MH Flashcards
MH mutation genes
RYR 1 chr 19
CACNA1S chr 1
STAC3 chr 12
Hypermetabolism: ATP needed for what 3 things
Ca release, reuptake into SR, and troponin decoupling
MH: succ vs VA causes cell level
Succ sustained depolarization at nAChR. VA at ryanodine receptor, ca release from SR
Earliest s/s MH
Hypercarbia, tachypnea, tachycardia
Confirmatory lab in kids w masseter spasm after sux
> 20,000 CPK
MMR: what is normal, check what, MH occurs how often
Mild inc masseter tone after sux w limb flaccidity. Check K and ABG. MH occurs in 20% of cases of MMR
3 symptoms that occur w rhabdo
Muscle pain, myoglobinuria, arrhythmias from high K
CPK correlates
In >20k well w rhabdo, less well w fever and acidosis
Rapid v slow rhabdo
K dangerously high/quick in rapid, in slow its safer, K is redistributed before blood levels increase
Sympathetic response leads to 3 things in heart/vessels
Inc catecholamines lead to inc HR, cutaneous vasoconstriction, inc SVR
Inc CO
What to do in isolated MMR
D/c volatiles, give propofol, turn up flows, get another IV/give vol/ABG. Observe 24h if other symptoms. Maybe muscle bx
Gold standard MH test
Halothane caffeine contracture test. Muscle in halothane, sustained contracture. 80% specificity
How dantrolene works, 1/2 time
Reduces muscle tone and metab. Dec release of Ca from SR. Blocks external entry of Ca into sarcoplasm. Inhib ca thru ryanodine receptors. 10-15 e 1/2
Dantrolene: doesnt potentiate effects of what
Non depolarizing muscle relaxants or interfere w reversal. Can cause weakness if pre existing NM disease
DONT use dantrolene with what
CCB, life threatening hyperkalemia and myo depression