION: How far above the flood stage does the lowest finished floor have to be?
The lowest finished floor has to be 1 foot above the flood stage. For crawl spaces, the lowest structural member (likely the beam or girder) has to be above the flood stage (no clearance listed.)
If you have a crawl space in a flood zone:
You need to have flood gates that allow the water to go in and go back out when the flood recedes.
Benchmarks can be:
top nut on a fire hydrant, sometimes buried under a plate
What happens if you pay for flood insurance that you didn’t need?
If you were paying flood insurance and didn’t need it, you should be reimbursed.
How are hydrants notated?
Circle with two ears, also consider if there’s an existing water line and what size
What does AB mean?
AB: As built
½ inch Difference in foundation elevation can mean you have a ______
Step Brick ledge???
If you have a downspout off of the porch, the curb elevation should be lower to prevent _________ ________
stagnant water
ab/tc means:
As Built/Top of Curb
When are outside leader lines designed?
the outside Leader lines are designed prior to actual home development to give the rainwater somewhere to go
The land forms a ditch to guide the water.
Catch basin with a bubble shaped??? drain cover, takes all the water from the yard and sends it to the drain sewer.
How far are storm drains buried?
6 ft.
direct discharge downspouts
Sometimes you want to direct discharge your downspouts into the sump to stop from soaking the yard???
How to prepare manhole for future sump pump?
3” pipe at the bottom of manhole, then stub it off so that homeowner can dump sump pump into the storm sewer.???
(Underdeck drainage system???)
Put a drainage mat on the bottom of your deck, closing off the bottom of the joists and sloping it downward.
Minimum concrete thickness for driveways:
6” drive, 4k psi concrete BARE MINIMUM
When do you need an architect?
You need an architect over 3500 sq ft of habitable space. (not including laundy rooms, closets, bathrooms, unfinished basements, etc.)
Spec House:
A house built without a buyer
Note about scanned blueprints
Be VERY careful of emailed site plans, because the scale might be changed by printer settings
Bypassing windows and doors are also called ______
Glide-by doors
What are Cinder Blocks made out of
Cinder Blocks are made of concrete and cinders (coal residues). You can tell if it’s a cinder block because it’s heavy and smells like sulfur when scratched.
How many sq ft in an acre?
43,560 sq ft
When do you get a framing plan for residential construction?
When there’s something unusual about it. Pay attention
True elevations would give detail on:
what type of shingle, siding, trim board, etc.
Building departments require at least one _____ on your house plans to double check what type of wall studs, thicknesses, insulations, siding, shingles, etc.
Section view
What does TYP mean on a site plan?
all of that unit are the same as the labeled one.
Where is the window sill located?
on the outside, Inside is the window stool and apron
Window Schedule Sample:
14-3’4” x 5’5”
(# of windows, W x H)
Transom windows:
long narrow windows???
What’s the difference between hard tiles and ceramic?
Hard tiles are marble, granite, etc. and are larger than ceramic. It will be specified in the plans per room.
Can we assume a ⅝” drywall to be a fire resistant wall?
No, Fire resistant walls will have a dedicated number assigned to them in the plans
Cut sheet:
Architect gives you a sheet of paper properly explaining the fire resistant wall assembly.
2 most common books are US chipsom and UL (1 rated system per page, page can be copied for your plans.)
Stud wall cavities, insulations, screw lengths, visqueen, drywall size, screw placement, type of glue.
Line Items
- General; 2. Site Work; 3. Concrete; 4. Masonry; 5 Metals; 6. Wood and Plastics; 7. Thermal and Moisture Protection (insulation and shingles); 8. Doors and Windows; 9. Finishes; 10. Specialty Items; 11. Equipment; 12. Furnishings; 13. Special Construction; 14. Plumbing; 15. Mechanical (HVAC); 16. Electrical
CSI MasterFormat Checklist:
Get all your quotes and organize them by folder with the above categories. Give your guys a bonus for being prompt with their quotes.
Csi master format should include:
Subcontractors’ agreement, insurances (liability AND workers comp) Sworn statement for payment, partial unconditional waiver, full unconditional waiver, warrantees, final walkthrough, checkoff list and all other correspondences go in these folders
Best practice for working with subcontractors
Who is the first mechanical trade to work on a new constructions?
Plumber. The plumber has to do the permanent drain around the foundation BEFORE the backfill and also do the leads into the basement floor
Meghan to pour the basement floor?
Pour basement floor and first floor before the backfill???
Stops from tracking dirt upstairs. Gives the wall more time to cure, and laterally braces at the basement and at the first floor. When the concrete is in the open air, it dries faster and affects the finishing process. (DON’T poke holes in the visqueen.)
Start and finish dates for contractors
In residential construction, make every effort to avoid start and finish dates, the subcontractors are bound to a start and finish date in their subcontractors’ agreement
Where to get a job box?
Home depot, inspection stickers go on job box, KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE AND TAKE PICTURES
You need a safety can to store amounts of gasoline over:
1 gallon
What is color is a danger sign?
red oval, black background
What color is kerosene and diesel stored in?
blue for kerosene, yellow for diesel
Guardrail has to resist:
200 lbs
Generators have to be ____
grounded (lug nut)
(how to ground a generator???)
Don’t use air hoses longer than ____
100 ft
Can you paint/seal a wood ladder?
Not without permission from mfr
How are wood posts made for scaffolding?
two 2x4s fastened together, solid and knot free NO MORE THAN 30FEET, ANDCHORED TO STRUCTURE EVERY 10FEET
How are wood posts made for scaffolding?
two 2x4s fastened together, solid and knot free NO MORE THAN 30FEET, ANDCHORED TO STRUCTURE EVERY 10FEET
What is a poisonous element that was used for many years to protect certain types of wood products against attack by wood-destroying insects?
Marine grade concrete example
Sezeria israel harbor made out of concrete
What do you do with rod holes in older homes?
On older homes, you have rod holes. You fill these with corks (older method???) and hydraulic cement because hydraulic cement expands
How do you fill a vertical crack in a concrete wall that’s running off at an angle?
Use 2 part epoxy, NOT hydraulic cement
Zerk fittings???:
Grease fittings that fill cracks from the inside out. Used with epoxy to seal cracks
Would concrete harden underwater?
Yes, by chemical reaction
Under normal weather conditions, how much strength does concrete have after 7 days?
Where is epoxy coated rebar common?
Where conditions are especially corrosive
What lengths does rebar typically come in?
20’ lengths
Fiber Reinforcement Note:
Fiberglass, Nylon, etc. generally <1” long. 1 lb of fibers in a bag, pre measured in a biodegradable bag. I lb bag of fiber per yard of concrete (the bag dissolves in the concrete)
Can you walk on fiber reinforced concrete?
DON’T walk or kneel on fiber reinforced concrete. The edges of the fibers have to be burned off with a torch
What are batter boards??? used for nowadays?
Small jobs, like garages
How do you get elevations on bigger jobs?
run a string across, paint the boundary, excavate. Take some small pencil rods (small rerod) and drop it across the two stakes, tie a shortened piece of string and move it so many feet. Verify with measurement to outside benchmark, and use math from there.
How is GPS used on bigger jobs?
Bigger jobs can use gps and set pins on the soil, then use gps and set pins on the foundation. Very accurate, better with curved walls and odd shapes.
How far above grade does the top of your foundation wall have to be?
6” without a brick ledge, 4” with a brick ledge, but under 8” and you need pressure treated lumber, so practically, 8” (Garages might do this with an 8” block)
Soil in the ground is called banked soil.
