Involved in the storage of high-energy creatine phosphate in muscle cells
: Creatine Kinase (CK)/ Creatine Phosphokinase
when creatine phosphate is consumed during muscle metabolism →
creatinine is generated
Creatinine is excreted at a _______ by the glomerular membrane
constant rate
CK is _______ . It is widely distributed, highest activities in _____, _____, _____, and _____
skeletal muscle, heart, and brain
Creatine kinase would transfer 1 phosphate group from ___ to creatine to form ______ and ___
ATP, Creatine phosphate and ADP
Creatine Kinase (CK)/ Creatine Phosphokinase substrates
Creatine & ADP
Creatine Kinase (CK)/ Creatine Phosphokinase
Creatine Phosphate & ADP
Creatine Kinase (CK)/ Creatine Phosphokinase structure
Dimeric enzyme; composed of 2 monomer subunits (M or B) M = Muscle and B = Brain
↓ in absorbance at 340 nm is determined; Oxidized NAD
Forward Reaction (Tanzer-Gilvarg)
Forward Reaction (Tanzer-Gilvarg) optimum pH
Optimum pH is 9.0 (alkaline)
Forward Reaction (Tanzer-Gilvarg) primary enzyme
Creatine Kinase
Forward Reaction (Tanzer-Gilvarg) secondary emzymes
Pyruvate Kinase, LDH
↑ in absorbance at 340 nm is determined; Reduced NADPH
Reverse Reaction (Oliver-Rosalki)
Reverse Reaction (Oliver-Rosalki) Optimum pH
Optimum pH: 6.8 (acidic)
Reverse Reaction (Oliver-Rosalki) primary enzyme
Creatine Kinase
Reverse Reaction (Oliver-Rosalki) secondary enzymes
Hexokinase and G-6-PD
Sources of Error
- Hemolysis cause false ↑ CK activity
- CK is inactivated by light (decreased ↓)
- Physical activity and IM injections cause ↑ CK
Creatine Kinase (CK)/ Creatine Phosphokinase Reference Range
Male (higher): 15-160 U/L Female: 15-130 U/L
CK-MB: <6% of total CK
CK-3/ CK-MM/
Muscle Type
Specific to Skeletal Muscle
CK that has lowest mobility toward the anode (least anodic)
CK-3/ CK-MM/ Muscle Type
CK that major isoenzyme in striated muscle and normal serum
CK-3/ CK-MM/ Muscle Type
CK-2/ CK-MB/ Hybrid Type
Specific to the Heart
CK that is 2nd fastest to migrate toward the anode
CK-2/ CK-MB/ Hybrid Type
CK that significant quantities are found in heart tissues
CK-2/ CK-MB/ Hybrid Type