Mia 31 Flashcards
What success means to each of us is totally different.
It isn’t where you come from; it’s where your going that counts
peer pressure
The nurse helps to look after the baby
The best stories are those base on fact not fantasy.
to stop fighting and admit defeat
What success means to each of us is totally different.
It isn’t where you come from; it’s where your going that counts
peer pressure
The nurse helps to look after the baby
The best stories are those base on fact not fantasy.
to stop fighting and admit defeat
Занепокоювати, турбота
Concern /kənˈsɝːn/ - Занепокоювати, турбота - Women in generally is tend to be more concerned that men about their physical apperance
Greatly - дуже
Unify /ˈjuː.nə.faɪ/ - об’єднати - If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.
Offspring - потомство,
зброя, озброювати
Weapon /ˈwep.ən/ - зброя, озброювати - chemical/nuclear/biological weapons
жалюгідний, жалісний
Pathetic /pəˈθet̬.ɪk/- жалюгідний, жалісний - a pathetic attempt/joke/excuse
здатись, капітуляція
Surrender /səˈren.dɚ/ - здатись, капітуляція - They would rather die than surrender (to the invaders).
із зав’язаними очима, наосліп
Blindfold /ˈblaɪnd.foʊld/ - із зав’язаними очима, наосліп - She was blindfolded and taken somewhere in the back of a van.
серед, між
Among /əˈmʌŋ/ - серед, між - I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd.
Queue /kjuː/ - черга - Are you in the queue for tickets?
виконавчий, виконавча влада
Executive /ɪɡˈzek.jə.t̬ɪv/ - виконавчий, виконавча влада - She is now a senior executive, having worked her way up through the company.
Deceptive /dɪˈsep.tɪv/ - оманливий - the looking can be deсeptive
Controversial /ˌkɑːn.trəˈvɝː.ʃəl/ - суперечливий - a controversial issue/decision/speech/figure
Discontinued - припинено - a discontinued line