Soil taken out the ground is called spoils.
How deep are test borings?
twice the size of the basement, generally. and done before digging
what do test borings tell you?
bearing capacity, water table, if the land is backfilled land, porosity??? (can water flow)
sign you need to test the soil after excavating:
discoloraion, requires penetrometer test. pocket penetrometer tests are also available.
What are the 2 areas that have to be compacted?
basement floor and garage, NOT the backfill next to the basement.
How do you compact the area under a slab?
sand must be compacted how much? gravel has to be compacted how much?
sand @ 95%, gravel @ 98%. Double charge so if you fail, you can take the test again.
How much do soil tests cost?
Soil borings cost 3500+, compaction tests cost 300-400
What’s the mouse self compacting fill?
Peastone or 21AA are almost self compacting.
What do you use to backfill near a house?
Use sand, pea stone, or 21AA for backfill near house, DON’T use clay or soil
What do you have to do to sand before compacting it?
Always wet sand before compacting.
What’s the greatest source of leakage and how do you stop it?
The sill is the greatest cause for air leakage. Some builders put bead of caulking underneath sill sealer on inside, and bead of caulking on outside on top of the sill sealer, then nail the board down. Then, foam the entire rim joist, all the way around.
When do you cut your base flashing?
You can’t cut your base flashing flush until the final inspection.
Where do you install base flashing?
underneath the first brick above grade, underneath windows and doors, and on top of windows and doors. This ensures that any water that gets behind the brick can be weeped out through weepholes.
What’s one up type of weephole?
There are nylon rope weepholes that loop around the back of the brick, acting as a wick that catches any excess moisture
What do you use for backfilling?
DON’T use a dozer, too heavy. Skid steers (never parallel, only towards the wall.)
TEST CORRECT ANSWER: Gradeall (boom truck, or small tractor with a bucket in front,blade on back)
How do you stop the ground from freezing in the winter?
Straw is used to keep the ground from freezing during winter building. DON’T use straw for backfill. It decomposes and smells terrible.
How soon can you backfill block walls after they’ve been waterproofed?
48 hr min.
Do you need a keyway for block spread footing?
Yes, it helps the mortar grab the wall
TEST QUESTION: What do masonry saws need?
180 degree shield and includes spindle and nut
Story poles indicate:
The top of each course (top of brick for that level)
For a garage, you anchor into 8” blocks, where is the weakest point?
The overhead door. after the block is laid, drill a ½” hole 4” or 5” deep, then pound the 6” or 7” of rerod then fill with concrete on EVERY core. This will prevent the block foundation from moving when you’re attaching the walls
Monolithic slab vs Independant slabs, which is more common?
When do you make your saw cuts and how deep?
saw cuts must be done within 24 hrs and must be ¼ of the depth
Use different types of wood forms for your decorative edge
What type of concrete for outside pours?
Air entrained concrete is necessary on all outside concrete pours.
What tool can you use to find if wood was painted correctly?
You can use wood moisture meter to determine if over hydration is related to a botched painting job??
Paint shrinking is called____
Trim boards have what moisture content?
Generally, 15%
A mill that will cut anything, located in Michigan.
There’s a mill in highland (armstrong millwork, on M59, east of 27) will mill any lumber size, useful for antique houses. They can also mill specific trim as well. Also one at 7 mile and the lodge???
Proper placement of crowns/crooks
Crooks/Crowns always go facing:
up on a floor joist, down on a roof
Which kind of termites account for 95% of termite damage?
Where does the foamboard insulation go in a basement in a heavy termite population?
inside the basement, never outside
Where do carpenter ants hang out?
Wood enclosed porch on the north or east side of house, they leave piles of sawdust.
Sized for spacing (plywood)
they’re gapped a ⅛ inch less. For roofs, the spacers between the trusses give you your ⅛ inch. With conventionally framed rafters, make sure you take a #8 or #10 nail (both are 1/8th inch wide), and space the boards
The tongue and groove of a sub floor will be covered up, but you still gotta space the narrow edges??? (floor joists) (roof is more important)
How do you gap your plywood if you already nailed it?
If you don’t gap your roof plywood:
use your saw blade, set the depth, cut along the line (saw blade is an 18th inch)
OSB vs plywood. Which holds nails better, which holds more moisture?
OSB will swell more evenly than plywood, so it can take more moisture. Plywood holds hardwood floor nails better than OSB, but you can use a DENSER OSB (advantech +advantech glue)
Laminated Veneer Lumber is stronger than dimensional lumber, and is often used for _____
How to tell what’s the top of an I joist?
the lettering. Also, the top is where the holes are (wiring goes through the holes OVER the duct work.) Orient the knockout holes the same way so wires can go straight.
Rim Joist vs Rim Board: when to use which?
Rim Joists are for conventional framing, Rim boards are for engineered floor systems (commonly LSL)
LVL vs. Gluelam for a garage door frame?
LVL when there’s nothing above it (dimensions work out where 2 of them perfectly match a 2x4), Gluelam when there’s a bedroom above it. But, always follow blueprint
When installing a gluelam, what do you have to do to make sure it’s straight?
run a spring on gluelam to check if it’s straight. Sometimes you gotta rest the forks of the skytrac overnight to straighten it out.
How do you lock floors together?
Lock the floors together by nailing the plywood from the bottom rim joist (bout 14” down from studs, right at the concrete,), caulk it good, then wait until 2snd story is built.
Pigeon poop
Pigeon fecal matter is highly corrosive to steel???
What does an energy truss have to enhance insulation?
An energy truss has a high heel to get more insulation into the attic.
Black diamond represents ____
19.2 OC
Examples of things that have to rest exactly on the foundation.
All concentrated loads have to rest on foundation (all headers i.e trimmer + king stud)
SIPs (structurally insulated panels) is 5-10x stronger than stick built wall and it’s already insulated (go with triple pane window) (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED???)
Typical dead load and live load for residential?
10lb, dead. 40 lb live
What’s the dotted x on floor plan over entrance way?
double every other joist???
zmax is a type of zinc process
1.85 oz of zinc per sq ft (both sides) suitable for outside conditions (decks, etc.)
Is g60 rated for outside use?
No, g60 is NOT suitable for outside conditions.
What is the affect of pressure treated lumber on hangers (metal???)
Pressure treated lumber is treated with chemicals that put more strain on hangers. So does salt and fertilizers
When are stainless steel hangers required?
Saltwater pools require STAINLESS STEEL HANGERS AND NAILS. So do exterior hangers within 10 miles of the coast.
Can you design a deck?
Can you use screws in joist hangers?
Continuing comp alternative
Simpson’s Strong tie does webinars and seminars; these can go towards your continuing comp. get on simpson’s mailing list.
Does a hurricane tie to the double plate go on the inside or outside?
In a cold weather zone, it goes on the outside. (inside transfers heat and moisture to the cold spots.)
In what type of framing do the studs run from the sill plate to the top plate of the second floor and the first floor joists also rest on this sill?
I beam vs. W beam flanges
S beams (aka I beams) have slim flanges. W beams (aka H beams) Wider flanges (square)
Beam weight example: S8x35 10’ bee
S8x35 10’ beam would weigh 350lbs
How to fasten a bearing plate?
By the book, use a steel pin to the bearing plate, but you can wrap 2 16 nails around flanges, once you toenail the joists to the bearing plate, it isnt moving anywhere
Why do we use floor trusses instead of other framing?
To get rid of the steel. (you don’t need a steel beam and girder post to hold it up. Trusses span from one wall to the other. Make sure you get the right quality floor truss to prevent bounciness
How much do floor trusses have to overlap?
