Herbals Flashcards
What the dietary supplement and health education act does
Considers herbals food not a med. no proof of safety/quality control, no regulations. Can’t promise a cure but can claim effect
Herbals: consumers dont know what 5 things
If there are active ingredients, if ingredients are bioavailable, if dose is right, if each bottle has same components, if pill has contaminants
Example of quality control where herb potency and amount varied widely between manufacturers
Classes 1 and 2 of herbals
1- safe when used appropriately. 2- restrictions a- external only, b- not use if pregnant c- not used while nursing
Herbal classes 3 and 4
3- use only under expert supervision, 4- insufficient data available
Profile of herbal user: sex, age, race, education, procedures
Female, 40-60, white, college edu, neurosurgical/obstetrical/gyn procedures
How herbals affect periop period 3
Direct intrinsic effects (pts physiology), pharmacodynamics (alt action of other drugs), pharmacokinetics (alter abs/met/dist of other drugs)
Specific anesthesia concerns w herbals 6
Prolonged anesthetic effects, inc bleed risk, hypo/hypertension, hypoglycemia, hepatotoxic, interact w other meds
When to D/c herbals
14 days before
Kava kava effect
CNS depressant, sedative, anxiolytic. Prolongs anesthesia effect
Kava kava concerns
Inc sedative fx anesthesia, addiction/withdrawal, SE H/A/dizzy, long term use can discolor skin, hepatotoxic
Valerian does what
Sedative, mild anxiolytic, sleep aid
Valerian concern w anesthesia
Potentiated effects. Avoid w barbs, opioids, benzos
Valerian: SE, syndrome
HA, excitability, ataxia, gi discomfort. Withdrawal: delirium, cardiac abn
St. John’s wart- what it is
Prozac alternative, tx depression