Alia 2 Flashcards
видатний, заслужений
Distinguished - видатний, заслужений - that hairstyle makes you look quite distinguished
Conduct - проводити - Such training was conducted in Greek as well as Latin
переповнений, подавляти
Overwhelmed /ˌoʊ.vɚˈwelm/ - переповнений, подавляти - The boxer relied on his power, pace, and pressure to overwhelm opponents.
темп, хід
Pace /peɪs/ - темп, хід - Could you slow down - I can’t keep pace with (= walk or run as fast as) you. I don’t like the pace of modern life.
в петереважній більшості
Overwhelmingly - в петереважній більшості - Above all, Greek remained overwhelmingly the language of philosophy.
скласти (музика, твір)
Compose - скласти (музика, твір) - That Marcus composed his own Meditations in Greek is natural enough.
відбутись, взяти місце
Take place - when Marcus was sixteen, a crucial event took place.
казково, неймовірно
Fabulous - казково, неймовірно - fabulous riches
Preserve - зберегти - all the records from the past were successufully preserved
Suspicious - підозрілий - he died in prison under suspicious circumstances.
Respond - відповісти - I asked her what the time was, but she didn’t respond.
Forcefully - силою - he argued forcefully against reform
Merit - заслуга - tjat achievenent is not your merit
Diligent ˈdɪl.ɪ.dʒənt - старанний - Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing their case
Witness - свідок