3”-6” from each other (not the beam), not longer than 6” (eliminates unwanted movement from heavy end.)
What do we add around a heat producing device?
2” space between any structural framing and any heat producing device (chimney, etc.) airspace can be filled with non combustible insulation, like rockwool
Finished stairwells have to be:
36” wide, always go at least 42”
Can you mix regular and treated lumber?
NEVER mix regular and treated lumber in the house because they shrink and swell differently
Blocking on tub cavity:
tub cavity (between the studs) must have blocking at the base and rim.
most common thickness for sub flooring is:
1⅛” (post and girder construction) otherwise, it’s ¾”
When you use subflooring that’s not tongue and groove, you have to use ________
Better builders are going to ____ __ ____ subfloors
???? glue and screw.???
Steel posts, sometimes called Lally columns, must be at least ____ in diameter and protected against rust, such as with rust-resistant paint.
What is a method of bracing between joists?
Interior doors and steel doors need what?
interior doors and steel doors HAVE to be painted on all sides and edges.
When are headers not required?
Headers are not required for openings on interior non load bearing walls.
How to calculate studs?
length of wall x .75 + 1 (approx. 1 per lineal foot)
Conventionally framed sheathing:
For conventionally framed 2x4+ ½ inch sheathing, snap a 4” line parallel to edge of floor???
What makes up a sound deadened room?
Sound deadening walls, floors, ceilings, and (gasketed) doors make up a sound deadened rooms
Where to have blocking?
Grab bars, towel bars, paper holders in bathrooms, Kitchen cabinets, possibly light fixtures, (fans are installed by electricians.) Wall mounted tvs, Hand rails for stairs Some are fastened with a single ¼ inch lag screw. (always measure and TAKE PICTURES)
Tip for framing to mount drapes:
You can extend the window header to the past the king stud to the next stud to aid mounting drapes/blinds.
Do light fixtures need to be fireblocked?
Light fixture frames have to be fire blocked. Leave the frame soffit until drywallers get the ceiling and walls done.
What to look for in light fixture soffits:
If you put the soffit up ahead of time, make sure it’s insulated, and at least ½” osb???
Do exterior walls need special fire blocking?
Exterior walls don’t need special fireblocking because it’s already packed with insulation
What roof is the most economical to weatherproof?
Shed Roof
(assumes you can take ???rolled roofing??? and do a shed roof)
When do you use ceiling joists?
When using conventionally framed rafters. (ceiling joist keeps the rafters from kicking out and you hang your drywall to the joist.)
With trusses, you have a bottom cord to nail drywall.
Why do you use strongback?
to flush out joist/truss to make it perfectly flat. (screws are better than nails???)
trusses require how many bearing points?
at least 2
Where should lateral (horizontal) bracing be located?
Upper ⅓ of the roof (in reality, follow mfr spec)
Partition clips:
the bottom cord might not touch the double plate of the partition wall (⅜”-¼” gap)
don’t bend the cord. Instead, use a partition clip.
(last screw is 10”-12” off the corner. touch the drywall flush without pushing it, now the truss can flex without damaging the corner
resilient clips:
resilient clips (drywall) prevent noise from transferring.
Flex core:
Flex core is drywall that’s meant to flex for arches and rounded walls. (2 layers of ¼” for deeper arches.)
In order to use purlins and braces, you must have an _____ _____ ____
Interior Bearing Wall
Purlin plates are beams which support the mid-span of rafters and are supported by posts. By supporting the rafters they allow longer spans than the rafters alone could span, thus allowing a wider building.
Gutters are normally attached to ______
the Fascia Board
Plywood ripped to less than 24” must go where?
How do you fasten plywood on roofs from 16”-24”? How do you fasten < 16”?
______ _______/_______ is required in every bedroom
Egress Door/window
How to flash and caulk windows?
Cover every top and side of windows (head flange and side flange) with flashing tape after nailing and caulking to prevent leaking. (NOT THE BOTTOM!!!)
Ice guard for skylight windows
Run Ice guard at least 6 ft on top??? and one row on top on skylight windows. Run Ice guard nice and tight all the way up to the curb of the window, Use synthetic felt everywhere else and shingle normally. This prevents leakage. Only do this after roof is completely stripped???
A board nailed to the ends of the rafter tails and serves as a mounting surface for gutters is known as _____.
A vertical or horizontal piece that holds a pane of glass is called ____.
a hopper
a double-hung window
a muntin
glass block
What hour rating are commercial fire doors
In commercial construction, fire rated doors have an hour rating and a metal threshold.
What door has to go between the house and garage?
In residential, there’s a 20 minute door. (20 minute doors have a tag, and they’re needed for doors between house and garage )
Mounting Interior Doors:
Remove door from hinges
Take the jamb
make some spacers
mount the jamb separately,
Remove the stops, so when you nail the shims through the jamb and shims into the 2x4, the nail is covered up by the stop
Foil wrap:
cheap thin (white) paper that wraps like paint???
What kind of jambs should you buy?
What kind of foam for foaming rim joists?
2 part close cell??? foam (for foaming rim joists) from menards is good? not much else
What tool is used for stripping off all the shingles from a roof?
A tear off shovel, or a flat shover with notches on it.
To replace a couple shingles that are wind damaged:
use a flat bar.
Capillary action:
How much ventilation for an attic space?
How much ventilation for an attic space?
Minimum drip edge nailing
Drip edge nailing 12” OC, 2” overlap, 2” of top on roof (minimum)
A standard interior door jamb is _____ wide.
4 9/16”
4 1/2”
3 3/4”
__ Shingles per bundle, _ bundles per square
25, 3
The shingles overhang the rake and the drip head by _____
¼” - ⅜”
What is a roof rake?
it’s the exposed part of a gabled roof that extends from an eave to the ridge of the roof’s sloped sides. It covers the top edge of a roof and is typically cut from a variety of roofing materials.
What is a drip edge?
A drip edge is an angled piece of flashing that is installed over top of a fascia board
cut the tabs so the next row has something to adhere to. DON’T flip it upside down
What shape is a ridge cap?
9”x12” rectangle
What makes s a hook knife ‘good’?
A good hook knife is hard to find, handle is like a ball that fits in your palm, with a knuckle guard, plus interchangeable blades
Palm nailer:
Looks like a small hamburger bun with a socket on it and pneumatic hose, used to put small nails into joists hangers and any place tough to fit a nail.
How to reshingle wood roof?
Wood shingles have to be spaced. to swell and dry. Typically steeper, nail a 1x4 and cut whole sections with sawzall because you’re going to have to reshingle anyways (1x4 holds rafter in place).
Cedar roofs:
Cedar roofs are on pin nails, and they are sharp and will cut you. (Alberta, Saskatchewan, or down south.)
They are soaked in hot water and bent
Wooden shakes (roofing)
Wooden shakes are ⅛” - ⅝” side spacing (temperature/humidity affects this)
1,000-1,300 per square to install (including labor), fire treated shakes are even more expensive
Gutters over 60’ in length needs what?
expansion joint/slip joint connector (cut the gutter,make it the high point, not common in the field)
How long do splash blocks have to be?
3 ft long.
A ________ results in double coverage of shingles throughout the length of the valley.
open valley
good fit
closed valley
ridge vent
Wood shingles are manufactured in lengths of ____.
22” and 18”
22”, 18” and 16”
20” and 15”
30”, 25” and 20”
Shakes are available in what length(s)?
all of the above
one of several internal beams extending from the eaves to the peak of a roof and constituting its framework.
