MH disorders Flashcards
Neurocognitive Disorders
Includes delirium, dementia, and amnesia etc; clinically relavent changes in thinking and memory in contrast to previous thinking and memory abilities that may affect functioning in all areas of daily functioning
Cog domains:
1. complex attention
2. executive function
3. learning memory
4. language
5. perceptual-motor
6. social cognition
Intervention for Neurocognitive Disorders
- environmental adaptation for SAFETY
- caregiver education
- behavioral intervention to manage fatigue and sleep-wake cycles
Substance-Related &
Addictive Disorders
- Can affect cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms that lead to addiction and compulsive actions to obtain desired substances and maintain ongoing use
- Impact in all areas of occupational functioning, routines/roles, substance abuse heavlity in daily life
Intervention for Subtance-Related/Addictive Disorders
- psychosocial therapies, including coping, stress management, and social skills training
- cognitive-based intervention geared toward increasing client’s motivation control of life
- OT helps identify realistic expectations and discharge plan; reasons for why using (important to address during eval.)
- support group refferals
Criterion A
1. delusions
2. hallucinations
3. disorganized thinking (speech)
4. grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including catatonia)
5. Negative symptoms
Criterion B: disturbence in one or more areas of function such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care
Criterion C: ongoing signs of the illness for** 6months** includung** at least 1 symptom of criterion A**
Criterion D: other related disorders, inclulding schizoaffective disorder or depressive/bipolar disorder with psychotic features, have been ruled out as diagnoses
Criterion E: the disturbances is not being caused by another medical condition or substance use
Criterion F: if an already existing neurodevelopmental or childhood communication disorder is diagnosed, schizophrenia is only diagnosed if req. symptoms plus prominent delusions/hallucinations are present for at least one month without treatment
Psychotic DIsorders
Criterion A: presence of 1 or more sensory behavioral, cognitive, or psychomotor symptoms, including delusions, hallucinations, disorganization of speech or behavior, and’or catatonia
Criterion B: symptoms range from one day to one month in duration, followed by complete resolution of symptoms and return to prior level of functioning
Schizoaffective disorder
uninterrupted period of illness during which, at some point, there is a** major depressive, manic, or mixed episode concurrent **with positive or negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia; symptoms of bipolar and schizophrenia; mental ill ness that can affect your thoughts, mood, and behavior.
no psychosis
Schizophreniform disorder
**meets criteria for schizophrenia; however, the episode lasts for more than 1 month, but less than 6 months **required for a diagnosis of schizophrenia
Delusional disorder
presence of 1 or more delusions for the duration of 1 month or longer and the criteria for schizphrenia has not been met
Bipolar I
- One or more manic episodes
- May be combined with hypomanic or major depressive episodes
CBT, interpersonal therapy, illness management
Cyclothymic- milder form of bipolar
Bipolar II Disorder
- One or more major depressive episodes
- Must be atleast 1 hypomanic episode
- NO history of manic episode
Cyclothymic Disorder
Characterized by several periods of hypomanic and depressive symptoms, which do not meet the criteria for a manic, hypomanic, or major depressive episode, lasting for** at least 2 years**.
Manic Episode
- at least 3 symptoms must persist for the period of at least 1 week
- mood disturbances/psychotic features (required hospitalization to prevent harm to self/others
- Behavoirs associated: resistence to treatment (fail to recognize illness)
- suggestive/flamboyant dress
- gambling, promiscuity, excessive spending, or giving things away
- irritable, assaultive, or suicidal behavior
Manic Symptoms
- irritable, consistently moody
- inc. targeted, goal-directed behavoir or restless, purposeless behaviors (psychomotor agitation)
- inflated self-esteem/grandiose/impulsive behaviors
- dec. need for sleep
- pressured or quick speech, potentially related to feelings of rushed/racing thoughts
- increased engagement in subjectively pleasureable activities that may be high risk painful, harmful, or have adverse consequences
Meds for Manic Episodes
- antipsychotics
- mood-stabilizers