Lesson 6 Flashcards
“Well the harder I practise, the luckier I get.”
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
pie in the sky - журавель в небі
The sky’s the limit
“Well the harder I practise, the luckier I get.”
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
pie in the sky - журавель в небі
The sky’s the limit
загадка, таємниця, решето
Riddle - загадка, таємниця, решето - Can you solve the riddle?
Preserv - зберегти
вчинив злочин минулого вівторка
Committed a crime last Tuesday - вчинив злочин минулого вівторка
Astonishing - дивовижний
authentic /ɑːˈθen.t̬ɪk/- аутентичний - authentic Italian food
таким чином
ви не можете відкласти виконання задачі…
execution - Thus, you cannot postpone the execution of current task because… - таким чином
ви не можете відкласти виконання задачі…
проводити, вести, управляти, поведінка
Conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ -проводити, вести, управляти, поведінка - How you choose to conduct
your private life is your own business! all three brothers were known for their disorderly conduct
підбадьорити її
to cheer her up - підбадьорити її
відносно, я дзвоню відносно
I am calling regarding…
Deny - The main suspect in the crime denies any involvement in the crime
Admit - He admitted posting the video on the site.
Apologise for - Martha apologised for being late.
Insist - He insisted that the weather will be great.
suggest - I suggest that we meet again at the same time next week.
Advise - He advised me to talk to my teacher about it.
Demand - The customer returned the goods and demanded his money back.
Offer - She offered to give me a lift to the party.
Deny - The main suspect in the crime denies any involvement in the crime
Admit - He admitted posting the video on the site.
Apologise for - Martha apologised for being late.
Insist - He insisted that the weather will be great.
suggest - I suggest that we meet again at the same time next week.
Advise - He advised me to talk to my teacher about it.
Demand - The customer returned the goods and demanded his money back.
Offer - She offered to give me a lift to the party.
Accept with serenity what you cannot change, have the courage to change what you can, and develop the wisdom to know the difference
Accept with serenity what you cannot change, have the courage to change what you can, and develop the wisdom to know the difference
our luggage has been taken to room 306, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?
• There was nothing else in the bag, only the torch. You must have forgotten the batteries.
• The rooms were a bit small but everything else was fine. I would certainly recommend it.
Now does anyone else have a question for me?
• I promise you there is no one else. I love you and you alone.
• Everyone else had a good time at the party: why didn’t you?
• We’ve searched the living room. Have you tried looking anywhere else for your keys?
Can we go somewhere else to eat tonight? I’d like to try a different place.
our luggage has been taken to room 306, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?
• There was nothing else in the bag, only the torch. You must have forgotten the batteries.
• The rooms were a bit small but everything else was fine. I would certainly recommend it.
Now does anyone else have a question for me?
• I promise you there is no one else. I love you and you alone.
• Everyone else had a good time at the party: why didn’t you?
• We’ve searched the living room. Have you tried looking anywhere else for your keys?
Can we go somewhere else to eat tonight? I’d like to try a different place.
Science is the process and the body of knowledge that enables us humans to know nature. So far, it’s the best idea we’ve ever had.
Science is the process and the body of knowledge that enables us humans to know nature. So far, it’s the best idea we’ve ever had.
The process is iterative and can be run as frequently as needed to adjust to changes that occur in execution.
I’ve spent most of my teenage years in constant doubt
Difference makes life interesting
The process is iterative and can be run as frequently as needed to adjust to changes that occur in execution.
I’ve spent most of my teenage years in constant doubt
Difference makes life interesting