Shingles vs. shakes
Both are wedge-shaped pieces of wood that are attached to a roof deck. Shingles are typically sawn on both sides and are thinner at the end, while shakes are usually sawn on one side and split by hand on the other, making them thicker.
Test tyvek:
Test tyvek by siting a few water drops on top of the???
3 types of nails for siding:
galvanized, stainless, aluminum (high tensile strength
Beveled wood siding note:
ALL BEVELED WOOD SIDING HAS TO BE PRIMED ON ALL SIDES BEFORE INSTALLATION. moisture trapped behind the wood will evaporate and bubble the paint. Not the most ideal siding.
Shakes are available in what length(s)?
all of the above
Beveled wood siding:
ALL BEVELED WOOD SIDING HAS TO BE PRIMED ON ALL SIDES BEFORE INSTALLATION. moisture trapped behind the wood will evaporate and bubble the paint. Not the most ideal siding
Housewrap should not be used beneath what type of siding?
board and batten
Also known as refractory brick, what is usually pale yellow or buff in color and used specifically for lining fireplaces and other heating units?
facing brick
ultimate brick
What type of wall must be supported by a masonry or concrete foundation and be tied into the framework of the house?
wood wall
a brick-veneer wall
a firebrick wall
What replaces air exhausted by a combustion appliance?
green air
functional air
makeup air
combustion air
How to remove glue and screw:
for glue and screw, to remove it, saw out the drywall and remove big chunks, then hit the drywall w/ a side grinder
What size metal studs:
bearing: 18-20 gauge
non bearing: 22-25 gauge
Metal studs need ________ _______
Metal studs need a thermal break tape (they don’t insulate heat.)
What is one use case for metal studs?
Basements prone to floods can benefit from metal studs.
How are metal studs fastened?
Metal studs are crimped, not screwed or nailed. insulate studs with foam board, and use green board in the basement. rip a piece of ¾” plywood on the bottom and then use drywall from there.
The floor of the firebox, plus the fireproof area in front of the fireplace, is called the _____.
fireplace area
What is the most common type of stairway in houses, consisting of two or more stringers?
cut-stringer stairway
housed-stringer stairway
spiral stairway
cleat-stringer stairway
A lap joint, known as a scarf joint is generally ____.
15 degrees
30 degrees
42 degrees
90 degrees
Screw the cabinet to the studs with ______ wood screws to run through the mounting rail at the back of the cabinet.
2 1/2”
Either A or B
What gauge do metal-bearing wall studs have to be?
15 to 18
10 to 15
22 to 25
18 to 20
The amt of energy needed to raise 1 lb of water 1 degree celsius
What’s the advantage of using blown in insulation?
It covers a large area quickly.
For basement foam boards and vinyl bathtub walls use ____ ____ ____
Non solvent based adhesive.
Best kinds of insulation foam?
Closed cell foam is better, but wet cellulose is best bang for buck, you can have someone else foam it.
FIBER CLASS out of Wixom.
What is the thermal envelop?
The entire insulated area of the house.
Proper roof vents:
Soffit vents and ridge vents are the proper way to ventilate. Gable vents don’t move much air.
Crab faced paper:
Crab-faced paper??? has to go face up and be in contact with the subfloor (crawl space houses) (In crab-faced paper, the vapor barrier always points to the heated space.)
What do you have to do for inspection with crab faced paper?
crab faced paper has a tab that has to go on the face of the stud??? (follow mfr spec)
What is a network of perforated pipes embedded in sand and gravel?
a well system
a drain field
a septic system
vent pipe
What consists of materials that are usually supplied in bags or bales that, depending on where it will be installed, can be poured into place manually or blown into place using specialized pumping equipment?
rigid insulation
spray-foam insulation
fiberglass insulation
loose-fill insulation
What is defined as a material that reduces the rate at which water vapor can move through a material?
a vapor retarder
a moisture wick
an ice dam
a batt
What is termed as the thermal envelope of the house?
The basement only.
The entire area of the house that is insulated.
The attic space.
The living area
With blanket insulation in ceilings, the vapor retarder is placed against the back of the ceiling finish. Unfaced blankets may be layered to a suitable thickness by placing one layer of insulation ____ to the first.
90 degrees/perpendicular
no less than 2 feet away from
How is sound deadening drywall installed?
Sound deadening drywall is installed with another drywall on top.
The next day, the paper is coming off the drywall/air bubbles behind the paper
Insufficiet mud on drywall.
What are the hairs sticking out of an old wet plaster wall?
Hairs sticking out of a wet plaster wall that you’re tearing down, is not asbestos. It’s horse hair.
What are the hairs sticking out of a wet plaster wall?
Hairs sticking out of a wet plaster wall that you’re tearing down, is not asbestos. It’s horse hair.
WHat’s the purpose of a drop ceiling?
To cover joist, plumbing, and electrical.
What’s the max difference between riser/treads?
You can’t have more than a ⅜” difference between risers and between treads. Be careful when changing the floor out during renovations. Use thinner hardwood floor panels to prevent increasing/decreasing floor/riser height. Thinner wood can’t be refinished?
Can you install a deck post on backfilled soil?
Yes, but if the land was backfilled, deck posts have to go down to the footing!!!
The resistance of a building element, such as a wall, to the passage of airborne sound, is described by its _____.
Sound Rating
Sound-proofing Level
Acoustic Properties
Sound Transmission Class (STC)
Type W drywall screws are used for wood framing and must be long enough to penetrate wood framing at least ___ into wood framing.
What consists of panels held in place by a metal or plastic grid and conveniently covers bare joists, exposed pipes, and wiring?
A glazed ceiling
A suspended ceiling
A popcorn ceiling
A panel ceiling
What type of paintbrush should be used when painting trim or “cutting in”?
a flagged bristle paintbrush
a square sash paintbrush
a wall brush
a roller
Underlayment should be at least ____ thick and have a sanded face.
Rules for pressure treated lumber:
DO NOT enclose pressure treated lumber.
You only have to have pressure treated lumber if it’s IN CONTACT with the concrete.
Alternatives to pressure treated lumber:
Alternatively, drill a hole in the concrete 2”-3” put in a stainless rod, put a bolt, silicone it cut it let it stick out about 2 inches, put in more silicone find the centerline by Xing the bottom post
FUck that, use a simpson’s bracket. (go through a REAL lumber yard (john’s, guthrie, etc.)
Rules for outside construction (tapcoms; aluminum)
but there are vinyl coated aluminum options.
Parapet walls:
shared walls that extend past the ceiling to prevent fire from spreading
Outside construction rules: (tapcomms; aluminum)
but there are vinyl coated aluminum options.
What refers to any concrete object that is cast in a factory, cured under controlled conditions, and then delivered to the job site?
galvanized product
A plumping symbol resembling a cross with FP listed represents what?
a septic tank
an open drain tile
a dry well
a frost-proof hose bib
What can you only use inside?
porch decking
What is a stoop?
a precast
an enlarged landing at the top of the steps
the bottom stair
In the code book, a double line in the margin indicates _______.
that you should read that information twice
that was a code change from the previous code cycle for Michigan ONLY
that particular section is under review
all of the above
City ordinances/mfr spec
City ordinances and MFR requirements can go above and beyond the code.
Violating the code, city ordinance, or MFR spec can be punishable by jail time.
A landlord can do ______
repairs which come under maintenance, w/o building license
Landlords can’t ______ without a building license
perform alterations (cut away a structural member)
drip leg
(a droop in wire that stops water from tracking into the house. This plus caulk prevents water damage to electrical runs)
NER reports) - National Evaluation Reports
Proves that a given product can be installed a certain way, for an intended purpose.
Can you use reclaimed brick in new construction homes?
No. You can’t use reclaimed brick for a (new) house. (detroit red bricks give a vintage look)
Non conforming structure:
once upon a time, it fit ordinances, but it no longer does.
Non conforming structures can remain, but can’t be expanded.
You would have to prove a hardship to expand, generally it isn’t allowed.
How damaged can a house be before it has to be demolished?
In general, 60% beyond repair and you can’t rehab the property.
What is shown on a site plan if required?
Soil erosion? and tree protection
How do we protect trees?
make a girdle of 2x6s and orange snow fencing, wrap the tree.
Then, barricade with railroad ties (8’-10’. min)
What happens if a tree is too big to replace?
You have to replace it with multiple 4” trees equivalent in size
Michigan Residential Code _______.
is law
are rules to follow
are suggestions for safety
is not important
A landlord can do repairs that fall under maintenance to a building, but cannot __________.
replace appliances
do alterations without having a builder’s license
complete major landscaping
If you are using a new product that the building inspector is not familiar with, he/she may ask you for ____.
your license number
the warrenty information
the cost analysis report
the NER reports (National Evaluation Reports)
An application for a permit should include:
A clearly defined statement of the scope of work in writing.
An indication of the use and occupancy for which the proposed work is intended.
Other data and information as required by the building official.
All of the above
Manufacturer’s installation instructions, as required by this code, shall _______.
be copied for all employees
be available at the builder’s place of business
be available on the job site at the time of inspection
be posted onsite for the duration of work on the project
How many days does the board have to hear an appeal?
30 days
How high does an attic ceiling have to be to be habitable?
at least 50% has to be at 7’, 70 sq ft, 5’ wall, and egress window (30lb/sq ft live load)
When can you use an attic for storage?
48” high, 24” wide box can move freely between the rafters. (20 lb/ sq ft live load)
Any less and you can’t store, must be a straight shot.
(10 lb/sq ft live load)
Braced wall panel min:
4x8 (2x4 framed wall with a suitable material)
Rules for precast underground concrete walls:
For precast underground concrete, the floor slab still has to be poured and the floor above it needs to be set as well (lateral support)
Recipe for a quick house:
Precast concrete + SIPs panels = quick house
What are the basic/necessary inspection requirements?
foundation inspection
plumbing, mechanical, gas and electrical systems inspections
floodplain inspection
all of the above
It shall be the duty of the ________ to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection.
the homeowner
the subcontractor
the permit holder or their agent
the board
What is defined as the top plate of the double top plates used in structural insulated panel (SIP) construction?
a scope
a cap plate
a main branch
an addition
A type of continuous insulation, with manufacturer-installed insulating material as an integral part of the cladding product, having a minimum R-value of R-2, is known as what?
insulated siding
individual vent
insulated concrete form
How do you handle concentrated loads?
For concentrated loads (e.g the ging stud) should be supported DIRECTLY by the rim joist
Performance vs. prescriptive code
Performance vs. Prescription code
Prescription code is michigan code, Performance code is the architect/engineer builds a custom code for specialized structures.
Wind resistance:
resist a 90 mph windspeed 30’ above grade in an urban area
When is ice barrier required?
Ice barrier is required on heated homes???
Deck and ground level live loads
live loads: 40 lbs per sq ft.
Where is drywall necessary?
Drywall ceiling on garages with attics are necessary. Enclosed (with door) under stair closets must be drywalled on walls and ceiling.
What is a structural sandwich panel that consists of a lightweight foam plastic core securely laminated between two thin, rigid wood structural panel facings?
a structure
a structural insulated panel (SIP)
solid masonry
a standard truss
In Michigan, a structure needs to be built to resist up to a ___ mph wind speed.
What is the minimum live load distribution (in pounds per square foot) for external balconies and decks?
!!What are the exterior wall fire separation requirements (without fire sprinklers) if the wall is within 5 feet from a property line or another structure?
Exterior walls must be 1 hour rated.
There is no rating requirement at all.
Exterior walls must be 2 hour rated.
Exterior walls must be finished with fire resistant paint.
Other openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb-core steel doors not less than ____ thick.
1 1/2 inches
1 3/8 inches
2 inches
3 1/4 inches
If you have unfinished space underneath the landing of a set of stairs, you need:
2x fireblocking in the stud cavity
Fireblock between the studs following the bottom of stair stringers. (unfinished space underneath stairs.)
For true dropped ceilings (framed out with 2x4s and drywall:
we have to fireblock between the studs at the bottom of the ceiling.
How to fireblock (basements)
You must fireblock all concealed spaces (i.e spaces without drywall) every 10 feet horizontally
Take a second stud and attach it to the first stud to ensure stud touches basement wall every 10 feet. Otherwise, we can overstuff it with fiberglass
How to fireblock (basements)
You must fireblock all concealed spaces (i.e spaces without drywall) every 10 feet horizontally
Take a second stud and attach it to the first stud to ensure stud touches basement wall every 10 feet. Otherwise, we can overstuff it with fiberglass
Non ventillated attics/liveable spaces
Non ventilated attics are covered in closed cell foam and they can become liveable spaces.
All recessed items:
light fixtures, fan boxes, heat producing boxes in ceilings and wals, must be:
IC rated (insulation contact rated) Must be gasketed, no holes. Otherwise you can build your own fireproof box.
Hinge side windows have to be safety glass within _____. perpendicular to the wall.
________ materials shall be not less than 1/2 inch thick gypsum board, 3/8 inch wood structural panels, or other approved materials and shall be installed parallel to the floor framing members unless otherwise approved by the building official.
Intake opening
Sunroom addition
Snow load
What must be separated a minimum of 3 inches from recessed lighting fixtures, fan motors, and other heat-producing devices?
combustible insulation
water supply to fixtures
all of the above
What is an IC-rated fixture?
insulation contact/insulation may contact the housing
insulation boxes
a fireproof fixture
interdependent canister
Bathrooms, water closet compartments, and other similar rooms shall be provided with an aggregate glazing area in windows of not less than ___ square feet, one-half of which must be openable.
Bathtub and shower walls above bathtubs with installed shower heads and in shower compartments shall be finished with a nonabsorbent surface and extend to a height of not less than ___ feet above the floor.
Rule for brick walls with windows:
Can you have a sanitary drain in your garage?
Rule for garage door installation
Take picture of the garage door sensors to prove it was installed properly.
How do you get around no deck over a basement window well?
You can put a hatch on the deck for safe exit. Other cities might have you bar off that particular window
A good spot for steel???
Which is a better material for basement windows, vinyl or aluminum?
Vinyl > aluminum for basement windows???
What to consider when doing basement well windows?
Bottom corner are susceptible to cracking when installing basement well windows on existing properties. DON’T TAKE THE JOB!!
At the bottom of the stairs, what is the minimum distance of clear travel/clearance required?
24 inches
36 inches
48 inches
52 inches
Garage floor surfaces shall be of approved _______ material.
all of the above
Carports shall be open on at least ___ sides.
Emergency and escape rescue openings shall have a net clear opening of not less than ___ square feet.
For an escape window, the height from the floor is not to exceed ____ inches.
In order to cut a block basement wall you must:
caulk all the cavities around the cut and let it cure prior to the cut
in a new construction, you got 4 bedrooms and a basement, and 1 bedroom in the basement. How many egress windows do you need minimum?
Rule for handrails on rounded landings:
Rounded landings on Stair handrails must go into the wall at either end.
The required egress door (generally the front door) must be at least ____ wide.
3 feet
3.5 feet
4 feet
40 inches
What is the required minimum width of a hallway?
3 feet
3.5 feet
4 feet
40 inches
What is the maximum riser height?
7 inches
8 inches
8 1/4 inches
9 1/4 inches
The minimum tread depth shall be ______.
7 inches
8 inches
9 inches
10 inches
> 6 ft from the outside grade, <24” above the inside floor, you need a control device for 4” opening max????
When you need safety glass around tubs/ wet floors:
60 (“ or %) of the floor of the tub/wet surface, you need safety glass
2 story colonial, 4 bedrooms upstairs, 1 bedroom in the basement. How many smoke alarms?
8 (1 in each bedroom. 1 generally outside the bedrooms and per floor.)
What do you have to do to concrete prior to applying foam insulation?
Difference between open and closed cell foam:
Open cell foam is sponge-like and closed cell foam is rigid.
Any foam in the habitable portion of the house (foam board or spray foam) has to be covered with a _______ _______.
thermal barrier of ½” gypsum, 23/32” wood structural panel, etc. to prevent fire from spreading.(check the NER report)
What kind of paint can also be used to fireproof flammable foam?
Intumescent coating paint is also an option for fireproofing combustible foam. (makes a char barrier when exposed to fire that prevents foam from igniting
Guards shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, ramps, and landings located more than ___ inches measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within ___ inches horizontally to the edge of the open side.
Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations.
in each sleeping room
Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.
On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements and habitable attics.
All of the above
In new construction, carbon monoxide alarms shall be provided in dwelling units where __________.
the dwelling unit contains a fuel-fired appliance
the dwelling unit has an attached garage with an opening that communicates with the dwelling unit
the dwelling unit is over 1600 square feet
both A and/or B
Any foam within the house must be covered with a thermal barrier of _______.
not less than 1/2 inches gypsum wallboard
23/32 inch wood structural panel
either A or B
trap primer
The approved agency label on all packages and containers of foam plastic insulation/components must include what?
The manufacturer’s name.
The product listing.
The product identification and information are sufficient to determine that the end use will comply with the requirements.
All of the above
When is it required to use preservative-treated lumber?
On all lumber used in the home.
On wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry exterior foundation walls and are less than 8 inches from the exposed ground.
On sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground unless separated from such slab by an impervious moisture barrier.
both B and C
What shall be made of hot-dipped, zinc-coated galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze, or copper?
all fasteners
fasteners for preservative-treated wood
quality marks
anchors for water heaters
What types of approved physical barriers designed specifically for termite prevention may be used?
metal sheathing
plastic sheathing
all of the above
According to code, _________ shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property.
marketing materials
accessibility notices
address identification
all of the above
Do what to the band joist?
Minimum specs for sidewalk/driveway:
4,000 psi sidewalk and driveway MINIMUM, air entrained.
The edge of the pool/all parts of the water must be ___ feet from overhead power lines.
There must be a ___-foot barrier going around a pool, which includes a self-latching/closing gate.
What is the presumptive load-bearing pressure of soil in pounds per square foot, considered “clay, sandy, silty clay, chalky silt, silt or sandy silt clay”?
In general, the required size of the footings ______ as the load-bearing value of the soil gets stronger.
stays the same
changes sporadically
If you are building a retaining wall, not supported at the top and over 4 feet tall, it must be what?
Completed by a landscaper designer.
Preapproved by the building official.
Completed in accordance with accepted engineering practices.
All of the above
Common sense:
Beware underground drainage systems
Plenum crawl space:
No duct work is needed. The rooms have vents and there’s a furnace pushing the heated air down into the crawl space, then there’s a vent in the hallway for the heated air to escape. Only works for 1 story, great for a cottage
What kind of crawl space is better?
Conditioned air crawl space is better (prevents negative air in the crawl space)
What should you add to a crawl space?
sumps in a crawl space is a great idea.
On doubling joists:
They used to double up on outside joists to prevent twisting.Nowadays, we block it back to the next joist, like cripple studs, 32” OC. Doubling outside joist is still a good idea???
Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of ____ against lateral sliding and overturning.
In regard to wood foundations, a 6-mil-thick polyethylene _________ shall be applied over the porous layer with the basement floor constructed over the polyethylene.
drainage system
precast concrete foundation
building paper
vapor retarder
Crawl space access openings through the floor shall be a minimum of what?
18 x 24 inches
20 x 32 inches
12 x 24 inches
32 x 42 inches
The ends of each joist, beam, or girder shall have not less than _____ inch(es) of bearing on wood or metal.
2 1/4
1 1/2
Truss members and components shall NOT be cut, notched, spliced, or otherwise altered in any way without the approval of ________.
the roofing crew
the homeowner
a registered design professional
the building official
What % does and have to compact to?
Sand has to compact to 95%
What is the live load of decks?
Decks are built to 40 lb live load, cantilevered decks have to withstand the entire live load of the deck on the CANTILEVERED PORTION ALONE!!
How can you mount a deck to brick?
Simpsons offers a brick mount for decks, some builders don’t trust them.
NEVER do this when building a deck:
NEVER put carriage bolts on a deck. only hex head bolts and washers
NEVER put a girder on the side of post, only on top.
Helical piers:
3 inch pipe with spade bits, they drive into the ground and stay there, driven in with a machine. They are hollow so you can put them over stakes.
Proper structure for deck:
Hurricane ties where joists are over beams,
Posts secured to beam with post cap
Post bases at the bottom???
What is the resistance rating/spacing of the railing posts?
Railing posts are important, have to resist 200 so the rail can.
space railing pickets every 4”
Concrete slab-on-ground floors shall be a minimum of ____ thick.
2 1/2 inches
3 1/2 inches
4 5/8 inches
4 7/8inches
Deck ledgers shall not be supported on _______.
masonry veneer
both A and C
In regard to deck joist and deck beam bearing, the ends of each joist and beam shall have not less than ____ inches of bearing on wood or metal and ___ inches of bearing on concrete or masonry for the entire width of the beam.
1 1/2 and 3
1 and 2
3 and 4 1/2
2 1/2 and 3 ½
According to the video, what are the warning signs for a possible deck collapse?
missing/loose connections
corrosion/rotted wood
large cracks in the wood
all of the above
Where can you toenail joists?
on decks only
nowhere, they must have an 1 1/2 of bearing on wood or metal
on new construction only
Rafters or roof trusses to plate:
They ‘allow’ nails, go with hurricane ties instead.
Prior, you’d put blocks on the double plate that was spaced for the truss. And then toenail from the blocks into the truss in order to not split the bottom plate.
Face nailing vs. toe nailing
face nailing: nailing perpendicular studs from the face into the endgrain
toenailing: from the side of the middle stud, into the face of the other one
When can you frame 24” OC?
You can frame single story homes 24” OC (not recommended) Drywall would require blocking between studs? ??
Rim Board Headers:
Split studs over header, ½ on either side, take the header all the way to the rim joist (2 story houses only) Now you can have tall windows.
What is a “deformed” nail?
A recycled nail.
A screw/twist nail.
A nail longer than 3 inches.
A misshapen nail that should be discarded.
According to figure R602.6(1), “Notching and bored hole limitations for exterior and bearing walls,” any notch put in a bearing wall may only be ____ of the depth of the member.
According to figure R602.6(2), “Notching and bored hole limitations for interior nonbearing walls,” a notch must not exceed ___ of the stud depth.
When using “Let-in-bracing” (LIB), you can use 1x4 wood or approved metal straps at what angles for maximum 16” stud spacing?
45 to 60 degrees
30 to 45 degrees
15 to 30 degrees
45 to 90 degrees
What does PFG stand for?
Proper Filling Gauge
Professional Filing Generator
Portal Frame at Garage
Precision Framing Grade
On drywall screws:
galvanized screws/nails for drywall is a good idea generally, ⅝ drywall on ceilings is increasingly common for smoother appearance
When tiling a bathroom ceiling over green drywall:
remove the top vapor barrier from the attic in that spot to avoid a double vapor barrier (tile is vapor barrier)
Secondhand masonry units shall only be used if what?
They are less than 1 year old.
They undergo inspection by the building official before use.
They conform to the requirements of new units.
All of the above
In wall construction, panels shall be identified by a grade mark or inspection certificate issued by an approved agency bearing a stamp or label with what information?
Manufactuer name/logo
Identification of the assembly
Qualtiy assurance agengy
All of the above
According to the video, what are the benefits of using SIPs?
Energy efficiency
They are 5 to 10 times stronger than stud framed wall system.
The panels do not warp.
All of the above
In regard to insulated vinyl siding, ___.
the number of fasteners should be 16 inches on center or specified by the manufacturer
you may nail the vinyl siding directly to the studs
both A and B
nominal thickness must be 1 1/2 inches
85|4:50 Cutting out windows:
Roll out tyvek and apply to mfr spec.
Cut straight across top and bottom, and right down the middle.
Turn the sides inward.
Cut the top of the window at 45 degrees and temporarily hold it into place.
Install flashing on the bottom according to mfr spec (go up at least 6”)
Caulk the top and sides, not the bottom.
Install the nail flange, nail around.
Flash tape the sides and top
Drop the 45 degree section over the flash tape.
Tyvek around the length of the top and down the 45 degree sections.
What do some windows mfrs want you to do?
Some window mfrs want you to take a 1x4 at a slight angle <10 degrees. to allow positive drainage back to the outside.
Where to install flashing?
Anywhere there’s a change in angle.
Roof valleys, gutters, over doors and windows, at decks, chimneys, copings and sills, projections of wood trim, etc.
Make sure the product has been properly tested (ASTM?)
Proper nail length and placement, (1 1/2 “ nail or 1 ¾” staple (1 ⅞” with insulation))
You can nail directly into OSB? otherwise nail into studs.
How to start tyvek?
plumb at the corner of the building, 6” of overlap, 1” of overlap with the foundation
ALWAYS start at the bottom.
Use a cap nail, or a 1” crown staple.
overlap second story 6” and around corners.
Use tyvek tape.
Use a 2x4 to take tyvek flush to corner
Use flashing wherever slants meet verticals on roofs.
Leave a foot when tilt framing to leave enough room for rim joist and foundation overlap
Use skip latex caulking at the foundation
repair all tears and openings
Common Tyvek mistakes:
Not wrapping gables, not taping seams, not putting homewrap tight in the corners and overlapping corners, and not taping seams.
Tyvek and brick:
When using brick, we have base flashing coming out from under the tyvek, and the tyvek will be securely fastened to the rim joist to help fasten it.
Where is the kick out? a partition that helps guide water away from vertical walls, found where vertical walls meet sloped roofs at the gutter.
the kick out is a partition that helps guide water away from vertical walls, found where vertical walls meet sloped roofs at the gutter.
Building wraps go _____ the step flashing
Peel and stick flashing goes over the step flashing and then building wrap goes over that
Butyl Based peel and stick flashing:
More flexible and workable at lower temperatures, and easy to adjust when applying.
What’s the best way to prevent moisture in the roof?
Continuous ridge vents and soffit vents are the best way to prevent moisture in roof
Bevel wood siding must be at least ____ inches thick.
The veneer above openings shall be supported on lintels of non-combustible materials and the lintels shall have a length of bearing not less than ___ inches.
If sheet metal, veneer ties shall not be less than No. 22 U.S. gage by 7/8 inch corrugated, and each tie shall support not more than ____ square feet of wall area.
According to the video, what are the additional benefits of insulated vinyl siding?
Ridging/hides little crooks in the wall
Thermal performance
Structural performance/resistant to dents and cracking
All of the above
According to the video, Tyvek home wrap should be overlapped at the seams, or from the second story to the first story, approximately ___ to ___ inches.
2 to 4
4 to 6
6 to 8
10 to 12
Pitch of the ramp at the required egress door, the size of the landing, handrails going down at least 1 side, ballisers have to be less than 4” apart, and a landing at the top and bottom
Stick build - least
100 psf snow load sample (7 triangles, and 2x6 on top)
You can use a _____ _____ instead of a collar tie
Ridge strops (1,000 lb rated strap that you nail across the top, gives more space, i.e vaulted ceiling)
Rule for roof steepness (uplift)
The steeper the roof, the more uplift.
What screws do you use when installing hurricane ties?
Which are ramp requirements?
Handrails must go down at least one side.
Balusters and handrails must be less than 10 inches apart.
There must be a landing at the top and bottom of the ramp.
both A and C
Anything over a ____ pound snow load requires an engineer or architect.
The ends of each rafter or ceiling joist shall have not less than ___ inches of bearing on wood or metal and not less than ___ inches on masonry or concrete.
1 1/2 and 3
3 and 4 1/2
1 and 2
3 and 4
Truss drawings shall include what?
Slope or depth, span and spacing.
Required bearing widths.
Required permanent truss member bracing location.
All of the above
In reference to the tails on rafters, the maximum cantilever is ___ inches.
how much sq ft ventilation is needed with and without vapor barrier?
without vapor barrier, 1/150; with vapor barrier 1/300 half in the ridge vents, half in the soffit vents.
This is a MINIMUM
Normally shingles aren’t laid on a roof that’s less than _____
4:12 pitch
Most shingle mfrs have an NER for low sloped roof applications.
Types of roofs ????
Torch down or Single Ply Roofs?????
Proper ice guard application?
Ice guard should overlap the roof onto the fascia board??? Drip edge over that, gutter next to that.(follow mfr recommendations
whole roof gets ice guard, before the standing seams??? you lay strips of metal that are bonded to the grounding wire. EACH SHINGLE HAS TO TOUCH THE GROUNDING STRIPS
With a vapor barrier, the minimum of net free ventilation area in an attic shall be _____ of the vented space provided.
Where eave or cornice vents are installed, not less than a ___ inch space shall be provided between the insulation and the roof sheathing and at the location of the vent.
A ________ shall be installed on the ridge side of any chimney or penetration more than 30 inches wide as measured perpendicular to the slope and be made of sheet metal or the same material as the roof covering.
Both A and B
A ________ shall be installed on the ridge side of any chimney or penetration more than 30 inches wide as measured perpendicular to the slope and be made of sheet metal or the same material as the roof covering.
Both A and B
Asphalt shingles shall have the minimum number of fasteners required by the manufacturer, but not less than ___ fasteners per strip shingle or ___ fasteners per individual shingle.
2 and 1
4 and 2
3 and 6
8 and 4
Roof replacement shall include the removal of existing layers of roof coverings down to what?
Photovoltaic system
Ice barrier
The first layer of previous shingles
The roof deck
What is the proper way to attach to brick and mortar?
Drilling a hole and using wedge anchors is the proper way to attach to brick/mortar???
Recommended brick places:
The firebox of a concrete or masonry fireplace shall have a minimum depth of ___ inches.
Chimneys shall extend not less than ___ feet higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet but not less than 3 feet above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof.
Chimneys located entirely outside the exterior walls of the building, including chimneys that pass through the soffit or cornice, shall have a minimum airspace clearance of _____.’
1 inch
2 inches
2 1/2 inches
3 5/8 inches
In reference to chimneys, the exterior air intake shall be capable of supplying ___ combustible air from the exterior of the dwelling or from spaces within the dwelling ventilated with outdoor air, such as nonmechanically ventilated crawl or attic spaces.
1/3 of the
1/2 of the
none of the above
What should be located in the back or side of the firebox chamber or located outside of the firebox at the level of the hearth and not greater than 24 inches from the firebox opening?
Decorative shrouds
Exterior air outlet
Gas log heater
Rule of thumb about owners manuals:
What do you do before opening an electrical panel?
When you open an electrical panel, you touch it with the back of your hand???
Supplied by architect, signed by builder, it indicates the r values, horsepowers of motors, energy efficiencies of water heaters, etc. to be affixed on or near the electric panel. (ICC has a paid option)
What is a U factor?
U factors are the first number on the energy sticker, The lower the U factor the better
What can you do to increase energy efficiency to the roof?
You can use a high heel energy truss to fit more insulation into an attic space.
Note on 2x4s
Block wall, 4” gap, concrete wall, insulate gap and insulate block cores
Basement Wall Drapes:
you can use a basement wall drape as an economical alternative to framing out a basement. You don’t have to frame the basement so you don’t have to include it in the thermal envelope (expensive)
What’s the best unfinished basement option?
Thermex and quilted wall drapes are the best unfinished basement options
(thermex doesn’t burn, doesn’t have to be covered with drywall)
Drywall on foam?
Don’t put drywall directly on foam.
3 options for insulating basement slab (when exposed, such as walkout basement)
R10, 2ft wide under the slab
run it up and down on the interior of the footing.
Or run it outside, 2ft down from the top of the grade, bevel the top at a 45 degree angle.
How far to run foam board???
A QUALITY builder would run foam board as far down as possible (42” min) run it down and then in at least 2 ft. They may not do the outside.
OSB instead of foam board on the outside.½” OSB all the way up the wall becomes a damn to hold the insulation.otherwise use a crane
When can you raise roof rises by hand?
Only manually raise roof trusses up to 30’ and on the first floor.
Access hatches:
Access hatches must be boxed out, gasketed, and insulated with the same r value as the roof, (layered foam board works best?)
The opaque portion of a wall that encloses a crawl space and is partially or totally below grade is defined as _________.
duct system
air barrier
conditioned floor space
crawl space wall
The interior design temperatures used for heating and cooling load calculations shall be a maximum of ___ degrees F for heating and ___ degrees F for cooling.
70 and 80
72 and 75
75 and 78
68 and 72
A ____ shall be installed adjacent to the soffit and eave vents for air-permeable insulations in vented attics.
attic window
thermal envelope
In order to be in compliance, a ________ shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel.
mandatory certificate
time sheet
U-factor alternative
all of the above
According to the video, raised heel roof trusses ______.
make the home more energy efficient
provide structural integrity
both A and B
make the home less energy efficient
Triple pane vs. single pane window
Triple Pane window is better.
What are the 3 ratings of a window?
sunlight number, heat number (u factor) and heat solar gain coefficient
What’s a good way to fill an attic?
Loose fill insulation
What needs to happen before you can set HVAC in the attic?
HVAC systems in attics create a plenum. The plenum needs to be insulated before the equipment is set.
Attic rulers and attic cards
Look for attic rulers and attic cards. to get depth and number of bags to figure R value.
Light fixtures have to be IC rated and sealed.
Ducts are a big chance to lose AC.
Cellulose insulation???
(best r value for what you spend. Closed cell is better, but but much more expensive)
Do cellulose insulations require vapor barriers?
Some cellulose insulations require vapor barriers, some don’t require vapor barriers.
Grounding a concrete spread footing:
run 20 ft rerod through the form, leave 6-7 ft sticking out.
Get the OK from the inspector,
pour the footing, bend it up into the wall form, next to electrical panel
(we used to ground to the copper water supply. Can’t with PVC)
(electrician grounds the external)
According to the video, what is the NFRC rating system?
It is a uniformed, unbiased rating system.
It allows you to compare product performance.
It gives details such as grids, framing material, and window type.
All of the above
What is the solar heat gain coefficient?
The percentage of heat from the sun that gets through the glass.
The visible light transmission.
Is the inverse of the R-value.
All of the above
What type of insulation is made of 100% recyceled newspaper, fiber treated with borates and has an adhesive added?
Cellulose insulation
Spray foam insulation
Corrugated insulation
Mezzanine insulation
Clearances around an electrical panel must be what?
24 inches out, 30 inches width
36 inches out, 30 inches width
36 inches out, 40 inches width
18 inches out, 24 inches width
In reference to power and lighting distribution, receptacles shall be installed so that no point measured horizontally along the floor line of any wall space is more than ___ feet from a receptacle outlet.
Thickened slab:
a slab where you dig out additional dirt to form a support beam as part of the slab
According to the video, approximately how many tornadoes occur in the U.S. each year?
Mistakes made in reading the ________ can translate to mistakes in the layout of the slab, footings, or basement, which will have an impact on the wall framing, and wall dimensions will need to be modified.
General plan
Foundation plan
Master plan
Dimension plan
How many U.S. states are at risk for earthquakes?
When reading the site plans, what can help you calculate the distance of the house?
Beam locations
Accessibility lines
Dimension lines
How thick are the foundation walls on the referenced foundation plan?
8 inches
10 inches
12 inches
6 inches
Garage door construction tip
DOn’t cut out bottom plate for overhead garage door until the garage is finished (for stability)
TEST NOTE: (calculating concrete)
Break concrete into sections so you don’t calculate corners twice
When calculating, break concrete into sections to avoid what?
Using numbers that are too large.
Drainage system requirements.
Calculating corners twice
Forgetting to calculate corners.
When calculating for concrete, what should you do?
Round up to the next cubic yard.
Use the Pythagorean theorem.
Round up 5 cubic feet for margin for error.
Round down to the nearest cubic foot
With 12 ft long plates, the anchor bolts will need to be _____.
6 feet on center
within 12 inches of each end
10 feet on center
both A and B
How many total trusses are needed for the 24-foot garage in the plan?
How many fascia boards are needed for the garage in the plan?
When deciding what to charge for labor, calculate square area of walls.
The national average for framing a 8’ tall 2x4 wall is:
.034hrs/sq ft
How to calculate for roof???
Calculate roof off of the ‘footprint’ (the shadow that it leaves?)
Multiply that by .055
What percentage profit on a house?
Profit for a house would be between 25%-35% (subcontractor?)
What percentage profit and overhead for GCs?
40% overhead & 15% profit for GCs
1 acre = 43,560 sq ft
On average, what percentage should you add to your overhead costs for markup?
When calculating labor costs for various subcontractors, use a(n) _______ to help.
reference sheet
estimating program
The last step in calculating your total cost of the job is to add in your percentage of ________?
mark up
all of the above
What is referred to as your cost of materials and labor, not including overhead or profit?
profit sharing
indirect savings
direct cost
One way to reduce overhead to stay competitive as a general contractor is to do what?
Do away with office space and work from home.
Reduce profit.
Offer discounts.
Become a sole proprietor.
Roofed entrance supported by pillars or columns
(Concrete) What water reducer shouldn’t be used with steel?
Calcium chloride should not be used with reinforcing steel due to the probability of creating corrosion.